

Combatting the bandsaw self-propulsion

2009-07-01 23:33:12 | Weblog
Conchita, the first one here is showing you how to determine
the thickness of the material you want for this kind of side profiles.

They are inevitably so structured that it is difficult to
decide the thicknes of the wood which can accommodate these
curved profiles.

One surest answer is this photo, two point contact with
L angled alminium piece. Any extra protrusion, or even
that inward can be easily measured, and that is

transcribed into the seperation between the table saw blade and
the fence that you are using.

Here below, a few long spoons at K's request.

Also at K's request I am working on these Chinese spoons,
version I.

These are the by-products of the Chinese spoons. I want
to ake the best use of them. How best? Mini spoons?
Salt spoons?

Nex two photos showing you my small one piece milk
pitcher. It took up a lot of my time. I will not sell it
for less than JPY 3500!

Here on, my mind drifting back to the house building.

OK, fixed windows are sold, but the trouble with them is
that they are supposed to be fixed in, disregarding the
possibility of window pane breakage.

If the window panes are smashed then you will have to
replace them. And, how you would do that is my problem.
Commercially available fixed window setting does not

take that into account at all!

Wedges at the bottom, polyethylene cushioning materials
all around might be the easiest solution. I will be using
other supporting materilas, but the idea is that these

glass panes must be detachable from the fixing rigs.
Naturally, bolting or screwing will be required.

If you come to think about it you could also have fixed
airing windows, yes?, and the openings can be easily
constructed for closure.

I have not gievn enough thought to this issue, but
the whole idea is attractive enough, I think...

Milk pitchers, very neary...

2009-07-01 16:58:25 | Weblog
Conchita, I can see that at Goo they are trying something new
with their object placing part of the programme. This I see from
the fact that all of my pictures are in reverse order.

I just cannot copy and paste them in the order I want.
This is because these image information sequences are
also position specfic.

In a way, though, I would welcome this kind of work pratice
at Goo. I just do not want those poor fellows working hard
in midnight...

It is not a big deal, anyway. Goo, please do things as you wish
during the normal working hours!

So, my story today is also in reverse order.

Propellers were coated for the third time. This will
synchronize them with other C coatings. Good!

Saucers were coated with A urethane, in fact twice today,
all thanks to the dry weather. Saucers will be subjected to
another penetration coating tommorrow.

Then, an extra coating will be applied. That is the smoother.
I rarely use it, but with large surface objects like saucers
I feel I will have to use it.

Here below, today's outcome of my attempt at milk pitchers.
Those two on the right are disasters. They ended up having
a hole on the wall. I sanded down the walls too much.

However, the fundamental reason is that these two work pieces
dislodged from the vice while being milled and there were
deeps cuts as a result.

Here below, my third attempt at milling the walls is
shown. This one corresponds to the one on the left of
above photo.

I stopped my milling half way through due to the Joule
heating of the machine.

This photo below is showing you bore making. Lots of
small diam. holes made into the eventual bore area.

This one down here is telling you that I am trying to define
the bore area. A central reference line is visible, I think...

This one below is the starting block.

There is one thing I am very pleased about in all this.

This piece of block was actually cut out by the smaller
of my table saws. Until a few months ago I would have used
my bandsaw to cut the thickess of this magnitude.

However, bandsaws will not deliver perfect straight lines
of cut. There are other minor issues, too. On the other hand
my smaller table saw can only cope with the maximum

cut thickness of something like 25mm. That is fine, because
most of these materials I am working with are at the
industry standard of 37mm thickness.

Just reverse your work pieces and you have straight cut

So much for now, I think. One thing, however, that I have
developped re this pitcher is that I want to make larger
pieces, perhaps not for sale, but for my and other people's use.

That means lathing those bores. I am OK with lathing,
though not very often, as it is a very messy business.

Tommorrow will be spent on K's long spoons, I think...
At A's she wants some table spoons, too. I might be able
to manage, just about...

パエ-リャ 285

2009-07-01 16:57:39 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Estoy convencido de que ahora estamos teniendo
una temporada de lluvias muy seco. El pronostico
del tiempo para todos estos 4, 5 dias era la lluvia.

Sin embargo, ni una sola gota de lluvia cayo el dia de hoy.

Esto significa que vamos a tener unos dias de lluvias
torrenciales hacia el final de la temporada.

Cuando podria ser? Mi conjetura es que es
alrededor del 15 de julio.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

El comienza a dar resultados!

something that they had never done until then
algo que hasta entonces nunca habian hecho

tomar medidas para reducir sus emisiones de dioxido carbono


por primera vez se ponen cifras al esfuerzo para
mitigar el impacto del calientamiento global


por primera vez se vinculan los objectos
con el esfuerozo en los paises

la reduccion de las emsiones de entre un 25% y un 40%

Que son las Cookies?

Es una parabra que se usa para unos trozos de informacion!

Bueno, Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

Say good morning to the wind!

It raised my suspicions!


It all started five years ago when I moved in
to lodge with a widow!

I thought I had come to a dead end!

That is something we are going to see more of
in the future!

Conchita, that is the lot! Take care!

I just cannot do the concluding icon. It refuses to
go to the place I want it. At Goo they must be
experimenting with something right now...