Conchita, the first one here is showing you how to determine
the thickness of the material you want for this kind of side profiles.
They are inevitably so structured that it is difficult to
decide the thicknes of the wood which can accommodate these
curved profiles.
One surest answer is this photo, two point contact with
L angled alminium piece. Any extra protrusion, or even
that inward can be easily measured, and that is
transcribed into the seperation between the table saw blade and
the fence that you are using.

Here below, a few long spoons at K's request.

Also at K's request I am working on these Chinese spoons,
version I.

These are the by-products of the Chinese spoons. I want
to ake the best use of them. How best? Mini spoons?
Salt spoons?

Nex two photos showing you my small one piece milk
pitcher. It took up a lot of my time. I will not sell it
for less than JPY 3500!

Here on, my mind drifting back to the house building.
OK, fixed windows are sold, but the trouble with them is
that they are supposed to be fixed in, disregarding the
possibility of window pane breakage.
If the window panes are smashed then you will have to
replace them. And, how you would do that is my problem.
Commercially available fixed window setting does not
take that into account at all!
Wedges at the bottom, polyethylene cushioning materials
all around might be the easiest solution. I will be using
other supporting materilas, but the idea is that these
glass panes must be detachable from the fixing rigs.
Naturally, bolting or screwing will be required.

If you come to think about it you could also have fixed
airing windows, yes?, and the openings can be easily
constructed for closure.
I have not gievn enough thought to this issue, but
the whole idea is attractive enough, I think...

the thickness of the material you want for this kind of side profiles.
They are inevitably so structured that it is difficult to
decide the thicknes of the wood which can accommodate these
curved profiles.
One surest answer is this photo, two point contact with
L angled alminium piece. Any extra protrusion, or even
that inward can be easily measured, and that is
transcribed into the seperation between the table saw blade and
the fence that you are using.

Here below, a few long spoons at K's request.

Also at K's request I am working on these Chinese spoons,
version I.

These are the by-products of the Chinese spoons. I want
to ake the best use of them. How best? Mini spoons?
Salt spoons?

Nex two photos showing you my small one piece milk
pitcher. It took up a lot of my time. I will not sell it
for less than JPY 3500!

Here on, my mind drifting back to the house building.
OK, fixed windows are sold, but the trouble with them is
that they are supposed to be fixed in, disregarding the
possibility of window pane breakage.
If the window panes are smashed then you will have to
replace them. And, how you would do that is my problem.
Commercially available fixed window setting does not
take that into account at all!
Wedges at the bottom, polyethylene cushioning materials
all around might be the easiest solution. I will be using
other supporting materilas, but the idea is that these
glass panes must be detachable from the fixing rigs.
Naturally, bolting or screwing will be required.

If you come to think about it you could also have fixed
airing windows, yes?, and the openings can be easily
constructed for closure.
I have not gievn enough thought to this issue, but
the whole idea is attractive enough, I think...