公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-01-30 13:10:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット

UNBELIEVABLE: The Biden Admin Is Using YOUR Money To Secretly Fly Illegals Across The Country, Lost Track Of 47,000 Migrants












The Biden Administration’s performance on immigration has been a disaster since the start of his term. Since Biden took office, illegal immigration has skyrocketed at uncontrollable rates and CBP and ICE have not been able to properly keep up.

In December 2020, 75,000 migrants crossed the southern border. In December 2021, 180,000 migrants crossed our southern border, dwarfing the December 2020 numbers.

To no one’s surprise, border control facilities, ICE, and DHS staff have been unable to keep track of the influx of migrants crossing the border. In an attempt to ease the overflow of border facilities, migrants were to install a tracking app on their phones and or install an ankle monitor so that ICE or the respective immigration court system could notify them to report to the court on their assigned date.

This method, although easing the overflowing of border facilities and cutting down on paperwork, has led to the DHS losing track of 47,000 migrants who were supposed to report in.

This represents a complete failure of the federal government to prioritize the protection and welfare of its own citizens. To make matters worse, the migrants were allowed to travel into the interior of the nation after crossing the border.

In the last year, a constant flow of images and videos displaying white and silver buses dropping off migrants within United States borders has been leaked to the press and posted on social media. Brownsville, McAllen, San Antonio, Dallas, and other major Texas cities have all had buses full of migrants unload within their jurisdiction.

To make matters even more concerning, a recently leaked video displays childless migrant men exiting a contractor aircraft in suburban New York.


本日のテキサス・ラリー よりトランプの声明

Unknown 0:00
The country that you have no choice this November you have to throw. These raving lunatics the hell out of power and elect strong Republicans, restore your borders, protect your safety, defend your jobs and put America first. With Biden the radical left, it's always America last and that's why they tell you look at these horrible deals they make. Throughout the world, it's always America last, everyone in Washington is obsessing over how to protect Ukraine's border. But the most important border in the world right now for us, is not Ukraine's motor. It's America's border and we do nothing about it. But people come in and we have no idea who they are. The first duty of the American president is to defend the American border. Before our leaders talk about invasions of other countries, they need to stop the invasion of this country is being invaded. It's being invaded by people that should not be allowed to do you know, we had the safest border, the strongest border that we've ever had just one year ago. And before Joe Biden to send any troops to defend the border in Eastern Europe, he should be sending troops to defend our border right here in Texas. When I left office, we handed so many incredible things to the new administration, but one of the best was that great secure border and it wasn't even close. There's never been a border like that. You saw people tell me they said it was like we were living in a different world. It was so nice. They had never seen it. We had stopped not only the people coming in that we didn't want in most cases, or certainly in many cases, but the drugs now are surging. We had it down to the lowest level in decades. Yet under Biden, over 5 million people trespassed illegally across our border. Last year alone. Think of it 5 million people and we have no idea who the hell they are, or where they came from, but you'll be paying a price for years to come. This was not a minor incursion. This was the single largest mass murder incursion probably in the history of the world. There's never been a country that would allow this to happen. You can go to third world countries or fourth world countries, they wouldn't allow this to happen. Normally a nation has to lose a war to a foreign power in order to lose its border and yet our borders been surrendered. We have surrendered a border. It's been surrendered by our own president and the Democrats just like Biden's surrendered to Afghanistan. And now the entire planet is intruding across it. As though America had been defeated on the field of battle. There's no other excuse for it. And even during the debates, nobody said that this was going to happen. Nobody said we were going to have totally open borders. And if they said it, we wouldn't have believed them. Nobody would have believed that. Biden's complete. abdication of duty is getting untold numbers of innocent Americans killed. One Biden's watch last year Border Patrol saw our 350% increase in criminal aliens breaking across our border including 1,900% more murders 1,900% in the sanctuary state of New York, three savage illegal alien Ms. 13 gang member killers. were charged last year with beating a 31 year old mother with a baseball bat, hacking her to pieces with a machete and stuffing her body into the trunk of a car. Three months ago an illegal alien with a prior criminal record. Violently carjacked a woman at a gas station in suburban Kentucky. shot her 16 year old son who was in the car and went on a two week long crime spree of brutal carjackings and armed robbery. hurting many people right now in hospitals all over that great state. in Beverly Hills, California.

Unknown 4:56
The crime is so bad that rich people leave their car trunks open soon the vandals and thieves won't destroy their cars when robbing them. Think of that. That's Beverly Hills, a lot of money in Beverly Hills, right? They're not so happy. You know, people have asked me and they said would you do it? I said I'll do it. I have to find it, but I'm going to do it. But it's nice to have a memory where you don't really have to read it but let's read it anyway. Let's read it anyway. They wanted to hear the snake. I haven't done that. Does anybody know what that is? This as you know has to do with immigration. Do you want me to do it? So this has to do really with immigration. And it's a very serious problem. For our country. We have many serious problems. We're at the losing end of every single problem the snake, water way to work one morning, down the path long collect. A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake is pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the do Poor things. She cried. I'll take you in and I'll take care of you. Take me in Oh tender woman take me in. For heaven's sake. Take me in Oh, tender woman. Side leave gracious. She wrapped him up all cozy in a comfort air of self and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk sharing from work that night. And soon as she arrived, she found that pretty steaks she'd taken in had been fully revived. Take me in Oh, tender woman take me. Take me a tender woman beside that vicious thing. She punched him to her bosom. You're so beautiful. She cried. But if I didn't bring you in by now, this man truly would have died. She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight. But instead of saying thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her take a woman say


今年の11月、あなたには選択の余地がありません......あなたが投げなければならない国です。この狂った連中を政権から追い出し、強力な共和党員を選出し、国境を回復し、安全を守り、雇用を守り、アメリカを第一に考えるのです。バイデンのような急進的な左派は、常にアメリカが最後であり、だからこそ彼らが行う恐ろしい取引を見てみろと言うのです。世界中で、いつもアメリカが最後です。ワシントンの誰もが、ウクライナの国境をどうやって守るかに執着しています。しかし、私たちにとって今、世界で最も重要な国境は、ウクライナの国境ではありません。アメリカの国境なのに、我々は何もしない。しかし、人が入ってきても、それが誰なのかわからない。アメリカ大統領の第一の義務は、アメリカの国境を守ることです。我々のリーダーが他国への侵略を語る前に、この国が侵略されているという侵略を止める必要があります。たった1年前までは、最も安全で、最も強固な国境があったのですから。ジョー・バイデン氏が東ヨーロッパの国境を守るために軍隊を派遣する前に、ここテキサスの国境を守るために軍隊を派遣すべきです。私が退任したとき、私たちは多くの素晴らしいものを新政権に渡しましたが、その中でも特に良かったのは、素晴らしい安全な国境でしたが、それには程遠いものでした。あんなに安全な国境はありませんでした。まるで別世界に住んでいるかのようだと言う人もいましたね。とても素敵な場所でした。彼らはそれを見たことがありませんでした。私たちは、ほとんどの場合、いや確かに多くの場合、必要のない人々の流入を阻止しただけでなく、今では急増している麻薬も阻止しました。この数十年で最も低いレベルにまで麻薬を減らしたのです。しかし、バイデン政権下では、500万人以上の人々が国境を越えて不法に侵入しています。去年だけでです。500万人もの人々が一体誰なのか、どこから来たのか見当もつきませんが、今後何年にも渡って代償を払うことになるでしょう。これは小さな侵攻ではありませんでした。これは、おそらく世界の歴史上、唯一最大の大量殺人の侵略だったのです。このようなことを許す国はありませんでした。第三世界や第四世界の国々に行っても、このようなことは許されません。通常、国が国境を失うためには外国との戦争に負けなければなりませんが、私たちの国境は放棄されてしまったのです。私たちは国境を明け渡してしまったのです。バイデンがアフガニスタンで降伏したように、自分たちの大統領と民主党によって降伏させられたのです。そして今、地球全体がそこに侵入している。まるでアメリカが戦場で敗北したかのように。それ以外の言い訳はありません。討論会でも、誰もこんなことになるとは言っていませんでした。完全なオープンボーダーになるとは誰も言わなかった。もし彼らがそう言ったとしても、私たちはそれを信じなかったでしょう。誰も信じなかったでしょうね。バイデンの完全な職務放棄によって、罪のないアメリカ人が数え切れないほど殺されている。バイデンの監視下にある昨年の国境警備隊は、犯罪者である外国人が国境を越えて侵入する件数が350%増加し、聖域であるニューヨーク州での殺人件数は1900%増加しました。3ヶ月前には、前科のある不法滞在者が ケンタッキー州郊外のガソリンスタンドで女性をカージャックし、同乗していた16歳の息子を撃ち、2週間に渡ってカージャックと武装強盗を繰り返しました。


も、本当は読まなくてもいいんだけど、とりあえず読んでおこう、という記憶があるのはいいことだ。とにかく読んでみよう。ヘビの声を聞きたいと。それはやっていません。誰かそれを知っている人はいますか?ご存知のように、これは移民に関係しています。私にやって欲しいですか?だから、これは本当に移民に関係しているんだ。そしてそれはとても深刻な問題です。私たちの国にとって。私たちは多くの深刻な問題を抱えています。ある朝、仕事に行く途中の道で、長い間集められていた蛇がいました。心優しい女性が、かわいそうに半分凍った蛇を見ました。きれいな色の肌は、かわいそうなことをしたせいで、すっかり凍っていました。彼女は泣きました。私があなたを引き取って、あなたの面倒を見ます。私を連れて行って ああ、優しい女性 私を連れて行って 天のために。Take me in Oh, tender woman. Side leave gracious. 彼女は彼を自分の快適な空気で包み込み、その夜、仕事で分けてもらった蜂蜜とミルクを持って、彼女の炉辺に寝かせました。そして、彼女が到着するとすぐに、彼女が取り込んだ可愛いステーキが完全に蘇っていた。Take me in Oh, tender woman take me. その凶悪なものの横で、私を優しい女性にしてください。彼女は彼を胸元にパンチした。あなたはとても美しい。彼女は泣いた。でも、今すぐあなたを連れてこなければ、この人は本当に死んでいたでしょう。彼女は再び彼のきれいな肌を撫で、キスをして彼を強く抱きしめた。しかし、蛇は奥さん、ありがとうと言う代わりに、女の人が言うような言葉をかけました。



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