

failure after failure, happy dinosours

2009-04-02 17:41:54 | Weblog
Conchita, today was a bad day, really...
It started off OK, with taking my wife to her
regular by car.

Coating of my toast beds started as you see below.

Even my cheese got coated along with cream applicators.

Dinosours got the very last coating C, ready to go mat,
tommorrow, weather permitting, of course.

A series of trouble started then, when I was trying to
make chopstics cases. My trouble is compouned, perhaps
doubly, and even tripply... All taking up a lot of my time.

What I want to do is to have pieces of wood which have
a square cross-section of 10mm by 10 mm. That is not easy!

Not easy at all! You have to slice them out from a block
of wood, which is already time-consuming. The sticks are
not even perfect and I will have to sand them to near

perfection. That takes up time, too...

Having made grooves, and that is not too diffiuclt
nor time-consuming, but then you will have to
make holes for the magnets and counterpart soft

iron pieces, of certain depth.

Above photo is showing you my first failure. Can you
see that the stick is split at one end. I pulled it
wider after the failure.

The failure was this. I had made the hole of 5 mm diam.
and put some adhesive at the bottom of the cavity, then
tried to push the magnet in.

The magnet would not go in, after a thought, for obvious reasons.
The schematic A should show you why. The cavity is too tight.
That is why...

Adhesive walls made an air-tight volume at the bottom and
that volume resused to accept the magnet to come down!

So, I made the bore at 5.5 mm, actually the diam with B should
read 5.5 mm instead of 5 mm. The additional trouble here was
the presence of the spike as shown in B here.

Another failure as seen above. Main reason is it is difficult
to make a hole of the depth you want no matter how careful
you are in measuring the hole depth setting on the scale.

At this stage, I simply snapped! What I really need is
the right shaped bit, but I do not have it. You may think
it is easy to get hold of one you want, but not that easy at all!

I will try, of course, but I am being pessimistic
from my experience. I am quite knowledgeable about
bits and their diams. and trimmer bits, too.

In exasperation (mis-spelling, I know!) I shifted my
attention to rice spatulas. I will have to make them anyway,
sooner or later for the show.

I hasten to add, though, that I did try and cut out another
piece of block for a return match tommorrow. Ideally,
I will need to mail order sticks to my specification.

I am not exactly sure how costly that might be...
Will I be able to absorb the costs? Unsure...

パエ-リャ 249

2009-04-02 17:41:23 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Todo bien? Creo que si!

Creo que el clima se ha estabilizado ahora.
Habra algunos dias de lluvia por venir,
pero la primavera esta aqui para quedarse sin duda!

Entonces, vamos?

ellos dos solos (ellas dos solas)

con mucho valor y miedo

Esta es de una amigo...

por un par de dias


..., y el habia dejado de ser el chico timido



Tanto a hombres como a mujeres, nos atraen
personas relajadas y seguras de si mismas!

Conchi, bastante para ahora, no?
Vamos ingles aqui!

There is no supposed destination!

I was bubbling with confidence!

Do as best as you can!

She is in a shock!


You cannot make a career out of being just promissing!

You cannot have it off in front of people!

Jnae came down for the weekend!

Life is odd! Do not kid yourself!

How do you feel?

Conchita, this should suffice for now.
Take care and vaya con Dios!