On Monday, Trump lawyers soldiered on six days after the election, just as personal counsel Rudy Giuliani had promised they would during a surreal weekend press conference outside a landscaping storefront in northeast Philadelphia.
Giuliani denounced the city’s vote count — which fell about 4-1 for Biden, giving the Democrat the win Saturday in both Pennsylvania and the U.S. election — as “extremely troubling.”
ジュリアーニは、市の投票数を、バイデンが約4対1で落ち、土曜日のペンシルバニア州と米国の選挙で民主党に勝利を与えたことを、"非常に厄介なもの "として非難した。
Washington examiner
Rudy Giuliani: Trump campaign has enough evidence to change Pennsylvania election results
by | November 08, 2020 12:34 PM
President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani said he has evidence that may change the results of the presidential electoral map.
In a Sunday interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Giuliani said the lawsuits being filed by the Trump campaign might reveal that up to 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in the state of Pennsylvania, a key election swing state several news outlets projected presumptive President-elect Joe Biden would win. "Do you believe that you have enough to actually change the fate of the election?" Bartiromo asked.
"Well, I think we have enough to change Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania election was a disaster," Giuliani said. "We have people that observed people being pushed out of the polling place. We have people who were suggested to vote the other way and shown how to do it. I'm giving you the big picture."
Giuliani described details of its investigation in Pennsylvania, which may translate to new lawsuits this week, as early as Monday. He alleged Republican observers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, were "kept out of the room or kept away from the room" for 24-hours where mail-in ballots were counted, adding that 135,000 ballots were counted during that time period.
"Even though we went to court, and we were allowed to move 6 feet closer, the Democrat-machine people moved the counting place six feet further away. This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50 witnesses," Giuliani said, which would be the subject of a Monday civil rights lawsuit on Monday.
Giuliani said the Trump team was also looking into whether ballots were cast in the name of people who are already dead and if ballots were "back-dated."
"We have evidence now, from not only the Post Office but from others, that there was back-dating. I can only tell you right now that that amounts to about 2,000 or 3,000 votes," Giuliani said.
In a statement released on Saturday through his campaign, Trump declared, "This election is far from over."
"Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor," the statement reads.
On Friday, Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered all Pennsylvania county boards of elections to segregate late-arrival ballots from the rest of the mail-in ballots during the counting process. However, Democrats in the state have said the Supreme Court should not involve itself in the election and that the election's outcome would be unlikely to change.
According to Fox News chief White House correspondent John Roberts, sources tell him the president would "graciously concede" the election if unsuccessful in his legal efforts. "I’m told that, you know, in addition to the president wanting to see this done, the president is really being supported and being pushed to some degree by his family who want to make sure every legal vote was counted and that no illegal votes were counted," Roberts said.
He added that if Trump "does not see a path to continuing in as the president of the United States, he will graciously concede and work on a peaceful and appropriate transfer of power," according to words given to him.
by|2020年11月08日 12:34 PM
日曜日のフォックスニュースの司会者マリア・バーティロモとのインタビューで、ジュリアーニは、トランプ陣営が提訴している訴訟が、最大90万人の無効な投票用紙がペンシルバニア州で投じられたことを明らかにする可能性があると述べ、選挙の重要なスイングステートであるペンシルバニア州は、いくつかの報道機関が、次期大統領候補のジョー・バイデンが勝つと予測していた。"「選挙の運命を変えるだけの力があると信じていますか?」 バーティロモは尋ねた
ジュリアーニは、トランプ陣営は、投票用紙が既に亡くなった人の名前で投じられたかどうか、また、投票用紙が "日付を遡って "投じられたかどうかも調査していると述べた。
"郵便局だけでなく、他の人たちからも証拠が出ています" "投票用紙が日付変更されていたということです 私が今言えるのは、約2,000~3,000票に相当すると言うことだけです」とジュリアーニ氏は述べた。
トランプ氏はキャンペーンを通じて土曜日に発表した声明の中で、"この選挙はまだ終わっていない "と宣言した。
"ジョー・バイデンは、どの州でも、強制再集計に向かっている非常に争われている州や、我々のキャンペーンが最終的な勝利者を決定する可能性のある有効かつ正当な法的挑戦を行っている州はおろか、勝利者として認定されていない "と、声明は読み上げている。
フォックス・ニュースのホワイトハウス特派員長ジョン・ロバーツ氏によると、情報筋は、もし法的努力が失敗した場合、大統領は選挙に "快く譲歩する "と伝えているという。"私が聞いたところによると、大統領は、このような事態を望んでいることに加えて、合法的な投票がすべてカウントされたことを確認し、違法な投票がカウントされなかったことを確認したいと考えている大統領の家族に支えられ、ある程度押されているとのことです "とロバーツ氏は語っています。