

Air circulation below the flooring

2009-06-24 17:48:20 | Weblog
It was raining very hard this morning and my coating work
was rained off. I will be working on them this evening
in preparation for tommorrow's.

The girl from K's called on me yesterday, with requests.
One of them included an ashtray! There was no agreed
price on that work, so I decided to make one from wood.

Quite why I should be asked to make an ashtray, I really
do not know. However, I do make things if I can and if they sell
at reasonable prices.

It is not yet complete. I will have to make a small brass
netting to fill in the space.

This one above is the bottom. Once coated, this will, hopefully,
be the last ashtray I have ever made! My selling price?
JPY 2000, minimum!

These above, just retrieved from the coating shed. I will be
removing polyps this evening. Those outside the chopsticks
holder are pickers.

My guess is that I should sell each for JPY 200, minimum.
After all, they will have had 10 coatings when ready
for sale. It is no mean task! 10 times on these tiny pieces!

Most of my time today was spent on these, 5 of the 8
rice spatulas. They are coating ready.

The flat spoon like object is not the profile for
eventual spoons. K's girl is asking if I can replicate this
with walnut.

This is so thin, and the idea, apparently, is to use
these spoons with the pizzas that her friend sells.
Previously, these were disposables, and now they

want reusables. Do they know how much that might cost them?
K's girl is asking also if I could make a thicker version.
All this remains to be seen. As far as I am concered

I must get a fair return on these silly looking spoons.

Anyway, today's main topic is about the airing of the
space below the floor. I do intend to have openings
for natural air circulation, 5 of them in all.

However, I suspect that they are not good enough. My
current gut-feeling is that perhaps I should remove
one of the fans installed with my mini workshop.

One of them, or for that matter, all of them are
hardly used in reality. I simply installed them
after fashion. One big one, that can be removed

and used for the new house I am building. That
is for forced circulation with a service window,
I think.

I will need a timer for this fan. I do not want it
fanning out air through the ventillation openings
all day!

Tommorrow, I think I will go out and buy the panes
for my roof windows, and see how well they fit before
fixing them with polyester resin.

I now think that I will be making two more structures
in the very near future, one as my workshop, and the
other as my coating room.

Oh yes, I will have to build a washing machine room
for my mother, too! God bless me!

パエ-リャ 279

2009-06-24 17:47:03 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, hoy ha sido un dia extra-nyo. Estaba lloviendo
duro por la manya-na y por eso me abandono a mi trabajo
de revestimiento.

A continuacion, y luego se convirtio nublado y soleado
por la tarde. Manya-na se espera que este nublado,
por lo que me estoy preparando para mi trabajo de

revestimiento de esta noche. Entonces, vamos?

Son desde luego menos de 30!

se desccubiro provenian de irlanda

estaba investigando si aluguno de los productos

fue distribuiod en Reino Unido

por septimo a-nyo consecutivo

la crisis financiera

la caida mas fuerte

en busca de NANINANI

la mujer atrapada por un alude de nieve

a las 17.00 horas de ayer

Conchi, vamos ingles, no?

an angle poised light

a dash of paint

Some people managed to make ti as fars as DOKOSOKO

We think it went down rather well!

scaling and polishing of your teeth

It makes your mouth water!

Take a deep breath!

I wonder where he is off to!

Conchita, let us leave it there for today, shall we?

Ceiling insulation and dew flow

2009-06-23 17:49:01 | Weblog
Work continued, including coating of the two different
lots. Also, roof windows.

The first photo here is the roof windows. One of them is
now ready for taking the pane. Second one is now being framed.
quite how I should proceed from here re painting I have not yet

decided. Here, you are looking at them bottom on. That is,
they are shown upside down.

Here below, rice spatulas with side bands being cemented.
They will be worked on tommorrow.

Chinese sppons of my own design. I am not too sure about
their profile, but they do sell. And, that is all very important.
7 coatings have been applied to date. 3 more to go...

Above, mainly chopsticks and picker/stickers.

Above is today's main topic. Dew drainage over the celing foundation.

Here, you are looking at the roof structure end on. Pipes are
there, sandwiched by 2x materials in black. You see 12mm and 6mm
plywoods above and below 2x4 materials.

Roofing and ceiling materials are not depicted. My idea of dew
drainage is to make use of the space between these 2x4 materials.

You need to net them over so that insulating materials do not
come into direct contact with the ceilling foundation. Naturally,
the space between the plywoods will be filled with insulating


Now, all this means that you will have to coat the top of the
ceilling plywoods. You also need to prevent the dew sneaking into
the gap spaces, that is between the 2x4s and ceilling plywoods.

I am already thinking about extending the house under construction...
Even, separate and independent sheds to suit my purposes?

It remains to be seen...

パエ-リャ 278

2009-06-23 17:46:16 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Yo no confiaba en el pronostico del tiempo para hoy.
Sin embargo, como resulto fue muy calido y soleado.
Debe haber sido uno de esos dias de verano.

Se siguio trabajando en todos los frentes y
no se produjo en los pedidos de mas!

Entonces, vamos?

dounokouno que puede provocar problemas de salud

con una larga exposicion

el gigante minorista

advertio al publico que no los consumiera

la cantidad de paises que podrian haber importado la carne

esta en el rango de 20, 25

Vamos ingles aqui, no?

What are you getting upset about?

Chinese dishes are not quite appropriate for wedding!
(Why not?)

That is what it is used for!

You said YES to a lot of things you could have said

NO to!

So, that is all fair and square!?

It makes my blood boil!

That is it! Take care!

Fixing the ceiling foundation

2009-06-22 17:39:32 | Weblog
Today, I coated yesterday's. Those from earlier coating sessions
were treated, but not coated. I want to shynchronize these
two lots for eventual matting.

So, I am now trying to create 8 spatulas, as shown below. They
are meant for serving rice. They will be side-banded.

I am right now concentrating my thoughts onto the eventual
roofing and ceiling work. I have a very clear view in that
I will be using 12mm plywoods for the roofing foundation,

and 6mm plywoods for the ceiling fundation. That much is crystal
clear. However, there are other crucial considerations,
regarding procedures for placing 2x4 and 2x6 materials.

Just take a look at the following schematic. Those in red
are 2x4, 2x6 materials and numbers on then do not mean
placing orders, just identification.

I have not included asphalt shingle materials with this

The fundamental problem here is one of procedures, nothing
but procedures. It is ever so easy to do the roofing as an
indpendent job, the same goes to outer walling work.

However, the whole idea is to go monococking and you just cannot
place 2x4 and 2x6 and say it is done. Not simple as that...

My current idea is this. 2 will be first clumped to the iron pipes.
Then, 3 will be clumped and 2 and 3 will be screwed together.
Only after that 6mm plywoods will be screwed to 2, and

insulating materials place above them, and only then 1 will be
placed in position. With 1 before 2, then I cannnot screw 2 and 3

Naturally, 1 and 2 will be bolted together, so will be 3 and 4.
However, bolting them will not stop them from sliding across
the piping structures. So, I will need some stopping mechanism, too.

I have been giving some thoughts about all this. My instinct says
this is OK. Once 2x materials are in place, then I can fix other
wooden materials to suit my purpose, I think...

I am probably thinking in the same way as to flooring.
2x materials are by no meas structural materials and the
whole idea is to combine metal pipes and 2x materials for

quasi structural stiffnes. Should work for a single storey house...

パエ-リャ 277

2009-06-22 17:26:53 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, ahora se busca mas y mas como una temporada de lluvias, con precipitaciones intermitentes, y sol entre en hechizos.

Ayer, me compre otro habanero y debe producir naranja habaneros. Estoy ansioso de verlos, pero hay una posibilidad muy fuerte que no lo hare.

Simplemente porque voy a ser en mi caba-nya de monta-nya, cuando estas plantas soportaran sus fruites en las mejores!

Entonces, vamos?

los procesos antes desconocidos

al ser preguntado por la repurcusion practica

自発的な対象性の破れ (物理現象)
la simetria quebrada espontanea

los constituyentes fundamentales de la materia

en la fisica subatomica

la carne contaminada podria haber llegado a 25 paises
つまり、haber sido exportada a hasta 25 paises

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

I am a little feeling uneasy!

I have not got a clue!

We can stick in this number into the formula!

It is not going one way or the other!

I thought he was going to drop dead!

Conchita, shall we leave it there? Take care!

Progress with roof windows

2009-06-21 18:03:34 | Weblog

Conchita, the visit to our Tokyo house was rained off.

It is unlikely that we get there in a few day's time,
perhaps on Friday? To be there really requires nice and
dry air, minimum cloudy...

Anyway, work continued. Actually, Goo's people are doing something
stupid. Images do not go to places I want.

So, the first image for today is about pickers, made out
from redundant materials. They do not look very impressive,
but I am sure they will do the job they are intended for...

The second image is the current lot on coating, chopstics.
They will be ready for sale in 4 day's time.

The third image is telling you that I now have 5 Chinese spoons
for coating. That will be done tommorrow, I think...

Personally, I do not like this particular design, but this might
stick with me, in that they sell...

The bottom picture is showing you the cross-section of the
frames. You do not want the panes to be seen cemented with
polyester resing. From above, yes, because you cannot normally

see them from above. Anyway, the photo above it is
showing you a stage just before fixing up everything.

here, I am trying to see if members do fit together as
I intended them to. Also, I am trying to come up with the
fitting procedures.

What I do realise is that I still need water drainage gaps
in the lower frame. You do not want a pool of water sitting
on the panes, do you?

Anyway, I now realise that I have so many things to take up
to the construction site, such as window panes, electric planer,
roof windows, tools, and even my smaller milling machine
(for intricate joining jobs).

I may indeed revisit our mountain cottage during the rainy
season. I even want to take some 4X4 materials left over
from my earlier work on my workshop.

Also, my mother ants to read some books in English. I will have
to deliver them, too. Oh, God, so many other things I need
to do!

Here again, I cannot close this with things I want. Goo people
are trying something out and failing at the moment...

パエ-リャ 276

2009-06-21 18:03:06 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Cantando y
bailando y comiendo bien con tu familia?

Aqui, en lo que a mi respecta hoy debe ser la primera
de este a-nyo la temporada de lluvias. Esperamos tener 4 dias consecutivos de lluvias a partir de hoy.

Que no es tan malo, porque no llueve todos los dias
de todos modos. Me afecta a mi trabajo de revestimiento,
pero que no es muy importante. Tengo un monton de tiempo.

Entonces, aqui vamos?

el cambio climatico

el paid de procedencia

No estoy preparada para eso!

a la hora de naninani

lo que pasa por algo importante

Tiene que haber un sistema que alientan a los jovenes!

en le mismo sentido

Eso me llleva a darme cuenta de que DOUNOKOUNO!

los logros que les han hecho mercer el premio

Conchi, vamos ingles desde aqui!

just ten minutes down the road by car

You close your mind to it!

workers inching their way to work in heavy snow

It gives me a breathing space!

Freezing fog is still about!

Your skin is all flaky!

He had a nasty tumble off the bike!

In the way you think best!

Conchi, let us call it a day and take care!

I think those systems people are failing in their
attempts, whatever they are!


2009-06-20 22:36:09 | Weblog
Conchita, today's logging cancelled due to cinema going.
"Angels and Demons"

Also, either tommorrow or the day after tommorrow,
or even later, on one day I and my wife will have to
air our vacant house in Musashino-shi.

And that means no logging on that day either.
It will all depend on the weather, though.

Bringing 2X4s to the roof height

2009-06-18 22:36:12 | Weblog
Coating continued today. No photo here. Just suffice to
say that it took all morning.

Then, I worked on roof window frames and Chinese spoons
alternately, taking into account the Joule heating of my
milling machine.

These Chinese spoons will be will be worked on some more
tommorrow re outline and then concaved. That will give me time to
groove another windwon frame.

Today, I made 4 members like this for a full window frame.

Above is my workshop here, small, very, probably the smallest workshop
in the world at 1.7m x 2.7m. The house I am working on
is at 4m x 6m and I do intend to expand it later.

Now, even with this small structure I had to do things
rather unconventionally. I did, though, start with the foundation.
With the current larger one, I had to work on the foundation

only after the skeleton had been erected. Normally, you would
expect to work on the roof next. Well, I could not do it
with this small workshop.

In order to compensate for the small area I wanted to go higher,
and that meant that my ladder was insufficient to work
on the roof top. So, I had to start with the flooring.

How ridicuouls it is, I do know...

With the larger house I have lots and lots of other problems.
I am the only carpenter, the only mason, and all other
job handlers.

What can be done in 10 minutes if I had another helper
would take me one hour easily. My immediate task would be to
bring 2x4, 2x6 materials up to the hiehgt of 4m.

Added to their sheer mass I need to think how I might
just do that. Roping comes first to my mind. Rope around them
and pull them up?

More of an acute problem is the plywoods. They are
eqaully heavy and much more difficult to handle.
How the hell am I going to lift them to that height

so that I can fix them in place. Who is going to hold
them for me while I am fixing them? The plywood for the
ceiling base will be constantly trying for fall!

Roping again?, my current gut feeling is that in
addition to roping I will have use auxilliary metal pipes
for secure holding.

All this, I will be doing in the heat of the summer!