

Jig in operation

2009-04-21 17:49:01 | Weblog
Conchita, today I could not do much in terms of
my fabrication.

I had to deliver the pack to my fellow president
of a furniture facotry, then went on to one of
the shops I am dealing with for another delivery.

Next two photos are showing you my soft iron bar
cutting jig in operation and the results.

I am actually amazed that a simple jig goes such a long way
to achieving my objectives. These cut pieces seen above are
pretty much the same in length at 10 mm.

Above? Yes, a single solitary piece of my baby feeder
spoon for my baby friend. Conchita, your design specs
have been taken into account. It was fun in that I could

concentrate myself on just a single piece of work.

With normally so many for sale I cannot have this kind of
special moment in time. You and your daughter will love
it when I send the final product from my mountain cottage!!!

My logging will be stopped for a few days from tommorrow,
then perhaps resumed for a few days, and then completely
stopped for about a month while I am away from here,

busying myself with the constcruction of my new and
much larger workshop at the moutain cottage in Yatsugatake.

My wife will be out in Okinawa in a few day's time for
a few days. We all have busy times!

パエ-リャ 267

2009-04-21 17:48:33 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Ha estado lloviendo todo el dia de hoy. Esta lloviendo
bastante en este momento. Creo que mi esposa se fuera
en Okinawa en unos pocos dias del tiempo

y yo estare muy ocupado con el departamento de ventas.

Voy a dejar mi registro de unos pocos dias
a partir de manya-na. Se reanudara despues de unos dias.

Sin embargo, ya no sera capaz de poner cualquier
articulos de alrededor de un mes.

Es que voy a estar lejos en mi caba-nya de monta-nya,
muy ocupado con mi trabajo de construccion...

Ahora entonces, vamos?

para evitar lesiones

la parte que no se lee nadie

No sera la primera vez!

por separado

los ejercicions diarios para penernos en forma

un minimo de treinta minutos!

hoy en dia

por no hacer un minimo de ejercicio diario

Basta con dar un tranquilo paseo cada dia!

Conchi, basta para ahora, no? Aqui vamos ingles!

They played up to that old lady!

It is very difficult to kick a habit!

We all looked up to our director!

Did you catch on to his jokes!?

We all set forth on our journey in the
highest sprits!

We drove down one of the side streets!

OK, Conchi, we stop here. Take care and vaya con Dios!