

Toast beds, grooving, cheese block

2009-04-01 18:15:30 | Weblog
Today, I am not exactly sure if I did a lot of work.
I must have done, given that I did not need to take
my wife anywhere, except that I made a quicj dash

to my shops.

Anyway, my toast beds are now fully coating ready.
I actually wanted to coat them today, but pre-coating
inspection took a little longer...

Coating with the current lot continued, of course, no
photos here. Here start a series of photos re. chopstics

The thing is this. I have made them before, even with ferrite magnets,
and later with pegs. However, they were all done on a trial basis,
protoytpes, that is. Here, I am trying to do this all from


This image below has a few elements mixed in it.


Following photos and the schematic showing you my
concerns and me exploring the right avenue via looking
at all kinds of possibilities.

Above, exploring the right sanding bits.

Above, off-centred grooves and the rough inner surface,
how to combat these issues.

Above, exploring the right clumping by the vise,
thinking how best to achive firm grip on it.

I am dead serious about this piece of cheese. This will
be holding one of my coffee spoons. Once holing patters are
decided on I will reproduce these ans ell them at the stores.

パエ-リャ 248

2009-04-01 18:15:10 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas hoy?
Bien, creo...

No fue tan malo hoy en dia. No viento y no demasiado
frio, ya sea. Fue la mayor parte del tiempo
soleado, de todos modos ... Ahora, vamos?

No puedo cambiar la hora ni tan siquiera anularla!

Espero que sea convincente!

Creo que sera lo mejor!

Ana lo acaba de dejar con su pareja despues de
6 a-nyos!

Lo que menos me apetece es ...

Ana empieza a intimitar con Carlos!

Conchi, bastante para ahora, no?
Aqui, Vamos ingles!

I want to tell you something...

Do not start on that again!

They set sail to find the Altantis!

We were completely kept in the dark!

Call me if you have any trouble during the night!

Overloading causes blockages and gives a bad wash!

You want to nip it in the bud!

Conchita, we call it a day, do we not?
Take care and vaya con Dios!