

Self standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-20 16:58:09 | Weblog
Today was not any different from yesterday.

However, the first of protective coating has started,
and I am very pleased. I am that much closer to

The beast in the middle is not for sale. It is an early
Chirstmas present for the shop girl. This is made from
two types of walnut.

Chopstics, yes, they are for sale. They are meant for kids,
at 190 mm in length.

Today, I made, altogether, 5 of these. These are also meant
as presents, for the department lady. By now, I have given her
something like a dozen of these. I wonder if she wants more...

These things, looking very simple enough, do take time
and as a result I did not have a lot of time for
other things.

On the other hand I did make a small discovery. All because my
belt sander was not cheerful enough. My gut diagnostics is
that the internal contact point, made from carbon, has erroded.

I can see that. I was applying a constant load and yet,
there were sudden surges of current, making the belt
to pick up its speed accordingly.

What I did then was to make use of the disk sander.
Yes, I was after planar surfaces both with the knife
material and the side bars.

As it turned out I found it a lot easier and quicker
to remove undulations with the disk sander. From now
on I will be heavily using it for the same purpose.

The disk sander is a very versatle machine indeed...

Naturally, you get scurs from the disk and
at the end of the day you still rely on the belt sander
to remove them. These images are showing you the outcome.

With respect to the last image, there was another small
discovery. This is in relation to how you might
clump your pieces together.

One at the back is not ideal, and the ideal mode of
clumping is seen at the front. This way, it becomes
so much easiler to correct for shears.

Yes, even with dual clumping you still tend to
get a little bit of shearing. Why do I not then revert
to the jig I invented for the bootsholders?

Simple, I need a lot more powerful constraint
with my butter knife pieces. I do not want
smallest of the gaps at the contact boundaries.

So, a few small discoveries from today's work.
They are perhaps early Christams presents for me
, living in the small world of my own...

Self standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-19 16:53:30 | Weblog
Today started with wet-sanding, as seen below.

I am pleased about the progress so far. I will be
switching to gloss coating from tommorrow.

Today's most significant? physical output is
seen below. Yes, beasts, 7 of them nearing

I am yet to fabricate some 50 more of these,
thereby gaining insight into beasts making.

Do you know something? It is one thing
to make a single piece with utmost care,
spending hours on it.

Being an artisan (or wanting to be one...)
it is no good, at all. You must know all
aspects of beats making.

To that end, you make lots and lots of them,
no matter how clumsy you might be at the start.

Two illustrations to follow, to get the point
across to you.

Here, lines in red, 1 and 2 indicate intended
curvatures. 1 is easy, as it is external to
the handle. You just press the end of the handle

against the disk sander, as in the shematic B1.

However, the curvature 2 is a problem. What you
do is to press the part in question against the
peripheral of the ander, as with B2.

However, if you do that you do not get the smooth
curvate you wanted. More likely, you end up with
jagged surface as with A below.

This is inevitable, because the only area of the
disk I can use is limited to the very edge of it.

And, it is very sharp and on top of that you cannot
see the side hidden away from you. In any event
you are pressing the thing not against a constant

abrasive surface. What you are struggling against is a
fast rotating, sharp, and constantly changing
contact surface.

Can you top that!?

This is exactly where dextelity will eventually
come in. To get there, you must do it over
and over again...

It is a lonely business, indeed.

Once roughing is over, then I can switch over
to my belt-sander. This in inherently easier to use.
You press the rought surface against one end of the

Here, sanding surface is more or less two dimensional,
and is far easier to take control.

Anyway, I am now deeply into it and if I really become
dextile enough after so many hundreds of the beasts
remains to be seen...

In order to get on with more I ended today's work with
cutting out more of the side blocks. These need to be
made flat, tommorrow, to go aginst what is seen below

the side blocks.

See? My wood deck is now neat and tidy again! See also a large
white pod? I made it myself for my wife, years ago. How?

You make your garbage tank upside down and wrap it round
with a mesh (metal mesh) and apply a large amount of cement.
After solidification you just pull out the tank (not easy!).

As a result the pot is increedibly heavy!!!

パエ-リャ 138

2008-11-19 16:53:06 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy aqui hace mucho viento y es frio...
No es que tengo frio! Vamos?

la sentencia hecha publica hoy

la emision del programa

un a-nyo antes de separarse de su primer marido

Es un sintoma inequivoca de envejemiento!

en el hospital tras intentar suicidarse

No es eso que me preocupa!

noticias relacionadas


El Principe Carlos ha cumplido 60 a-nyos.
Llegara a reinar?

La monarquia termianara con Isabel II!

Inmediatamente fue transfada al hospital

por temor a que DOUNOKOUNO

Conchita, basta con esto para ahora.
Vamos ingles!

right up to when I was sixteen

That is a lot of vitamins!

That is a lot of vitamins!

I am not bitching about DK!

I did not make it easy for her!

That is as good as saying DK!

If you had it rough from Pete

I have no idea what it feels like!

I stumbled across DK!

It pricked up its ear!

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care!

Self supporting butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-18 16:54:02 | Weblog
It's been another busy day, really...

I spent a good propotion of my time on the deck,
minding the bootsholders. I am pleased that I now have
10 of them ready for delivery.

Right now, I guess that I have something like 50 of
these at various stages of compolition. More will have
to be completed for subsequent deliveries.

In the meantime, while working on the bootsholders
other things are drying upstairs...

Spoons and things were wet-sanded and they need some time
before recoating. Butter knives were also brought out
for further drying.

How actually I allocate my time is a constant headache.
There are clear cut cases, but more often the deciion
is a difficult one to make...

I allow good 24 hours for them to dry.

See above? I was curious and I made one of them
into a shape. I am happy now. I expected faults,
but they are negligible.

Am I not artisan enough?, by now?
I can reproduce things! I will be making 100 of these
beasts in the next one week or so.

Having said all that, quite a propotion of my other
time was actually spent on painting the wood deck.
It has been neglected for years by now.

I thought it was about time I had done something
about it. You will see it in tommorrow's image.

Yes, tommorrow. I may actually take my bootsholders
to the department store for delivery. She is

Most of tommorrow's work will centre around the
butter knives, I think...

パエ-リャ 137

2008-11-18 16:53:38 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Temo que te haya ocurrido algo malo...
Estas bien? Te envi un correo electronico,
pero no hay respuesta. Como te pasa?

De todos modos, vamos, no?


Avanti, cuya estrategia se enforca a clientes
interesados en moda a buen precio

despues de crear una red de diez tiendas en Alemania

los precios "extremadamente" bajos derivan de DK


Su objetivo se centra en convertirse en uno de
los mayores competidores del segmento, ofreciendo
"un perfil definido"

en contraste con sus competidores

Ellos comienzan proliferar en el sector textile
este tipo de conceptos

la cadena irlandesa Primark

more news on the celebrities
Mas noticias sobre Famosos

Envia esta noticia

Madonna pide sus seguidores que donen dinero
para ena escuala en Malaui

pagar en efectivo

Conchita, bastante, y vamos ingles.

I will leave the way I came!

Take me to where he is!

if anything

He looked over his glasses!

He was red around the eyes!

Make it like you mean it. Give it everything!

It did not cut any ice with them!

Skip it! What's done is over!

to all intents and purpoes

(I vividly remember to this day that our workshop
tutor kept saying this...)

They are much in demand!

She parashutes for a hobby!

Conchi, this should be enough for now?
Take care and remember to check your in-mails!

Self standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-17 17:21:46 | Weblog
I woke up very early this morning at 07:30. That is early
by my standard, anyway. And yet it seems that what one can
do in a single day is limited.

My day started with coating. I am desperate as all these
have beee to order and I will have to deliver them as soon
as possible.

One of a pair of the chopstics, seen to the left is not
right in colour... It is not that I arbitarily picked up
the wrong colour. Originally they came from the same piece...

My gut feeling is that I will have to make another one.
That will add to my time...when I am only one of me!

There was a home work from yesterday. The belt sander was
not functioning and I had to repair it, before anything else.
Belt sander is a must and without it all of my work will

come to a grind halt... Having repaired it I snatched a bit
of my time to do my butter knives. I could not do all of
yesterday's, of course.

These above are, really, my experiment with two clumps
for each of the pieces. I will know the outomce tommorrow.

Quite a bit of my time was spent on driving to the DIY shop
where I can purchase Borneo iron wood off the shelf. It is difficult
to see that there are two of them, one on top of the other.

They should last me for the next 3 years easily, for the
kind of work I intend to do... They are very heavy, my
guess is that they weigh more than 10 kg.

You see a bar?, sitting atop the iron wood? It is rare to see
one of these on sale. This is a round cross section, broad leaf
piece for JPY only 80! Cheap!, extremely cheap! It measures

450mm and 12mm pi! I coud turn my wood to make some of
these, but I would not do that if you can buy one off
the shelf...

Anyhow, tommorrw, yes, I will be making a single chopstic,
curving out butter knives, inspection of my bootsholder
stock, sanding further side bars for my butter knives,

oh, yes, coating! Can't forger that! Who is there
to say I am not busy! Actually, I like it being busy,
as I always have been... I really do.

パエ-リャ 136

2008-11-17 17:21:29 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy aqui, hace buen tiempo. No viento.

cuando el semaforo esta en rojo

No tengo buena opinion de ellos!

el fumo de los tubos de escape

Lo que mucha gente no sabe es DK!

de todos modos

Parece que ha habido un accidente!

Lo que deberias hacer

La situacion no esta nada favorable!

Parece que esto empieza a moverse!

en la actualidad

Tobo que ser ingresada!

Conchi, basta para hoy! Vamos ingles!

Now, why do you say that!?

That was years ago!

DK, but I am asking you to!

We need a place to stay overnight!

DK, and we cannot rule her out, easier to rule her in!

She was implicated in that murder!

I like it here!

Do you like it here?

Who is there!? Who is at the window!?

You have a nice fire going!

What did you come here for!?

Conchita, that is about it for now.
Take care!

Self-standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-16 16:39:11 | Weblog
Well..., with rain and clouds and all that you may
think it has been a dull day despite it being Sunday.

It may well look that way, given those (dull?) images below,
but to my mind it was not, with so many things I need to
get done. To put it in a nutshell I have been busy.

Let us take a look at the first.

These are all oak pieces, cut to the size I want, all
52 of them. Granted there are undulations on their surfaces, but nonetheless they form the core (literally) of my next butch.

Yes, these are the centre pieces of my butter knives. I will
need to make at least hapf of the length as flat as possible
so that side bars can be cemented bang on. That is for tommorrow.

With any luck I might find some redundant materials for the
egg placers and my fork-kinfe minies. Fork-knife thing is new
to the furniture factory, and to a lessor extent those

egg holers. I made oval shaped holders for them, but from now on
I will insist on squares. Oh, not for the ease of fabication,
for God's sake! Square shaped objects are a lot easier to stack,

that is why...

I already probably did talk about my newly arrived
Borneo iron wood. As you can see most of the surfaces
look whitish, not the part I want to use.

These whitish parts are so soft and do not warrant
my energy and time. What would you do then? Yes, cut
them into pieces and discard faulty ones.

These pieces are more or less OK with me. I need to cut them
into shorter pieces, of course, so that they can be
fixed to the knife stems.

Some, as above, have been cut. Even these are not even and
I will need to use my belt sander to make them as flat as
I can.

It will be a few days before all these components are
ready and cemented for further work. I do look for the
time I can spend shaping them into their finalities...

A couple of other things I need to do soon include
further purchase of Borneo iron wood from a nearby
DIY shop, Coating of my wood deck, chopping of

tires into manageable pieces, destruction of car
batteries so that I can mould the lead contents inside
for recycling purposes, chopping off some of the trees
in the garden in time for the new year.

Also, setting up my X'mass illumination and above all
and most urgently completion and delivery of bootsholders
to the department store.

I think I am busy, I really do!

パエ-リャ 135

2008-11-16 16:38:27 | Weblog
Conchita como estas? Estas bien?

Aqui hoy hay nubes y un poco de lluvia.
No es tan agradable, a lo menos...
Pues, vamos?

Ha sido muy interesante!

Habria sido muy interesante!

Es como se hace por aqui!

Con quien ha ido al cine?

Con quien fue al cine?

Este cuadro al oleo

a partir de ahora
desde ahora

por encargo del gobierno

el cuadro se expuso en Paris

el caballo herido por una lanza

Lo pinto usando solo el color gris!

Conchi, basta para ahora y vamos ingles!

because of headwinds

The winds bounce off buildings!

It has bounced back to me!

Icing is not much of a trouble on jets!

Legend has it that DK!

I just cannnot bring myself to believe it!

It is not an easy case to crack!

I hope you will be careful in what you say!

I will be outside somewhere!

I will be frank with you!

Conchita, that is the lot for the day.
Take care and God bless you with your
Machupichu business!

Self-supporting butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-15 16:31:05 | Weblog
How long have I been away?

Anyway, the next two images show you what was involved.
About a dozen or so of these giant and redundant trees
had to go, with professionals doing their wonder.

I measured this particular tree later and it was close to
30 m.

In order to set the fall direction a wire rope is used...
The shaddering sound as the tree falls is cataclysmic!
You really feel a minor earthquake...

Next 3 images were taken of my pieces as deposited with
a local furniture factory for display and sale. The factory
showroom looks extremely posh and I got a distinct

impression that mine will not sell well. However, their clientes
apparently love my works and buy them as presents...

Some even asked if they could have a bean curd disolver with a
longer handle. I will be making them..., of course.

Those that have been sold are not shown here. In fact, they were
apparently all sold out and the company president is
sending me an e-mail order for more.

With the furniture factory our sales arrangement is very simple.
They take half of what my pieces were sold for, and I take
another half.

Normally, I take 70%, but here I could not care, for two reasons.
One is that their showroom is so posh and I am proud to have mine
displayed there.

See their tables in the background?

The other reason is that I get, free of charge, their redundant
materials. With some I do buy them from othersources, but
having free materials is useful...

In fact, above is a boxfull of oak materials. I will be
making one hundred or more of my self-standing butter
knives with these.

Here above are my own stock of the pieces soldout at the
factory. Boilded eggs and toasts placers, plus mini
forks. I am winding myself up for more of these!

This last image is showing you how I arrange to have my
material to be cut to my design width.You need a jig for that and
here, a new jig is about to be made with two alminium pieces.

Once completed the jig is pressed against the material in
order for a cut line to be drawn. I will have to have a
thickness jig, too.

Anyway, stage is set for mass production of my beasts.
Wait a sec! I have another order for my bootsholders!
And, yet another for chopstics!

I will be busying myself, not doubt!