大統領の就任後の2年間は、米国史上最も生産的な2年間であり、ブループリントが説明するように、これらの成果はすべて1つの経済ビジョンの一部である。今議会では、大統領と議会民主党は、FDR 以来最も積極的な景気回復策、アイゼンハワー以来最も多額のインフラ投資、製造業と研究開発への史上最も多額の投資、家庭のコスト削減とクリーンエネルギー製造を加速させる歴史的な法律を可決しました。
Blueprintは、大統領がCHIPSとScience Actの成果であるインテルの新しい製造施設の起工式のためにオハイオ州を訪問し、来週インフレ抑制法に署名するのに先立って発表されるものです。
- 労働者に力を与え、より多くの高収入の仕事と、労働組合を結成し、職場で尊厳を持つための労働者の力を強化する。
- インフラへの投資、クリーンエネルギーの仕事と技術革新でアメリカを世界のリーダーにすること、製造業の基盤を強化すること、そしてアメリカ製品を購入することによって、アメリカで成功すること。
- 処方薬や質の高い医療、高速インターネット、教育、保育、長期介護、住宅、その他必要不可欠なもののコストを下げ、アクセスを拡大することで、家族にゆとりを与える。
- 企業集中に対処し、マイノリティや女性が経営する企業を含む中小企業や起業家を促進し、弾力的なサプライチェーンを支援することによって、米国の産業の競争力を高め、集中を緩和し、弾力性を持たせる。
- 富ではなく、労働に報いる。富裕層と大企業が公平に負担することを保証し、インフレ削減法のように所得40万ドル以下の世帯には決して増税しない、労働者中心の税制改革を行う。
White House Releases The Biden-Harris Economic Blueprint
Today, the White House is releasing the President’s Economic Blueprint, explaining how his historic legislative successes, and executive actions the Administration has taken, are rebuilding the economy from the bottom up and middle out now and for years ahead.
The President’s first two years in office have been two of the most productive in American history, and as the Blueprint explains, these accomplishments are all part of one economic vision. This Congressional session, the President and Congressional Democrats passed the most aggressive economic recovery package since FDR, the most substantial infrastructure investment since Eisenhower, the most significant investment in manufacturing and research and development in history, and a historic law to lower costs for families and accelerate clean energy manufacturing.
The Blueprint is being released as the President travels to Ohio for the groundbreaking of Intel’s new manufacturing facility – the result of the President’s CHIPS and Science Act – and ahead of next week when he will sign the Inflation Reduction Act into law.
President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Congressional Democrats quickly spurred the strongest and most equitable economic and labor market recovery in modern history, after inheriting a pandemic economic crisis. While it will take time and there is more work to do, including immediate work to support the U.S. economy’s transition from historic recovery to stable, steady, growth with lower inflation, the Biden-Harris Administration has laid the foundation to begin tackling decades-long economic challenges and finally deliver an economy that works for working families.
Read the Blueprint here.
President Biden’s economic blueprint has five pillars:
- Empowering Workers, with more, good-paying jobs and greater worker power to unionize and have dignity at work.
- Making and Building it in America, by investing in infrastructure, making America the world’s leader in clean energy jobs and innovation, bolstering our manufacturing base, and buying American.
- Giving Families Breathing Room, by lowering costs and expanding access to prescription drugs and high-quality health care, high-speed internet, education, child care and long-term care, housing, and other essential needs.
- Making American Industry More Competitive, Less Concentrated, and More Resilient, by taking on corporate concentration, promoting small businesses and entrepreneurs including minority and women owned businesses, and supporting resilient supply chains.
- Rewarding Work, Not Wealth, with worker-centric tax reform that ensures the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share, while never raising taxes on households with incomes below $400,000, as was done in the Inflation Reduction Act.