

パエ-リャ 275

2009-06-18 17:10:38 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Bien?

Aqui, el pronostico para hoy era de lluvia, pero
no a todos la lluvia! En lugar de ello, ha sido
muy calido y soleado.

Creo que estamos teniendo una temporada de lluvias
muy seco. Yo lo celebro. No quiero ser lloviado
en mi taller, ya que sera demasiado humedo.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

si bien la decision final

como ultimo recurso

en una rueda de prensa

en el campo de la fisica

el aceto Balsamico

el aceite de oliva

Conchi, ahora vamos ingles!

Pirahna?, as in fish?

Tell us which way leads out of the wood?

It is enough to drive one crazy!

The gear is a bit sticky!

the wasy things are going, dounokouno

To meet again would only cause distress!

That is OK with me!

I can hardly wait until it is my turn!

I love you just the way you are now!

Conchita, I think it is enough for today.
Take care!

Cross table failed to move!

2009-06-18 17:04:52 | Weblog
Morning went OK, as photos show, all coating, but
two different kinds simultaneously, adding to the
time it takes to complete.

I can still live with it, though.

I was shattered early in the afternoon. I just thought that
before embarking on the chinese spoons I might get a glimpse
into the roow window framing.

Since the grooving length is something like 30cm, I
loosened the table stopper and rotated the table davance
handle on and on, and it all happened suddenly!

Above schematic is showing you what happened.
The long feeder bolt slipped out of its female counterpart!
Naturally, I tried to push it back in, but no...

That was the start of my daymare. I had to phone up the
manufacturer for frequent advice. In the end I ended up
unscrewing parts of the assembly to fix it!

Above photo is showing you the aftermath. Complete
recalibration of my vice on the table. Including this and
phoning and dis-assembling work all of my afternoon today

simply dissipated! recalibration is abosolutely
neccessary for my window grooving and it is just a matter of
trial and error. It takes time!

Actually, there is noe more thing I will have to do.
Remove the vice again so that I can fiddle with the
jig for the table motion. At the moment table movement is

a little too stif. In order to reduce it I will need to
fiddle with 4 screws and nuts. The vice is in the way!

Above photo is showing you roofing by shingles. It is difficult
to see, but there are metal pieces aling the side of the slant.
Nothing at the bottom of it. So, this is a typical example

of roofing done by professionals.

I have done some research into roofing issues and above schematic
seems to be the best solution.

However, in reality, I do not seem to have seen those metal
pieces available at any of the DIY shops I have been to.

They do store simpler metal jigs as shown as A here. What do I
do with them? B is a tentative solution. I am sure that
this will do just as nicely, but, but, but...

In practice it may not matter, as my intention is to use
polyester resin rather extensively all around the places
where rain might sneak into.

My current guestimate of the costs is something like
JPY 500,000. This nicely compares with similar cases
seen on the web.

Unconventional anchor bolting

2009-06-17 17:06:05 | Weblog
Conchita, today's photos are somehow in reverse order.
They at Goo must have done something stupid for this to happen.

Anyway, coating continued and there is no photo for that.
Most of this afternoon was spent on the bean curd disolvers.
You will see them dwon below. They will be coated

for the first of penetration sessions tommorrow.

Today, I made two discoveries, the first for the water shedder metals
(more about it later) used in roofing works and the second
about anchor bolting (or its equivalent).

Here, I have rearranged the photo order so that waht I say
makes sense. Up until last night my idea for the bolting
of upper structures to the foundation had been rather

unconventional.It should have worked, though. However,
I now have a better solution. Rfer to the first schematic.

This is the cross-section of the foundation area. My original
idea of foundation was simply to fill the gaps in green
with concrete, so that those 2X6 structures can sit

on top of the foundation happily, in dead contact. And, I
was to find other ways of anchor bolting independent of
this process.

In this first schematic, the spaces behind the pipes are void.
I was not going to fill these voids with concrete. However,
I now realise that I should, not all the way down the length

of these 2X6s.

What I can do is to raise the concrete level at some intervals
to the top of these 2X6s so that I can bolt through the concrete.
No vertical anchor bolts as in conventional bolting.

In my case horizontal bolts will act as the anchor bolts!
here, between the pipes I have a raised concrete section
through which bolting will be made.

It is the section contoured by green lines.

This schematic below is showing you the side view of what
I am talking about. Five blue dots are the horizontal bolt heads.
I think I am a genious, I really do!

Now, you may ask why anchor bolting? It is meant for the upper
structures from seperating from the concrete foundation in an

However, this is silly, because, as I remember, the vertical
acceleration during Kobe was a little more than 1g. That is to
say, the whole structure including the concrete foundation

could have lifted off the surface of the earth!

So, what I will have to do is to prevent that. By adding
additional concrete perimeters at the foot of the existing
concrete foundation and securing the whole thing with

additional (and a lot more of) metal bars struck deeper
into the ground with stoppers. You can see some of these
stoppers as the black lines depicted horizontally in these

schematics at the bottom of the pipes. I will be creating
a lot, lot more of these after the rainy season.

Here, lillies in my garden. I want more of these here and at the
mountain cottage in the very near future. Are they no lovely!?

Here below, bean curd things. Tommorrow on, I will be working
on Chinese spoons.

These bean curd things, they make me think. They continue to sell
well. Why!?

I am intrigued as to the reason. My immediate thought is that they are
not being used as such, for something else I did not think of.
That gives me a clue, as to what else I can create.

Things with slits, that is. I will try!

パエ-リャ 273

2009-06-17 17:05:37 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Comiendo bien
con tu familia? Creo que si!

Aqui, a pesar de las previsiones ha sido muy calido
y soleado día de hoy. Parece que vamos a tener una temporada
de lluvias en seco este a-nyo.

Es bueno, porque alguna vez el proximo mes podria
volver a la caba-nya de monta-nya para entregar
a partir de aqui algunos materiales, tales como paneles de ventana.

Cuando se establece la temporada de lluvias mi auto se llena de otras cosas! Bueno, Conchita, vamos?

una puntuacion alta

Tu fuiste calificado como feliz!

las personas con mas conexiones sociales

cada persona feliz adicional te hace mas feliz!

un amigo de un amigo

el oso mide 2 metros y medio!

en los proximos meses

hace apenas dos meses

la fiesta del pasado diciembre

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles.

turning it twice over rather than turning it alternately

Did I hear you say it?

out with the old, in with the new

The match was rained off!

You must change the gears at the correct time always!.

You must stop at a red trafic signal!

Put your gear-lever into neutral and take your foot off the clutch!

Conchita, I think these will suffice for today!
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Habanero strives in my garden!

2009-06-16 17:47:07 | Weblog
Yesterday, I went to a botanical garden of wetlands and
could not make any logging.

In the following two schematics I am very aware of
my misspellings (this, too?) Anyway, the first schematic
is trying to give you a rought idea if what might be

required. In effect, rof windows will be stucked
onto the supporting protrusions. They will be secured
agaisnt rain by cementing fibre glass sheets

with polyester resin. I am dead certain that poluester
resin will do the job, because I constructed a dinghy
many, many years ago and used polyester resin

extensively for sealding work. No problem.

The next schematic is showing you the cross-section of
the roof window itself. Grooves for accommodating the
pane will be machined by the milling machine.

Again, fibre glass with polyetser resin cementing
will be made extensively.

All morning today was spent on chopstics coating. This photo
above is showing you very short (16cm) and very thin (5mm
maximum cross-section) chopstics. Use? Lunch boxes for girls!

This photo below shows another extreme end. Those dark ones
are 35cm long and are meant to be used in the kitchen.

You may see other ordinary sized chopstics, too.

Here below, I am trying to make some more bean curd
smashers. I do not know why, but these old style
smashers are popular with customers.

I think I will be documenting the knowhows
involved in my work for posterity. Quite how I might do it
still remains to be seen, though.

Will MPEG be alive after 40 years from now? What about
other formats? Will papers last for 40 years from now?
Many uncertain things that I see...

Here below, my habaneros! Aren't they lovely?!

I planted a few of these in my garden before setting out
for our mountain cottage, along with the chilist kind whose
names fails me right now.

They are now up and coming! I should imagine that
I should have done something similar in our mountain
cottage. Perhaps, next year.

We did plant something else, though. My mother and I
will be seeing the result after the rainy season.

I finished reading the Angels and Demons last night.
That means I covered the whole lot of 569 pages in
6 evenings.

I must say that being a physicist myself I was not
that impressed. Nonetheless, the scene is now firmly set
for my wife and I to go to the cinema to find out

whatever they made out of the story for the film!

パエ-リャ 272

2009-06-16 17:23:21 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui ahoramismo estamos teniendo una tormenta electrica en la actualidad con brotes de la luz en todo el cielo.

Es muy tipico de la epoca del a-nyo que hemos tormentas.

Ayer fui a un jardin botanico de los humedales, asi que no habia realizado la tala. Ahora entonces, vamos?

para buena parte de las personas con esta enfermedad

La felicidad es contagiosa!


cuantas mas personas felices conozcas mas probable
es que tu seas feliz!

Conectar con las personas felices mejora
tu propia felicidad!

Es una giganteca investigacion sanitaria!

un tesoro de datos

Esto se remonta a 1971

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

That has been at the back of my mind
for some time!

This is nearly as good!

There was a sheet of fire!

It makes you think you are not wanted!

Ferrets do not make pets!

All airlines are operating to schedule

Hecaught me off balance!

That captures the spirit of the thing!

Conchita, let us call it a day!
Take care and vaya con dios!

Reinforcing the structure

2009-06-14 16:34:40 | Weblog
Conchita, yesterday I talked about the strong bonding
of 2X6 materials.

As a matter of fact, due to this rather unconventional
way of construction I still have structual weakbness issues
to be solved.

What is seen below is one solution to reinforce existing
concrete foundation at corners and elswhere.

For the flooring work and for that matter for the stractural
strength to be given by 2X4, 2X6 materials I have the following
scheme in mind.

Here, members in red are 2X6 struts, doubly and tripply
attached to the existing 2X6 foundation. You can see the
additional concrete foundation underneath them all.

This may turn out to be an overkill, but who cares!

Above is the frame for a roof (or ceiling) window. I will be
constructing two of these. They will be small, at 30cmX30cm,
but the merit of these is that no matter how small,

they are effective enough to let in the sunbeam. And, I have got
two of them, plus other windows. What follows is a few photos
showing you the process involved.

All this does not mean I have been negelecting my main work.
As you see below chopstics are getting ready for coating.
I have other items to fabricate, meaning that I will be

pretty busy over the next one month and when that passes
I will be right back at the construction site!

I often feel that being busy is a good thing indeed...

パエ-リャ 271

2009-06-14 16:34:11 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas hoy?

Hoy en dia aqui, iba a ser un trueno ducha, pero no fue asi. Se ha nublado, pero por lo demas, es uno de esos dias de verano, creo.

Por aqui sigo pensando en nuestra casa de campo en la monta-nya y me anhelo de volver a reanudar la construccion de mi trabajo!

Entonces, vamos?

una via mucho menos costosa

tratar a mas pacientes a la vez

antes de unirse al grupo de medicacion

una solucion para seguir adelante

las cosas que antes me habrian derribado

Tienes que pensar en como superarlas!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

regardless how many of them there might be

That is as far as I would like to say!

Anything less than that is no good to him!

The ocean floor is older the further you go from the ridge!

You should cast your mind in the dim distant past!

Sometimes, words fail me!

Traffic is tailing back!

I met them in a coffee bar and got chatting with them!

Conchita, let us call it a day, shall we?
Vaya con Dios!

Structural bonding

2009-06-13 17:02:17 | Weblog
Conchita, I continue.

Next two photos are just showing you closeups of the pipe structuring.
In fact, the second of these is showing you the location of the two midair bankbeds.

It is difficult to see, but supporting structure is firmly there in place. Even I myself find it difficult to see what is what. Basically, two horizontal pipes (2nd and 3rd from the bottom) will be forming

the basis upon which wooden structures will be constructed.

Now, the following photo is showing you the SE corner of the foundation. Ventilation is already there, built-in. Yes, I am using light concrete blocks.

However, these have been turned into much heavier that conventional heavy concrete blocks by pouring concrete into the holes. 1m long iron bars have been struck into the ground. You can see some of them in the picture.

This photo may be of help in understanding the 2X6 materials connection, solid contact of them on the eventual foundation. Actually, there is this issue of anchor bolting, but I will talk about that later.

What I am trying to achieve is to construct a 24 square meter single storey house with a slanted roof with two roof windows (plus some more windows).

One of the practical issue is this. These metal pipes are 4m long, horizontally. Whereas 2X6 materials are 12 feet at the maximum. So, somehow you will have to connect them, veru frimly and solidly.

The next schematic is showing you how I will be achieving just that.

There is no way you can screw the ends together. That would be too silly, disregarding the potential force of separation when the joint is subjected to a strong earthquake.

My idea is to fill in the gap with metal mesh and concrete and bolt through the concrete and mesh structure. The area in blue in above schematic is the crucial area I am talking about.

Naturally, although not explicit in this schematic the gap in white between the existing concrete foundation and the 2X6 materials will be closed by concrete so that 2X6 will squarely sit on the foundation.

Above is the front view of the whole structure.

Here above, I will be working on these extra foundations inside the house perimeter. The issue is this. Anchor bolting. Although I am trying to achieve some sort of anchor bolting by the method I have described so far

that is not good enough. These island foundations as I call them will be used to secure anchoring. That means more digging and cementing! Just imagine I wil be doing just that in the heat!

Above, yes, seen from the rear. It looks to me small, but in reality it is a room larger than any we have currently available either here or in the main house. In terms of the tatami measurement it is 16. In terms of square meters it is 24.

Its maximum ceiling height is 3.5m, with at least 10 windows of varying sizes and two doors. My existing deck will be expanded so that I can walk in without stepping down and up before entering the room.

I expect that the total cost of this room will be something like JPY 500,000. It should not be too bad, because the existing deck set us back by half that. After all it is a house!

Actually, it has no function other than just sleep in. Who cares! I will be building another structure which will be used as a proper workshop and also a coating room, in addition to the originally conceived washing (machine) shed.

I will remain busy for some time to come, no doubt!

パエ-リャ 270

2009-06-13 17:01:56 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y todo esta bien? Como estas?

Ha sido muy calido hoy de nuevo! Espero que los proximos tres dias seran lluviosos. Al menos eso es lo que dice el pronostico del tiempo.

En ese caso, podria tambien empezar a hacer el siguiente lote de mis objetos. Algunas de las tiendas me piden hacer frente a algunos de mis productos mas, de todos modos.

Ademas, tengo que empezar a hacer dos ventanas para que pueda encajar tan pronto como la cubierta de trabajo comienza en la caba-nya de monta-nya.

Entonces, vamos?

los pacientes han recaido!

Los antidepresivos funcionan solo mientras se toman!

Son muy eficaces a la hora de reducir los sintomas de la deprecion!

cuando la gente deja de tomarlos

Yo tengo un enfoque diferente!

por partes

Bueno, Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

a pack of cards, a ward of papers

on the corner of Broadway and Sheep street

That make it ten, does it not?

I make it ten!

When I last met you

I would like to ease up!

The pace I have been going the past couple of years!

dounokouno, which there are more of!

Conchita, shall we call it a day? Take care!