

パエ-リャ 129

2008-11-04 17:37:16 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy tengo que estar breve. Vamos inmediatamente!

en la actualidad

el quien hace el camino

a lo largo de todo el camino

los templos mas bellos de la Edad Media

No hay mas que seguir un mapa!

la puesta de sol

la Via Lactea

No se lo piense!

si puedes disponer de 40 dias de libertad

se trataba de una estrella

Conchi, bastante, no?
Ahora en ingles!

He did it in his official capacity!

They were then on an overseas tour!

a concentration shack

local archives

administration insiders

chance variations in the sample

lost, last seen in Vegas

Their boat capsized in a rive!

What is this G doing here?

"follow-the-flag" type of group tours

I am sweating it out now!

It is just a tempest in a tea pot!

Conchi, ya me voy. Take care!

Inverted butterknives, bootsholders

2008-11-03 17:27:31 | Weblog
Today, I had an idea, but I could not do a thing in the
morning, what with my wife's shopping, what with sorting
out yesterday's mess, etc tec...

The basic idea was that what I had come up with the day before
yesterday did not feel right on handling them. It seemd that
somehow, the knife portion was upside down.

What one can do might be to invert the template within the confines
of the starting material. The following schematics may help
you understand my agonies this afternoon.

My intention was to invert the knife part as illustrated with A.
It is only a conceptual schematic, though. Since the template was from
an earlier prototype you must leave some ambiguities at the

transition line, which is the vertical line halfway down
the length. Now, the first thing you want to do is to cut the
bottom of the whole thing.

I was aghast at the result! See the photo one after the next.
I had cut along the blue dotted line, did nothing else, and yet
I was staggered to find that it was precariously metastable...

I am a physicist and the only conclusion was that the masses
on either side of the vertical transition line were almost
equal. I could not believe it at once, because as you see

with the top view, a few images down, I had massive
(to my belief) side blocks at the handle end. It was
awfully difficult to persuade myself that the very thin

knife portion had such a siginificant amount of mass...

What can you do under these circumstances? My instinctive
solution was to make this portion slightly shorter. That was OK,
but then what about the aethetic aspect of the handles?

The template can be all contained within the starting material
boundaries. So, in theory it is not impossible to invert
the template and transcribe its circmference.

See above? Can you believe that this is meta stable?
It is only a small triangular piece cut away from the bottom!

See these side pieces? They are Borneo iorn wood! To me the mass
concentration is very heavily towards the handle end, but physics
is telling me it is not the case...

You may very well wonder what for on earth I did curve out such
a massive volume from the bottom of the handle, when removing a small
triangular piece made the whole thing instantly unstable?

It is because as a physicist I was mentally doing intergal
calculus on this portion. It also was my gut feeling.
What I was mentally calculating was the effects on the

stability of the cumulative removal of the bottom mass.
Naturally, one has to be careful...

Above, to my satisfaction, was found to be stable, just
as I had predicted... So, what remained was really cosmetic,
rounding of the handle, mainly.

Here above, I have two prototype pieces, one at the back is
yesterday's and you can see the beast's neck is drooping.
One at the front is today's and it is a proud beast,

sticking up its neck rather beautifully. I like it.
More importantly, it is very stable.

Same happy beast under a different lighting. There are a few other
things I can do. Make the handle length longer a bit. I also could
do with making the mid-section of the handle go Cocal Cola.

All these, I will have to see, but I am inclined to think
that I have found a solution to my butter knife stability problems...

パエ-リャ 128

2008-11-03 17:27:06 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas hoy?

Aqui, hace un poco de sol, no viento, y un poco de frio tambien...
Ahora, vamos?

Para que?

Por que?

Las mujeres mayores que viven solas

la lavadora

con el portero

y tambien とか y ademas とか。。。

a cambio de una peqenya propina

sin necesidad de desperra a la familia

en fin

poco a poco

algun dia

por mucho que lo pienso

Manya-na hay que madrugar!

Cuand pueda, nos trae la cuenta, por favor!

aunque sea corte

Conchita, ya me voy...
Aqui ahora en ingles!

What is the idea!?

Mark my words! You will see I am right!

She skirted the subject!

I was amused to notice that DK!

That is fixed for 9 o'clock!

Life is one trouble after another!

Fancy f DK!?

I like just the way it is!

Let us have a minute of prayer...

what you are best at

to settle old accounts

a visitor's resgister of the shrine

Conchita, ya me voy otra vez, hasta lego...
Vaya con Dios!

Self-standing butternives, bootsholders

2008-11-01 17:13:10 | Weblog

Above? Newly painted frontal view of my workshop.
It is by far the world smallest, and my intention is
to construct a 10 times larger one at our mountain cottage next year.

This is where I spent half of my time today, doing up
on the butterknives. Normally, I would have done that
right in the middle of the next image.

However, chrythantimums (I told you I am not good at spellings!)
were rampant and could not do it there... For that matter,
other plants are also rampant as can be seenfrom the image

one after the next.

Anyway, they were coated, immmdiately after. To the lower right
you see my favourites, so far, and I will zoom up on those.

See below They are there.

In fact, I mail-ordered last night an additional material of the same kind
used with the handles, yes, Borneo Iron Wood, and today's
mail is telling me that the delivery costs 3 times the price of the wood itself!

Above, see that I am sticking with it? Same initial
configuration and I will see what more may come out of this...
Iron wood is used here, too.

Their height is a lot more than that I allowed for so that
I have more freedom in coming up with final shapes for
commercially viable products.

Now, take a look at the following two.

I am actually awed by my own resourcefullness...
My new jig can take up to 20 bootsholders at a time.
No shears, and any of the irregularities are

hammered out (or down, rather...) by the hummer and
the wedge seen with this image.

Above is the driving mechanism, and if this does not work
then I will have to opt for a more solidly made system,
perhaps employing soft iron pieces here and there.

I hope not, and whether this is OK remains to be seen...

Oh, by the way, Conchita, there will be no logging tommorrow.
It is a BBQ day with my local pals. Hasta luego!

パエ-リャ 127

2008-11-01 17:11:53 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Comiendo bien con tu familia?

Aqui, hoy, si, hace buen tiempo. Ayer habia un poco de
viento, pero no lo hace hoy...

Bueno, vamos!

desde entonces

cerca del lugar donde ella habitaba

La tradicion dice que DK

siete dias despues

luego de una serie de NANINAI


desde cualquier lugar del mundo

durante siglos

en cada punto importante del camino hasta llegar a Santiago

al lo largo del camino

Conchita, bastante ahora no? Vamos ingles!

It is a rather outmoded term to use!?

You will have to sidle through the crowd!

just to round it off properly

You may call it that, but ....

I thought to myself that DK...

That is going back quie a long while!?

What is eating you!?

That is the line to take!

I could not get even a glimpse of anything!

The blind ws flapping...

Conchita, let us call it a day!
Take care and vaya con Dios!