

パエ-リャ 134

2008-11-15 16:30:39 | Weblog
Conchita, mucho tiempo, no?

Volvi a casa ayer, y todavia estoy un poco cansado.
Mientras alla pensaba siempre de sola una cosa...
Estas bien, comiendo bien, cantando y bailando bien?

Ahora vamos? En realidad no me recuerdo de donde
estaba yo!

Al segundo primera!

Ella esta de vacasiones!

Es algo urgente?

DK, y resulta que no tengo suficientes fondos en mi cuenta!

Vaya! Pues, deme un poco de tiempo!

de acuerdo...

a cambio de una peque-nya propina

la decada de los 70

sin necesidad de DK

las mujeres mayores que viven solas

Conchi, esto es bastante, y vamos ingles!

He died suddenly of an illness!

He fell into a coma!

There is no simple and categorical answer to that!

One should not prejudge!

My car stalled on the road!

a draft budget

You go from A to B with 3 stops on the way!

in heavily accented English

Rain is drumming off the windshield!

The tail stated moving of its own accord!

Traffic signals were coming up fast!

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Take care! and vaya con dios!

Spoons, forks, wooden, bootsholders

2008-11-08 17:18:16 | Weblog
Conchita, do you know something?

I forget things, easily, well, fairly easily...
Take a look at what follows. These are simple, two pronged
forks. How do you make them?

I have come this far instinctively. How then would you force them
into their final shapes? As they stand at the moment they are of
the same constant thickness.

For that matter, something like above... Again at this stage
they are of the same constant thickness all the way down
their lengths.

Why all this stupid question? It is just that I do not remember
the details after this stage. Granted, I have done these
many times by now, but still details are elusive...

One thing I definitely know is that with these I will have to
transcribe side profiles. I do that, then what? Do I go
bandsaw again? Do I go jigsaw?, or both?

I tried both in the end and as I did the whole process
came back to me slowly...

As I suspected most of external form shaping is done by
the disk sander, shown above. I think I need to document
these detailed procedures...

So, I went disk sander for the concave surface of the spoon
shown above. You have to thin down on the area you wish to
make concave, and above image is showing you the result.

Shown above is the final shape. Quite how concaving is done,
I will tell you in a sec.

Anyway, see the top profile? The corners of this
spoon are rather angular, not my taste really, but that is
what I was asked to do.

Here, I had a very shallow concave to form. Again, I was
not exactly sure which of the two tools to use. The right
answer was the above shpere with spikes.

An alternative would have been the flapper, seen here
to the left of the spiky sphere. There are proc and cons.
The spiky is very abrasive, but powerful.

The flapper is smooth carving, but less powerful.
It is when you are faced with a very thin piece
to make a concave in that you develop some doubts.

Anyway, above is used to smoothe out the edges of the
stem, a very useful tool, and cheap, too! It is a throw
away tool.

Smae really went to my forcs. Here, I took advantage of the
side profile meant for the spoon. This is OK, because
all these curvatures are more or less the same.

This is a very large machine. It is a grind cutter and
I will take this to my cottage tommorrow. I will be using
it a lot when I construct my workshop (large one), starting

with soft iron pipes normally used for scaffolding. This
has been lying around in my coating shop and it has been
a pain in the neck.

So has been this, standing right at the entrance to my
workshop. I will take this, too. It will be useful
when I cut timbers for structural strength of my large


Conchi, as I told you I will be away in the mountain
for a few days starting from tommorrow. No further logging
until my return here.

Take care!

パエ-リャ 133

2008-11-08 17:17:53 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy, hace lluvia, lluvia ligera.
Te recuerdas de la lluvia ligera en londres?

Ahora, vamos...

Por la many-na el autobus anda despacio!

Facilmente vamos a tardar veinte minutos el llegar!

Ella tarda media hora en comer!

Los ninyos tardan poco tiempo en aprender un idioma!

Nos esperan junto a las consignas automaticos!

Tenemos tiempo!

A que hora es la reunion?

a eso de las ocho!

Vamos a esperarlos un poco mas!

Hay mucho trafico! Estamos en hora punta!

Conchi, ahora vamos en ingles?

People with the hoax mentality do exist!

You are one play behind the game!

She is having an off-day!

in the majority of cases

You are in the plain sight of all others!

You can tell at a glance!

All too often that is the case!

You have no choice!

More height means less air for the blades to bite on!

You see that bank of clouds up there?

Conchi, this should suffice for now?
Take care!

Unbelievable butterknives, bootsholders

2008-11-07 16:40:18 | Weblog
I made it! I made it! No shears! All 17 of them!

Naturally, there will have to be a few improvements,
but the sheer fact remains that you can, overnight,
fix up on the bootsholder pieces in one go.

A above is showing you a possible mechanism of arc formation

The blue end on the left is a stopper, and yet, alhough very firmly
fixed to the base it does go away from its vertical position as
lateral pressure is applied.

Each of the bootsholder pieces will go along with that, making them
slide up on its immediate neighbouring piece, thus forming an arc.
The horizontal green arrow is the lateral pressure.

The ultimate solution would be to have a very solid block at
the end of the base. With that in mind I went to a DIY shop, and
found a pipe crumper.

It uses a 3/4 inch water pipe as its mainstructural member
and the end block is very solidly made, cast iron and all that.

There are certainly small gaps, inevitable with any threads
using device, which might contribute towards its back end
falling back a bit, but my guess is that it will not be

as significant as in the case of wooden stopper. Unfortunately,
much I wanted to buy one, no suitable diameter pipes were
available. I will have to look around!

Most of today was really spent on preparatory operations. Virtually
all of my work involves, and requires rectangular blocks
of wood, with varying degrees of length, thickness etc, etc.

Seen above are some leftovers from my earlier work on large
spoons. They originate in the parts that were adjacent to the
spoon stems.

With a small business like mine you cannot waste them!

Above and what to follow next are really showing you how to
go about deciding on the material width, thickness you

It is one thing to have templates for your top and side profiles.
However, deciding on the required material width, thickness
is another matter.

Schematics above, B and C may be of help. Yes, I use
these L shaped alminium igs a lot. I just place my
template on these and the angle with the nearest

dimension will be picked up. For instance, the image above
is matching the side profile of a particular spoon
against one of the jigs.

Small discrepancies are ignored, simply because any of these
unwanted portions will be sanded outin the fabrication

On the other hand something like above cannot be
tolerated. Jig is much too wide. In cases like this I will
place the template directly on the wood and draw

a reference line, along which the wood is to be cut. This
rarely happens, and most of the time I simply place
my jig on the wood and draw my cutting lines.

Images that follow showing you what stage I got to by the
end of my working hours, 10:00 to 16:00.

You remember me talking about the mail-ordered Borneo
iron wood? Me spending JPY 1000 on the wood itself and ending up
paying JPY 2000 for the delivery?

Rejyoce!!! I found a DIY shop, not too far from here,
where they have stocks!I am actually going mad about this
whole business!

パエ-リャ 132

2008-11-07 16:39:59 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Cantando? Bailando? Haciendo que!?

Aqui, al contrario a las provisiones
hace buen tiempo... Es muy agradable!

a partido de 1906

Me siento atraido!


por encargo del gobierno


nada menos que 60 bocetas

e caballo herido por una lanza

usando solo el color gris

al respecto

No tengo buena opinion de ellos!

lo que mucha gente no sabe

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no?
Desde aqui en ingles!

It is an open field from where the path to the left
heads back towards DOKOSOKO!

It is the same everywhere!

Like it or not, we will have to do it!

I have little good to say about DOUNOKOUNO!

a cookbook which includes snake rcipes

A snake should be skinned and filleted like a fish!

Steam it in a pressure cooker!

Dredge it in a flour!

Dip it in egg and crumbs and fry it!

steep and rocky embankments

if you are travelling economy

Conchita, do you like snakes?
They are cute, are they not?

Self-supportive butterknives, bootsholders

2008-11-06 17:09:52 | Weblog
I had usual chores this morning. I then ponderd over
what I might usefully do before lunch.

What follows was the answer. After all, it takes a long time
before these bootsholders-to be take their final shape.

There was a slight problem, however. Free ends of these
were crumped down OK, and lateral pressure was exerted OK,
but that meant that an arch (very small) was formed along the

laterally pressurised end.

Above was my emergency measure, two bricks to press down on
the arch. It was working OK when I had a last look. I will have
to come up with a neater solution, though...

Here aboveI am at long last on to the real situation,
a combination of what I call "black and white walnuts"

Since the relative weight of the black walnut is something like
0.6 I deliberately made the thickness of the side pieces
thicker than usual.

One on the lower right is my attempt to ctreate a template
for the arch in the handle. This was not very useful. It is
much quicker to use a real one, and I intend to keep that one

as such, i.e., a real version template...

My long awaited Broneo iron wood arrived today. I am very unhappy about this. It has, and I do not know what in the language, a whitish part all
along the wood. I will have to be choosy which part to use.

In the meantime, some more of these were made to their almost
final stage of completion.

Above, really, is the day's reward. Three beasts in stead
of two from yesterday. Today, I had an oder for three pairs
of chopsticks for kids.

Beasts will be coated when chopsticks are ready, along with
some others. I am, after all, being fairly busy!,
am I not?

Alas, though, I will be once again at our mountain cottage
in order to oversee some professional works in the garden.

My log will be stopped for a few days from this coming Sunday.

パエ-リャ 131

2008-11-06 17:09:35 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estoy bien!

Hoy aqui, hace buen tiempo. Ahora mismo hace un poco de
viento, pero, es muy agradable...

para que te tomes un cafe a mi salud

Parece que ha habido un accidente!

Aqui estamos parados mucho tiempo!

Nada de nada!

a igual que en tods los paises miembros de la Union Europea

el deporte ocupa un lugar importante en la sociedad!

con toda mi fuerza

con la esperanza de NANINAI

cada vez mas

el mas famoso

el el extranjero

poco a poco

ademas de NANINANI

Conchi, ya voy con la lengua inglesa!

Walk along the road to the right, and you will soon
find the bus stop!

a walking robot wih a slightly jerky stride

an article on the front page

that incident a few years back

It is hard to be humolous in a burrowed language!

It happens in all our neighbourhoods!

a memorial service for needles

There just is not as much sentiment as there once was!

Conchi, as I get closer to the end of this particular phrase book
I realise that I am no longer meeting expressions.

I suspect that by this stage in time I had met virtually
all I needed. After all, if you live in a foreign country
and are very serious in picking up expressions

there will be a time when marginal utility suddenly
drops...and consequently you opt out for nouns and
noun equivalents.

I am dead certain that that is what happened to me.

What is the course of action now? Simple, go back to
my rather tatty notebooks!

Vaya con Dios, Conchi!

Self-stable butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-05 16:48:10 | Weblog
First thing I did this morning was to deliver what I had
ready for that shop there. I told her about my butter knives.
She was very much interested, so was the girl who comes to

my house evry Wednesday for taking delivery of what she ordered
for the day.

In terms of fabrication the first thing I did on return was to
make spacers or the bootsholders. I should imagine I made
something like 50 of them. I will be needing more...

I then made a final adjustment to my jig. This now is ready for use, and
I hope shears will go away... In any event I have done everything
I can think of.

Below is the full set for fixing up on the bootsholders-to be.

Bootsholders are my bread and butterat the moment, until
another girl opens up her shop again. So, they are constantly

NOw, what is below is not another of the same things.
This is specifically meant for the girl who is yet to
reopen her shop.

The handle length will be a little longer, because the
side piece material for her will have to be made of
her favourite wood.

I am also personally interested in the outcome. Two type of walnut
materials mixed into a butter knife... Will it do?
That remains to be seen...

I am hoping that in the very near future I will be able
to use the same bootsholder fixing jig with these butter knives.
Else, I will have to construct another one, very similar.

That might be just as well, though...

パエ-リャ 130

2008-11-05 16:47:53 | Weblog
Conhita, como estas?

Hoy estoy breve tambien...

en medio camino

a lo largo de NANINANI

a lo largo de la orilla del agua

a proposito

en la actualidad

Esto es mas popular que nunca!

Cauales son los motives de que DK?

en una ocasion

en comparicion con NANINANI

en especial del Cante

a prpposito de esto

lo unico que vale

A uno le duele por adentro!

hacerle sentir a usted una cosa que usted no sabe lo que es,
pero que a usted se le erice el cabello

Conchi, ya me voy. Vamos en ingles!

He could not have been more wrong!

They barely made a dent in it!

if you are overseas

I do not think I can make it!

If I could make it up, there has got to be some way down!

a quick half-day hike

Take the main road leading away from the station, and
turn left at the first traffic signals!

Keep walking along this shopping street!

From the right side of that building a road leaddown to


Just below the summit the path splits up, one going
straight to the top, the other taking you round that
part and up a slightly rocky course to the top!

Conchita, that is the day! Take care!

Self-supporting spoons, bootsholders

2008-11-04 17:37:32 | Weblog
My utmost concern this morning was the reproducibility of
my butter knives. To that end my first task was to make a
template out of yesterday's prototype.

It is seen to the right of he first image. As a matter of fact,
making the second one from this template was surprisingly
easy and consumed only less than half an hour.

This is good, because my intention is to sell them
at a relatively high price. When properly coated I would
demand a minimum of JPY 2500.

Needless to say that these are only prototypes and the
wood used for the knife portion is not of best quality.
I will be using oak in my ultimate version.

I did not make any more of these butter knives, simply
because I wanted to await the arrival of my mail-ordered
Borneo iron wood. That will get here by the end of this week.

My immediate problem today was that I found, from the last lot of
19, 3 had developped shears. Here, I am talking about

Quite how this came about, I am not exactly sure...
However, I do know how to combat this. In above I am
cutting a 50mm wide, 5 mm thick soft iron piece

with my grind-cut tool. Naturally, I had to employ
my metal bandsaw as well.

The idea is seen above. Press down the free ends of the bank of
boosholders-to be with this metal bar on top and the metal bar
will be bolted down. That should work.

These are the next lot to be fixed on the jig.

Bandsaw was used to cut out the rough outlines. These will be
belt-sanded. There are about 20 of them here. I went out this
afternoon to buy further materials for another 60.

50 of them will end up in the department store, and the
remaining 30 (earlier ones included) odd with my friend.
I will be making another 50, 60 of these in due course.

Now, for the immediate future, I am toying with the idea of
making spoons based on the idea of my self-supporting
butter knives.

Why? It is my gut feeling. Spoons can be self-supporting, can they not?
Large ones spring to my mind. Ones that you may use with
your winter pods.

Even smaller ones might benefit from it...