

My chopstics containers, baby feeder spoons

2009-04-12 18:09:46 | Weblog
Conchita, my apologies...

I intended to carry 6 images today, but 5 of them were taken
with a much larger size than is allowed for uploading
for the weblogs. I do remember, though, that I did just that

long time ago, and it worked. I have been aware of this
problem, and I only wished to carry only one of them
for an enhanced view. With the rest I simply forgot to switch back

to the normal weblog mode... Apolgies, once again. The reason is
that I wanted to keep my wet sanding procedure for the department
sales opportunity. For that, I wanted a larger format.

What I wanted to show you today was the sanding procedures.
Sanding procedures on the belt sander, how initial sanding
can be best done, and finishing sanding how else...

Anyway, I am not going to resize those for the sake of
this web logging. Suffice to say that coating continued.
Chopstics are being made, and we went out to get some

plants and flowers for our garden. Just a little more
of that is mentioned in Spanish in the paella section.

Chopstics cases, yes, I am now getting more and more dexterious.
Today, I made two more with American red cherry.

It all makes me think. It is no longer that formidable to
fabricate these cases, given that I have more or less
established my operational procedures.

Actually, it is now surprisingly easier to fabricate them.
I am still struggling with the supply end of the starting
pieces, but even with these I should be able to manage.

The basic idea is this. Unlike conventional cases mine
are designed to have skin thin casethickness. That means
starting irregular thickness of the bars does not matter

so much, because I will be sanding them walls, down to skin
thin, anyway. So, I can comfortably start with 10mm +(-) 1mm.
That, in fact, is a piece of cake as far as I am concerned...

So, my gut-feeling is that I will have 11 mm thick board
cut out for me and I will then further cut it into 11 mm
(+/-) 1 mm thickness.

I should be able to absorb the extra cost of having planed
11 mm thick board into the final selling price, I think...

パエ-リャ 258

2009-04-12 18:09:05 | Weblog
Conchita!, Conchita!, como estas? Estas bien?
Espero que si!

El pronostico actual estuvo equivocado!
Ha hecho un dia agradable con ningun viento.
Salimos a conseguir algunas plantas y las flores

para nuestro jardin. Conseguimos aun algunas plantas
comestibles salvajes en la espalda de manera.
Yo los estare teniendo esta tarde, yo pienso.

Nuestro cuadro de hortalizas esta listo
para la toma de la temporada pronto.

Es realmente una temporada agradable del a-nyo!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

por no entrar dentro la definicion de juguete

Me parace absurdo!

dounokuno2, una vez que dounokouno1!

No!, No me interesa!

Este invierno sera calido y sin lluvias!


Lo descargo, pero no me aparece la pelicula
de descarga!

Dale clic a "Cuenta" arriba del lado derecho!

Selecionas "Favoritos"!

Conchi, bastante para hoy, no?
Aqui, vamos ingles!

A cluttered desk is a sure sign of genious!

He can clock up 14 hours a day!

I have got a fetish about NANINANI!
I am fetish about NANINANI!


The inner "DO" cannnot extend past
the end of the range of the outer "DO"!

dounokouhno, with no two moments alike!


No one questions whether more will occur!

Conchi, enough for today, no?
Vaya con Dios!