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Just named General H.R. McMaster National Security Advisor.

2017-02-21 08:38:56 | カウンター・グレートリセット
Just named General H.R. McMaster National Security Advisor.HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.






New Study Shows Illegal Immigrants to Outnumber Americans 2 to 1 by 2025
NOVEMBER 4, 2016 by R. HOBBUS J.D.
CAMBRIDGE, Ma. – A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at MIT suggests Americans living in the United States could find themselves outnumbered by illegal immigrants by a staggering ratio of at least two to one within the next ten years unless significant changes are made to U.S. immigration policy.

“If we continue traveling at our current trajectory, we as Americans will soon become a minority in our own country,” warned Dr. Emilio Martinez. Using satellite imagery obtained from the National Reconnaissance Office, Dr. Martinez and his team were able to map the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States over a ten-year period. “What we’ve seen is an incremental increase of twenty-three per cent over the last decade in the flow of undocumented individuals crossing over our southern border.”

The U.S. Census Bureau projects the U.S. population will reach just over 345 million people by 2025. However, according to Dr. Martinez, the current data doesn’t factor in the millions of undocumented persons arriving in the United States each year. “Our models show that if this trend continues, the population of the United States by 2025 will reach approximately 621 million with just under forty-nine per cent consisting of American citizens,” Martinez explained, adding that the data is offset by a 2% margin of error.

In contrast, the population of Mexico, which currently rests at about 126.3 million, is expected to shrink drastically over the next ten years due, in part, to rapidly changing climates and the country’s ongoing internal conflict with violent drug traffickers. “Mexicans -as we’ve seen over the last quarter century – have already begun to emigrate north into the U.S. and Canada,” said Luis Garcia, a third-year statistics major at MIT who serves as an assistant to Dr. Martinez. “These numbers, while relatively small, are expected to rise exponentially over the next four decades.”

Garcia’s data shows that by 2050, a number of Central and South American countries including Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, could see their populations dwindle below 2.5 million. “These people aren’t simply disappearing,” said Garcia. “On the contrary, they’re coming to the United States.”
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