

Chopstics cases made compact

2009-04-15 17:56:15 | Weblog
Conchita, the first image below showing you some of the
prototypes of my "My chopstics cases".

Baby feeders went mat today.

Above is my meek attempt to find the centre line with my
equi-distance finder (or centre finder) and I did draw
the lines, but the result was only marginally better.

This is because those posing surfaces are not well
defined, that is they are not exactly pararrell at all.
So. starting with the theoretical centre line

does not guarantee you can keep the right trench profile.

Actually, there is a more serious problem. It is the (peg,
eventually magnet and soft iron piece) positioning of
the holes and how I make these holes.

Up until this afternoon I drew my jig lines on the same side
of the pieces. That meant, also, that I relied on these lines
when I made holes. I will talk more about this issue, but

just take a look at the above image. This is showing you that
two belt sanders are operational at the same time. The one
at the left has a grain 40 coarseness and this helps me a lot!

You do not want to spend ages trying to solve uneven distribution
of wall thickness. 40 does help a lot!

Here above, you see two settings and the upper one is wrong!
You should not stick these pieces on top of each other like
this and make a through hole.

This is because, at the end of the day you will have to flick
back one of them and find that your peg will not easily
go through the holes, all due to slight positioning errors.

Today, I found that I should start with the configuration
like B, because no matter how off-set the holes may be,
this arrangement at least ensures that pegs will go right in!

That is all too important as far as the magnets and the soft iron
pieces are concerned, because they will be inserted later.
Wooden pegs are dummys for them during sanding process.

There may be some more minor discoveries, but I am inclined
to think that I have discovered all main operational procedues
for mas-producing chopstics cases.

パエ-リャ 261

2009-04-15 17:55:44 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Soleado alla? Creo que si!

Ha sido un dia calido. La prevision era de lluvia,
pero no la lluvia en absoluto. Yo esperaba que,
debido a que habia llovido mucho durante la ultima noche.

Nada es demasiado tarde, por lo que dice uno de mis amigos
en Londres, y que me hace pensar ... voy a poner
mi taller en una selva de Borneo, y sospecho que

no sera demasiado tarde, ya sea ...

Ahora entonces, vamos para hoy?

las verduras a la plancha

Que tal si mejor lo tomas hecho por ella!?

Aqui ocurre casi lo mismo que los fritos!

en cantidades razonables

El arroz por si no es perjudicial!

Mejor si lo tomas con verduras!

Un exceso de sal hara que tu cuerpo no funcione tan bien!

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles, no!?

I hate having to say it....

I cannot see how we can keep up with this pace!

You may come around to the idea that DOUNOKOUNO...

Raise the tempo and keep at it!

You must keep your men going!

Your hair will grow back!

It may be quite a time yet!

Conchita, shall we call it a day? Take care and
enjoy your sun!