

Baby feeders, toast beds, bread beds

2009-04-07 18:08:34 | Weblog
Work for the department continues. The following photo
might be useful at the department store to show the
extent to which I go in ensuring the integrity of

my coating... Anyway, this coating work still
continues. Toast beds have been done and simply
wating for final inspection.

Today's main work has been chopstics, and some
more on baby feeders. My chopstics sell well,
and I do not know why...

Above pieces are the leftovers from making toast beds.
My intention is turn them into chopstics. I do know
the name for this particular material in my onw language,
but I am unsure about it in English, beech? birch?

These, concaved for final stage of completion. Naturally,
I have a lot more than these shown here. That is tormenting me
a lot, given the time I have left before the department business...

Here are some coating ready chopstics and concaved and
hand sanded baby feeders, still a long way to go...

I am no longer exactly sure if all these pieces could
get to the department store at all...

A piece of good news from K's is that my other pieces are selling
OK, mostly chopstics, plus others. I will certainly
try and find some other shops where I can display

my pieces. I want to go for statistical returns, rather
than relyig on particular shops where my goods sell
exceptionall well. I do not need that...

A few thousands in JPY from here and there, that is all I need
to sustain my creative work!

Now, going back to these chopstics seen above, I am amazed...
I have known that this particular wood has been in extensive
use where you need resillience.

I actually can feel that while I am working with this
particular wood. Superb! Just superb! It just simply is
a delight to work with this material.

Not only just that, you do not even need to sand them!
Of course, you machine sand them when forming the profile,
but what I mean is that you do not need hand sanding at all.

And, I happen to love their texture!

パエ-リャ 253

2009-04-07 18:08:00 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Yo no cargue nada ayer. Tuve una excursion
con mi cunya-da. De todos modos, ha sido un dia
calido de nuevo. La primavera esta aqui

para quedarse y se puede ver a partir de
la foto de abajo.

Pescado?, Si, es un regalo de mi amigo al lado!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

El proximo a-nyo tendria una votacion

si un 70% por ciento lo aprueba


dounokouno, que sera quien tome la decision definitiva

El chocolate proviene del cacao que los antiguos
pueblos no comian, sino que lo fumaban!

como bevida medicinal fortificante

el alimiento que se obtiene
mezclando azucar con NANINANI

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles, no?

cross winds

Air passes around the wing and splits into two
streams, upper and lower

How is mother taking it?

Oh, it is cold for September!

You could not do it any quicker!

They do not waste time!

That is not how I see it!

He dropped me at the station!

Conchita, I think this should suffice for now.
Vaya con Dios!