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海兵隊、米軍基地爆破のFBIの策動を阻止 新事実チェリーポイントFBI容疑者は先週までATFだった

2023-04-19 12:50:25 | カウンター・グレートリセット


Cherry Point FBI Suspects Were ATF Until Last Week
By Michael Baxter - April 19, 2023

マイケル・バクスター著 - 2023年4月19日



M.P. は、統合指紋識別システムによる指紋照合で容疑者の身元を確認しました。確かに彼らはFBIの特別捜査官で、それぞれ10年以上連邦政府で勤務していた。しかし、経歴を調べると、このおしゃべりな容疑者が憲兵隊に隠していた、ある情報が判明した。








(訪問回数24,268回、本日訪問回数24,268回) 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。



The two federal agents caught outside a bomb depot at USMC Cherry Point Air Station had transferred to the FBI from the ATF only days before an alert aircraft mechanic spotted the shadowy duo sneaking around an ordnance depot on a secure military installation, a source in General Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

As reported yesterday, one suspect, once apprehended, told Cherry Point Military Police he was an FBI agent whose orders included infiltrating the base and planting a remote detonator in a bomb storage building. He said that “his superiors,” presumably Director Christopher Wray or his immediate underlings, had authorized the incursion. He did not, however, namedrop Wray—our source made that assumption, which we inexcusably mistook as fact.

The M.P.s confirmed the suspects’ identities through fingerprint matching using the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System. Indeed they were FBI Special Agents, each with over 10 years of federal service. However, a background check revealed a morsel of information that the talkative suspect hid from military police: he and his colleague were transferred to the FBI on April 10, less than a week ahead of the would-be attack.

Interagency transfers are common. The FBI and DEA, for example, have historically recruited members of the IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division, and “personnel shuffling,” as one FBI whistleblower unrelated to this incident told Real Raw News, is routine business. Nonetheless, the odds of both agents getting reassigned to the FBI’s Atlanta office are infinitesimally small and, factoring in their nefarious plans, exclude mere coincidence.

It’s unclear why the ATF would send agents to the FBI to commit an act of domestic terror against a U.S. military installation. Although the agencies have disparate roles, they have in the past criminally conspired against the citizenry, namely in Ruby Ridge, Idaho (Randy Weaver,) and Waco, Texas (Branch Davidians.)

Even the chatty suspect, our source said, clammed up when M.P.s inquired about his recent job change.

“When military police brought up the ATF, the guy suddenly got as quiet as the proverbial mouse on Christmas morning. He was talking up a storm until that. We know ATF Director Dettelbach is a Black Hat, and a foul one, but he wasn’t really on our radar until the other day. Given his chummy friendship with Wray, well, we can make some assumptions,” our source said.

Neither the FBI nor the ATF, he added, has jurisdictional authority on U.S. military bases, for any reason.

When asked about the fate of the two agents, our source said, “Honestly, right now they’re held as prisoners of war, while JAG decides if they should be held for a military tribunal or summarily executed since they were caught in the act.”


(Visited 24,268 times, 24,268 visits today)

Marines Foil Fed Plot to Explode U.S. Military Base
By Michael Baxter - April 18, 2023

マイケル・バクスター著 - 2023年4月18日

















On Sunday, United States Marines at USMC Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, apprehended two FBI agents who had entered the base undetected and were skulking near an ordnance building that held bombs for the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing’s AV-8B Harrier and F-35 Lightning II jets, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Cherry Point, regarded as one of the best all-weather jet bases in the world, sits on 29,000 acres of land in Havelock, North Carolina. The heart of Cherry Point is its massive four-point runway system, designed to provide multiple approach and departure advantages to all aviators who can fly there. The air station’s runways are so long that they served as an alternate emergency landing site for NASA during the years that the agency maintained a space shuttle program. The station has approximately 53,000 active duty, dependents, and civilian contractors.

Despite its size, population, and abundance of traffic, Cherry Point is a closed base, meaning a valid military I.D. is needed to enter its front and rear gates. After the Christmas Day assault on Guantanamo Bay, Gen. Smith tightened security on all domestic Marine Corps installations, instructing leadership to watch for corrupt feds and deny entry to military commanders loyal to the criminal Biden regime.

At 10:45 p.m. Sunday, an aircraft mechanic spotted two shadowy figures outside a secure ordnance depot. He called security, saying “a couple of guys in tactical gear with sidearms” were loitering around the depot’s loading doors. They did not appear to be authorized personnel.

“All weapon lockers and storage have a keypad entry. It’s not like anyone can just walk in. There are also cameras everywhere, but the intruders weren’t seen. Maybe they knew blind spots, or maybe an inattentive Marine wasn’t watching the security feed. Anyway, the maintenance worker alerted security, and they investigated,” our source said.

USMC Military Police quickly located the trespassers and ordered them to put their pistols on the ground. They complied, and the M.P.s cuffed and searched them. The prowlers refused to identify themselves and carried no wallets, no identification; they were, however, wearing belt pouches with maps of the station, digital cameras, wire cutters, and an electronic gadget the size of a remote garage door opener.

Our source said the M.P.s separated the prisoners and brought them to holding cells for interrogation.

“Garrison commander Colonel Brendan C. Berks and Gen. Smith were notified of the intrusion. They told the M.P.s to apply the necessary pressure to get a confession. We knew they were FBI as soon as we fingerprinted them but wanted to hear what they had to say,” our source said.

When told he was under arrest and would be tried as a war criminal, one fed asked the M.P. to elaborate on the charges.

“That’s not necessary for you to know. All you need to know is you’ll be found guilty and executed,” the M.P. replied. It’s unclear if he was serious—since he had no authority to make such a decision—but his tone and body language must have scared the fed shitless, for he admitted he was FBI and that his superiors had ordered him to infiltrate the air station, access the ordnance depot, and plant a “receiver” that would have remotely detonated all the GBU-12 and GBU-16 laser-guided bombs after he had egressed the station. The electronic gadget, he admitted, had a dual purpose: it ought to have opened the door to the depot and served as a trigger to blow the building and a chunk of the base to smithereens. The device, however, malfunctioned and wouldn’t open the door.

“He couldn’t or wouldn’t say why Wray wanted to commit an act of terror on a U.S. military base. He just said those were his orders. He also said he got on base by exploiting a weakness in the fence,” our source said.

The second fed, he added, has thus far refused to talk.

When asked about their fate, he said, “Well, the M.P. was right about one thing: they will be held as war criminals.”

(Visited 37,750 times, 37,750 visits today)


It was just another federal court decision dealing a further blow to the fate of one of the few remaining souls at the tormented prison at Guantánamo Bay, a chunk of soil on the southeast coast of Cuba that was a spoil turned over to the United States after its victory in the Spanish-American War. The well-documented horrors that went on in the military prison set up there after the 9/11 attacks became a recruiting tool for disaffected young Arabs eager to demonstrate their hatred of America.
The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled in early April that a federal government prisoner, a businessman from Yemen named Abdulsalam Ali Abdulrahman al-Hela, could not be kept locked up if he was no longer deemed to be a threat. But the Court did not rule, as his attorneys wanted, that al-Hela, who is not a US citizen and was captured in a foreign country, had a constitutional right to due process. Al-Hela was initially captured twenty-one years ago in Egypt and, after two years in Central Intelligence Agency black-site prisons, was shipped to Gitmo for further enhanced interrogation—aka torture. 
An internal review board eventually cleared him for release to a nation that employs what the board called “appropriate security measures.” But war-torn Yemen, al-Hela’s home, was not considered safe, and he remained in jail. Hence the new trial, whose same old finding once again had to evoke dismay for sixteen other prisoners who have been approved for release but not to a nation considered safe.
In essence the appellate court adopted the government’s contention that the earlier proceedings against al-Hela and the use of classified intelligence to justify his detention did not violate his acknowledged constitutional right to due process. In so doing, the court was parroting the government’s two main arguments that had been used successfully in scores of prior detainee trials. The first was that federal courts should find that due process does not apply to Guantánamo detainees. The second was that even if you, as the judge, do conclude that due process applies in general to the cases brought by detainees, it doesn’t matter because the detainee got due process anyway. 
All of this has been asserted again and again in federal courts with no sense of irony. al-Hela was told by the judge in the case in hand: “We assume without deciding that the Due Process Clause applies.” Al-Hela’s attorneys responded in a subsequent filing that their client would “continue to serve what amounts to a life sentence, as cruel in its own way as the horrific physical torture that he endured in the CIA’s ‘dark prisons.’”
I’m far from a lawyer, and I could not grasp the meaning of a court keeping a cleared-for-release detainee of more than two decades in prison indefinitely because of an assumption that due process applies but did not prevail there because he did get due process. One senior member of the defendants’ bar at Gitmo, who asked not to be named, assured me that the al-Hela case would never be accepted by the Supreme Court as now constructed. “What the appellate court was really saying is, ‘Hey, we’re trying really hard to give the guy a meaningful process. We’re doing all we can. But aw, fuck it—the guy who tried the case [in the lower federal district court] tried really hard and that’s enough. He was doing all he could.’ The larger question regarding constitutionally is that the courts are not in a political position to say prisoners at Guantánamo are entitled to due process. It’s not about law.”
Another lawyer with Supreme Court experience asserted that the issue at stake in the al-Hela case “has nothing to do with the law. There’s no objective principles here. It’s the same with abortion, the ‘free press,’ ‘reasonable search and seizure’ and everything else in the Constitution. It’s made up. It’s fugazi. Courts can do anything they want. A court can say there is a right to abortion because there’s some stray clause [in the Constitution] that mentions ‘liberty’ and so that liberty must cover the right to abortion. Another court the next day can say abortion is unconstitutional because the same clause mentions ‘life.’ When you’re a Supreme Court justice you can do anything. It’s 100 percent political. Not the slightest bit of jurisprudence.
“Everyone knows that this Guantánamo business is nuts,” he said. “But not a single person [on a federal court or in the White House] has the balls to take responsibility for being the guy who ended it.”
I wrote about Guantánamo in 2004 in magazine articles about the abuse of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, one year after President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney responded to 9/11 by attacking the regime of Saddam Hussein, a despotic leader who happened to harbor the same fear of radical Islamists as did those running the White House. The abuse at Abu Ghraib was eerily similar to that at Guantánamo, in terms of insanely violent interrogation tactics that were not designed to produce effective results. There was a mysterious presence there that confounded Antonio Taguba, the Army major general who was assigned to investigate prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib in the wake of reporting by CBS and later by me in a series of articles for the New Yorker. I did not meet and befriend Tony Taguba for more than a year after my reporting that depicted the stacking of naked prisoners in a pyramid with young female Army prison guards simulating masturbation and taking photos. I also reported on a few savage murders of prisoners that were conducted by what were clearly American Special Operations officers, many wearing Army uniforms with no name tags. I later learned from Taguba that he could get no authority during his mandated investigation of the prison abuses to seek out and question any American intelligence officials. It was a mystery left unsolved.

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