

Extremely low clouds

2009-07-07 17:56:50 | Weblog
Conchita, today I just have not got much in terms
of new things. Coating continues.

I just like the way my protective coating builds up.
See below? Saucers and long spoons have been subjected to
protective coating many times by now.

On the other hand those Chinese spoons are still
undergoing penetration stage and not shining at all.
All the type A polyurehane has been absorbed

into the bodies and their surfaces are non-reflective
at this stage.

I did make some progress with kitchen chopstics, as
compared to yesterday.

And, I turned 4 from the lot on the left into coating ready
chopstics, as you see here. On top of that, those on the
right that are oblong square shaped in their cross-section

have been turned into pieces with proper square cross-section.

They will be turned into lunch box chopstics. I also went to
one shop I am dealing with to deliver some more of my products.
She gave me some suggestions for future products.

I also went to a DIY shop to purchase some materials
for the shop shelf I had promissed at W's. I will be
working on that for the next few days, I think.

The photo below was taken of the sky from my room.
I had returned from my outing and they were still up there!
The clouds!

Naturally, I would not expect you to see these clouds
I am talking about in this photo. However, this is the
first time in my life here (except on mountain ridges)

to see such low altitude clouds sweeping over these houses.
They are literally at roof top levels. You see clouds,
from airplane windows, at mountain ridges, and even

in our mountain cottage, where the altitude exceeds 1km,
but never have I seen clouds so low in my area over here.

I do hope that these do not represent anything bad...

パエ-リャ 290

2009-07-07 17:56:18 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Ya tienes todo preparado para la cena? Creo que si!

Ahora, vamos?

cuando iba disfrazado para el atraco

Se le ha incantado una pistola falsa y un spray de defensa

Transformar nuestros sue-noys en imagenes de television

Es lo que esperan poder lograr en el futuro!

Recrear en imagenes el contenido del sue-nyo

Hacer observar una forma a un individuo

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles?

Do they tend to come and go?

or, do they persist?

We spent several holidays there!

Each person has to die his own death!

Do things in style!

Work your way round to the left1

a pond skater

a beaver dam

That is not quite the thing I had in mind!

Sorry!, slip of the tongue!

I cannot budge it!

This wouod not budge!

Conchita, now we leave it all there. Take care and
vaya con Dios!