

Round ended chopstics and how

2009-07-10 17:42:40 | Weblog
We really are having a dry rainy season. We did not have rain
today, either and that helped me a lot in going for my mat

I also did some protective coating and you can see that with
these Chinese spoons. They are becoming reflective.

These are ordinary long stemmed spoons meant for K's. She is
calling on me any minute for them.

In terms of new pieces, yes, here they are. I manage to complete
these utility chopstics and started working on much shorter
lunch box chopstics.

I have another 7 or 8 pairs of these shorter chopstics to
complete and as soon as they are made I will coat them.

I just do not have much time before I set out for house
construction at our mountain cottage.

The schematic above is showing you hou best you might
round chopstics ends. With A, you are looking at one
of the ends end-on. It is square and in the course of

making them into eventual shape these ends are partially
rounded on the belt sander and that is reflected as B.

Since my ultimate goal is to make them round-headed
I must handle them with care. If I use my piece of sand paper
as shown in C, there is a possibility that you

obliterrate the blue disk very quickly. These blue disks
are telling you that as long as they are visible any pair
of chopstics are of the same length.

So, what you do is to operate your chopstic and your sand paper
as in D. Just keep rotating the chopstics and apply
your sanding paper towrads the blue area from peripherals,

until your blue disk becomes smaller and smaller, as in E.

That is exactly when you have equal length chopstics with
round heads. Same applies to the pointed ends, of course.

So, can you see that even with mandane things like chopstics
there are know-hows!

パエ-リャ 293

2009-07-10 17:42:12 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Creo que estas bien!

No la lluvia de hoy y gracias a Dios por eso!
Tuve la oportunidad de llevar a cabo
el recubrimiento final de mi ultimo lote de productos.

Eso significa que yo tambien era capaz de
trabajar en nuevos productos. Estoy muy contento
acerca de ello! Entonces, vamos?

como resultado de NANINANI

De ahi que NANINANI!

..., sino que naninani2

antes de alcanzar el suelo terrestre


Se supone que es la epoca de la familia!

Pero, no todo el mundo tiene la suerte!

un par de historias

Prometo que es real!

Aqui, vamos ingles?

What happens to that if the rain pours on to it?

It was all I had time for!

some foot prints in the snow

Thye come few and far between!

Let us have a look at it on the replay!

Having got the preliminaries over, ...

You are one step closer to your goal!

Conchita, here shall we leave? Take care!