

5 pronged pasta forks and 4 pronged noodle servers

2009-07-19 18:57:48 | Weblog
Conchita, I am pressed for time. Nevertheless, I think
I have done a lot today.

Mat coating was done, most of complicated and heavy
things are already stored in my car. Tommorrow, I am set to
depart for the mountain cottage for further construction

work. I still need to pack a few important things, but
I think I can leave here by 10:00. I even managed to
fabricate some more of the pieces I can take to the cottage.

The next two lots, I will be taking with me for further
work on rainy days.

These two saucers and chopstics will have to be inspected
tommorrow morning. I will deliver them o my way to the

Here, below you see two of my habanero plants.
Tommorrow morning I will pluck them and take some with me.

There may still be a few things I forget to pack and take
with me. That is inevitable, and I will simply buy them
off the shelves at the DIY shop I frequent to.

The rest of this evening will be devoted to ensuring
that I can send my much smaller contributions from my
mobile. Hope it will work...

Asi que, Conchita, no podria enviar mucho durante los
45 dias en que no estoy aqui. Vaya con Dios y hasta
entonces! Beso!