

The grand scheme

2009-06-12 17:17:20 | Weblog
Conchita, the first photo of today is rather large. Excuse me,
please for that! I just want to give you the grand picture of
what I am trying to achieve.

This is showing you that metal pipes are being connected to
form an overall structure, a framework, which will be
reinforced by 2X4, and 2X6 materials to form an eventual monocock
structure for the houese.

These are the connecting clumps. I need lots and lots of them,
even to the extent of introducing the metal struts. However,
having said that, that struture will be secured, for the most part

anyway, by those 2X4, or 2X6 materials. And, I will not go into those
details today. From here on I am carying a few schematics.

This one above is the key to the whole thing. If you had pipes banged on together, without the connecting clumps your life would be a lot easier.
Your life is not that easy.

Those clumps do stick out of the diameter of the pipes. These squares
surrounded by the red lines indicate the extent to which these
clumps occupy.

What above photo is showing you is that in order to place eventual plywoods you need 2X4s, and how they are actually fixed over and
across the existing pipe frames.

Those in blue are the crosssections of the 2X4 (or, 2X6) materials.
Notice that their thickness covers up the protrusions of the
clumps. That is exactly what you want!

They are bolted together, sandwiching the pipes. Of course,
bolt heads do not stick out as I will be making holes deep
(or shallow) enough to accommodate the nuts and bolts.

I do not want them to interfere with the plywoods I will be
fixing to the 2X4 (or 2X6) materials.

Now, so far, this is all fine, in terms of the plywood fixing
preparation. However, they can be floating in mid-air, as far
as the schemetics make you understand the situation.

Above schematic is showing you just how upper structures might be
built on the solid concrete foundation, that is dead on the top
surface of the foundation.

Here, the area in green is the crosssection of the concrete
foundation. Pipes are already cemented into the foundation.
However, there are inevitable gaps between the bottom of

the 2X6 materials and the top (still unfinished) surfaces.
What you want to do now is to fill in the gaps with fairly
runny cement. You need plywoods so that the cement will not

run down the side of the existing concrete walls.

So, Conchita, you see a very delcate job waiting for me
immediately after the rainy season!

Today, I will not go into the details of other very
important connecting jobs, let alone how ceiling windows
might be constructed and actually fixed into place so that

rain does not seep into the overall roofing structure.

To sum up, my scheme is this. Fix 2X 4 (or 6) materials over and across the existing pipe structures. Once they are in place overlay those with plywoods.

Once this is achieved you can do virtually anything you want!

So, Conchita, there you are! Because of this unconventional
construction method (and this is much more costly compared with
conventional 2X4 method) I am suffering a lot, in terms of time.

However, I am almost certain that I will get there! The materials
costr to date is something like JPY 170,000! I think it is remarkably
cost effective. After all, think of the time and physical waste on me!

パエ-リャ 269

2009-06-12 17:16:43 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Bailando y cantando, y todo eso, no?

Aqui, me sorprende que hoy ha resultado ser muy soleado y caluroso. Se declaro el inicio de la temporada de lluvias solo ayer! Aun asi, estoy contento con ella, por supuesto.

En cuanto a las expresiones que ya no recuerdo donde estaba. Entonces, yo tambien podria comenzar todo de nuevo, con solo unos cuantos de ellos para empezar, creo.

para combatir la depresion

en vez de obsesionarse con el pasado y el futuro

tras una puerta

Estamos frente a una revolucion cientifica!

MBCT por sus siglas en ingles

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles inmediatamente!

They played up to the old lady!

It is very difficult to kick a habit!

We all looked up to the director!

Did you catch on to his jokes?!

We all set forth on our journey in the highest spirits!

We drove down one of the side streets!

Conchita, I just leave it there. You know that my expressions
are all recursive anyway. Take care and vaya con Dios!

Insanity?, or what?

2009-06-11 17:10:40 | Weblog
It has been a gruelling 40 day period! I was convinced that this rather unconventional way of constructing a house was indeed valid. However, at times I found myself wondering if I was doing something stupid.

It all stemmed from this wood deck I had constructed 2 years earlier.

Conchita, lo siento, it is taking me some time to adjust to the new C&P method that they introduced during my absence! Here I am, succeeding at long last!

The total mas of this deck itself is not so much. Something like 500 kg, I should imagine. However, some members were very heavy indeed. It is a large deck by any standard. It has a roof, too, so that I can do things under rain. Areawise, it is about 15 square meters.

Now, take a look at the following photos and you will understand my problems!

This photo is showing you one of the two routes to get to the wood deck area. There is a car park beyond the bushes, which you cannot see. In terms of the steps from there to here it is just over one hundred, and it is all upslope.

Now, this photo is taken from two thirds of the way up from the car park. It still is a long way to get up to the construction site, as you may see.

Now, at my home base here, or for that matter anywhere I can cary up to 20 kg mas as long as the distance to be covered is small. Some of the main components of the wood deck far, far exceeded that limit!

Just imagine I was carrying those heavy components right in the middle of the scorching summer of two years ago! This time, I was determined that I will not repeat that folly.

In fact, that is where all these metal tubes come in, as you see next.

Here, I am just laying out 4 m long pipes to see how the overall structure might fit into the space I can use. 4 meters?, well, that is the longest pipes that they sell at the nearest DIY.

Also, there was this issue of power and communication lines that might interfere with the roof height and location. You do not see them here, but they are up here, connecting to the main house.

It really is a pain in the neck, but something you have to live with...

Anyway, what I am trying to do is to construct a single storey house, with a slanted roof that is high enough to allow 3.5 m (maximum) ceiling height, with a living space of 24 sqaure meters. That is, an additional piping, of course.

In fact, the ceiling is high enough to allow two bank beds to be constructed up in the large volume of space that I can secure. There will be a fire place, too. Several roof windows of my own making and 7, or 8 built-in windows which will not open.

Of course, there will be two doors and two windows which will open and I will have to buy them for installation during the construction work.

Bueno, Conchita, my logging for the next few days will be about how the whole thing might evolve. How these silly looking pipe structures might actually turn into something that can stay for something like 20 years to come.

Main topics will be about making roof windows, monocock structuring, bonding of the pipe structures with eventual 2X4 materials, how to construct a solid foundation supporting the eventual upper structures.

My way of doing this is unique in that the solid foundation will have to be constructed after all these pipe working is complete. That is silly!
Yes, that is silly, but then, I just hate carrying heavy materials!

パエ-リャ 268

2009-06-11 17:10:08 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes! Y, como estas?! Estas bien!?

Regrese a casa ayer de nuestra caba-nya de monta-nya. Ha sido una dura 40 dias. Y, aun estoy un poco cansado. No estoy todavia bien organizado en relacion con las expresiones.

Dame un descanso durante unos dias hasta que yo mismo me organizada.

El anexo a la casa principal se completara a finales de este oto-nyo. Habra una chimenea y dos camas banco.

Tambien habra algunas ventanas de techo y mucho mas convencional de las ventanas!

Take care and vaya con dios!