

Contact free butter knives, bootsholers

2008-11-25 17:05:18 | Weblog
My belt sander finally refused to operate today.
I had been coaxing it to, but to no avail today.
What can you do?

The reason was ll too obvious, it is the carbo brushes.
So, I took the thing to the DIY and bought another
one of the same kind.

It is just that I cannot accept even a few days's delay due to
replacing the faulty carbon things.

Today's main work was this forc-knife. And then, my belt
sander refused to come alive. A bit of a blow in terms of
financing the whole operation. But then, I have been

thinking all along that one day I will have to have
two of these belt sanders at the same time. Today was
that decision day, I think...

All above, thanks to the newly aqured belt sander. What are
all these? They are the forc-knife parts. They have been
attended to and are drying at the moment.

Some more dinosaurs. I think by now I have some
30 odd of these buter knives to be. By the way, my
mat coating of the last lot was a success.

Above? Nothing terribly interesting to look at.
This is a shallow box, fixed to the wall so that
I can put things temporarilly in there.

This is the seond of the kind and I intend to set up
a third one soon. You keep on imrpoving on what you have
and so much easier will it become to do things...

Tommorrow will be simpler two pronged mini forcs,
I think. Time goes by... Do I have a control of it?

I am not exactly sure..., but

パエ-リャ 144

2008-11-25 00:30:31 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas hoy?

Aqui hace sol, pero solo un poquito.
Hace no lluvia.

Yo segui riendo sobre esto!

Es sobre de el hombre japones que ahora esta en tu pais.
Creo, creo que le entiendo, sin no razon... Es su vida, no?
Tal vez, podria ser mi vida tambien... No se...


la fortuna estimada en mas de 440 milliones en euro


Lo que mas le preocupaba no era el dinero,
sino la custodia de sus hijos


Los ni-nyos pasaran la mitad del tiempo en DK1,
y el resto en DK2

Conchi, aqui, me recuerdo de una cosa, "Pasaran",
"No pasaran", me entiendes? "No pasaran", durante
los dias del Franco...

M relacion anteriores!?

El acuerdo se hara oficial en unos dias


El dura negoccion parace haber llegado a su fin,
pero la relacion entre ambos es mas fria
que nunca

Nunca jamas lo hare!

Ellos no se hablan!

a bajo precio

las echos tuvieron la semana pasada

Conchita, vamos ingles...

Why he did what he did...

at this moment in time

My experience has been that DK!

I think actually I am going to have to do DK...

Conchi, you may think this is easy, but I
like it. Being able to say things easy to come by
is something from my experience!

Sneak back to your bed?

It is just like looking at the answer
without knowing the question!

One for effort!

Is it inconceivable that DK!?

Robert! Things are looking up in this country!

It is so nice to hear compliments!

Conchita, I go now...
Take care!

Contact free butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-24 16:31:22 | Weblog
Cold and rain kept me all day in my workshop.
I did start the matting process. I will have to
touch up a bit tommorrow morning, though.

A large proportion of my time was spent on
cutting out side pieces for the butter knives,
and making them as flat as possible.

As per below, I think I now have something like
30 of them.

These are all fault free pieces.

My attention then sifted to the bean curd smasher.
With this I was being intuitively guided by my
experience to date.

With this first image above you can see clearly
side pieces at the handle end. Also, can you see that
the grooved end is a concave?

That of course means that the other side is a convex,
or part of a cylindrical surface. This is deliberate
so that this side of the thing can closely follow the

saucepan curvatures.

In any event this is far superior to previous
dissolvers. Longer, heavily built, more aethetic,
of dual tone, and all the rest of it...

Above is not just another of my dinosaurs. This came from
yesterday's lot of four. I am very happy. There is
not even a hint of gaps anywhere.

My tentative conclusion is that my newly aquired
clumping device does its job properly.

Here, it is the toast placer. One or two have been sold,
but then I wonder. I wonder if I can make them better.
I could add legs. I could do something more to make it

more attractive. Currently, it is just a piece of plate
with grooves. I am in a thinking mode...

This last image shows it is not loaded. I think it is
beautiful. You do not get any shears with this device,
mostly because it is solidly made from cast iron.

I think I will be moifying a few of my existing
models for better external appearance. That will
fetch a little more in return, I think.

パエ-リャ 143

2008-11-24 16:31:03 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas alla?

Aqui hoy terrible... Hace mucho frio y ademas
esta lloviendo! Vamos?

DK, y lo hizo a travez de un mensaje de texto
de movil!

hace pocos dias

es el tenista que puso fin a su compromiso!

para el estas ultimas semanas han sido

La pareja ya tenia fecha de boda!

Ella se encuantra en perfecto estado!

Quiero estar a su lado!

No quiero dejar sola a mi hija!


Todo parace indicar que el divorcio esta mas cerca
y se hara oficial en unos dias

Ellos parecen haber llegado a un acuerdo sobre
su divorcio

Conchita, desde aqui en ingles...

if only I had done so!

Leave everything to the last minute!

How do you face up to the day?

Do you stagger out of your bed?


People these days go to great strength to get
what they want!

You make it sound easy, but DK!

My shoestrings keep getting undone!

So do mine!

Kids often leap at this sort of game!

I am totally ignorant about this kind of

Conchita, let us call it a day. Take care!

Self standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-23 16:44:16 | Weblog
With the current lot I am very nearly there!

What is below has just undergone their 8th coating and
drying. Two more mat coatings to go tommorrow and
they will be ready for delivery.

It has been a busy day, really, with me taking my wife to her
regular despite the extremely heavy traffic on the coastal road.
What took up a lot more time than I had imagined was

the improvement on the pipe clump. This, I thought was going
to take up only 30 minutes or so, but as it turned out
it was nearly two hours of my time.

There were two main reasons. First of these was that the
U shaped bolts cannot be turned (rotated) so that I
had to turn the nut.

It is just that I had never worked with U shaped bolts
before... The only thing you can do is to rotate the nut,
but then that requires a hole, a big one, as you can see above.

There are two holes each to one end of the U shaped bolt.
One to allow the bolt end to go through and the other
for accommodating a larger diamter nut.

The order of making these holes is important. Ideally,
you might start with the larger diameter hole, but then
you want to be precise about the position of the

smaller hole. So, I made the smaller holes first.
This tunred into a nightmare as I lost the axis for
the larger bore dril bit...

In addition, I had to lift the whole arrangement by
inserting a small piece of wood so that moving members
of the clump are free from friction with the base plate.

I would be rambling on!

All in all, I did make what
I wanted to see, in the end..., leaving the way clear
for me to do other things.

For instance above, more dinasours, in their roughest
state. See their bellies and chests? They are all ragged
at this stage.

I then snatched a little time to do my bean curd dessolver.
The idea here being that some people want longer stems
so that they do not feel the hot steam while using one.

Actually, inspired by their comments I am making some
additional improvements. Previously, all of them were
short and thin and flat.

Here, I am trying to make the smasher area curved so that
pot curvatures can be followed better. It means thicker
starting materials, and two stage milling of
the trenches, instead of one.

Not only that! I am trying to add side bars!

Here above, you may see comparative elements in my

Here above, side bars are being fixed.

Above is really today's highlight. It is still
experimental and I am using only 4 of these.

I am happy, I think. Turing the handle is a delight,
and you get adhesive aqueezed out from the gaps.
This is a good sign.

One important question here is whether the potential
gaps down the whole length of the handle portion
can be completely closed.

That remains to be seen, but I am being optimistic...

パエ-リャ 142

2008-11-23 16:43:49 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy hace buen tiempo. No viento!
Creo que te van todos bien, no?

mientras tanto

El Kibo mide 11 metros de largo

los siete tripulantes de la nave "Discovery"

varias veces al dia

nueve minutos mas tarde de lo previsto


una disenyadora de joyas

a las 18:03 hora GMT

por espacio de ocho mitos

Fue ella que rompio el compromiso!

Conchita, ahora vamos ingles!

40 miles stretch of coast

with occasional outbreaks of rain

Would you give me all the details?

I intended to start off with talking about DK!

I must let things go by sometimes!

I still have a sneaking doubt about DK!

Come off it!

Let me get this point from you!

Decide for yourslef what you can do!

Conchita, enough for the day, no?
Take care!

A butter knife not messing up your dining table

2008-11-22 17:27:24 | Weblog
It must have been one of those days.

I could not get a thing done today..., well,
a little bit exegerated, of course.

Coating continued. Today's main issue was how I might
fix the pipe clump on a firm bench. I decided to use
a 6 inch wide wooden material. No image of that today.

I then had to take my wife to her shopping, which
took up most of my time today. However, I did get
what I waned to fix my new device.

I bought two U-sahped metal pieces as shown below.
Semi-circular bends will accommodate the pipe and
the metal pieces are then fixed inside the wooden base.

I will also need an additional wooden piece in order for
my artefatcs to rest on it when clumped. That will be done

I then made use of the little time left to shape one
beast, shown below. With this I was very much careful.
I tried, very slowly, different orientations when

pressing the dinasour to be agains the edge of the
disk sander. I am glad to say that I am, I think,
beginning to understand this particular sanding

operation. To consoliodate on that I set up another
10 beasts-to-be with my conventional clumps. So,
tommorrow I will have 20 of them waiting for


It looks like it, but there is no hump. It is just
the camera angle, I think.

Oh, I also did some work with my garden and the wood deck.
I placed an enlarged net over the deck from the ground above
to my room upstairs.

Chores, yes, but then some things need to be done.
Oh yes, one oher thing I did! I watered the deck
trying to remove the smell of the paint!

I also watered my wife's vegetable plot. Funny,
this is getting more and more like kids' diaries...

It really is oneof those days...

パエ-リャ 141

2008-11-22 17:26:54 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy voy a estar muy breve. Estoy cansado...

con toda naturalidad

asi evitando caulquier tipo de rumor

con el fin de NANINANI

una caminata espacial

a pesar de esta discusion

Llevan seis a-nyos de relacion!

para la exploracion humana del sistema solar

por lo tanto

al principio del programa era el mas peque-nyo

el brazo robotico

Desde aqui en ingles...

I have heard that said!

before we get down to the niy gritty of NANINANI

That has been the case up until now!

What would you like to see done!?

so they draw the obvious conclusion!

I cannot agree with you more!

Sad thing is that DK!

Don't you think you are a bit harsh!?

I am afraid I must cut you off there...

News is coming up

Conchi, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care!

Self standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-21 17:02:23 | Weblog
I have had a busy day...

By the way I realise that there are frequent mis-spellings
with my texts. Can't help it... I only have halh an hour or so
to finish off the day with those.

I do not really want to go back to them and
have a look myself to make them tidier. People do that
regularly, I suppose, if you are, for instance,

making speeches...

My other things should be without faults. They can be
accessed by reversing the log order. They are all
clustered at the right start of this particular web log.

Anyway, today started with coating as usual. It is
pleasing to see the build up of my coatings.

Below? I cut out two pieces from my Borneo iron wood
so that I can use my bandsaw to slice them further into
side bars for my butter knives.

I then moved on to making existing pieces as flat as
I can. Two images below bear that out.

What next? was my own question and while waiting for
my wife to do the parcel I transcribed my template
onto the next lot as seen below.

I never really got to do anything more with them. All
because I wanted to buy some more of the clumps I use
with my butter knives.

Grey clumnps seen below are the new purchases. In addition,
I bought a pipe clump, which you will see below.

What is below relates to operational constraints,
starting from the clumping dynamics leading to shears.

A is the current arrangement. This schematic is showing you
two discs squeezing the knife. One of these, A1 is fixed and
does no harm.

A2 is the culprit. It is a single disc, pressed inwards
by the rotation of the tightening screw. The problem is
that it is in direct contact with the knife.

As you tighten the screw the torque produced slides
up the side bar as indicated. There is no way
you can counter-balance this dynamical motion,

even by having the same set-up at the other end.

What you really need is to to dicouple the disc
contact from the side bar. This would be very
remotely akin to having an optical coupling

(and de-coupling) component in electronic

The schematic B is showing you the way forward.
There is an additional disc, which will act as
a mechanical de-coupling device.

Disc 3 does rotate, but disc 2 does not. It is simply
pressed forward from behind.

Most of serious clumping devices do have these
inherent in their design. What follows, which I bought
this afternoon, is no exception.

I have yet to try this out in practise, but
I am seriously hoping that the shearing problem will vanish
with this device.

This is solidly made and makes use of a sturdy water
pipe. I think I will use this initi th my bootsholders.

パエ-リャ 140

2008-11-21 17:01:49 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy, hace buen tiempo, con un poco de viento.
Pero, es templado, no se porque...

Ahora, vamos!

sin tener que moverse de casa

en beneficio de

la voluntad de trabajador por querer
crecer y mejor como profesional


Sobrevivir a tanto crisis es una prueba de
fe, de confianza en uno mismo y en sus posibilidades

mas de una semana

el inodoro

Anna echo de casa a Enrique!

Ellos llevaban seis a-nyos viviendo juntos!

DK, pero me ha echo!

Tuvimos una bronca!

Ella no me dejo regresar!

Conchita, esto es bastante. Pues, vamos ingles!

You are wearing it back to front!

You are wearing it inside out!

Anything short of that is no good to me!

I would hate to think that DK!

It beats me!

How do you mean?

(My laboratory partner, Pete, kept saying this to me!)

with exams looming over the horizon

for wha you have done for me

Will you be given breakfast in the morning in bed?

That was quite a while back!

Conchi, I am now on to another phrase book
I compiled for myself. Take care!