

Pelni timetable and Bitun, Suraweshi - 6

2016-07-16 09:39:47 | Weblog

Indonesian visa - paperworks

(Partly relating to Surawesi - General Santos sea route with immigration office location within northern Surawesi)

In Manado:

Address: Jl. 17 Agustus No.45, Telp: 0431-841688, 863491



In Bitung:

Immigration office is located as follows on the map below.

Address: Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi, Telp: 0438-31869

 This place is approx. 1.5km from the port of Bitung and as the following map shows it is also right next to a Pelni ffice.

 This is showing you the town of Bitung.

          Another one in town.

The most obvious landmark will be the tunas, as shown here. Bitung is where tunas are unloaded from fishing boats and taken to Manado airtport for flight to Tokyo for

 immediate consumption.


However, you cannot get your boat ticket at this Pelni office as the ship is not one of theirs. You should not expect a ship like below, either.

 This is a much more decent ship meant for island hoppers in the region.

The ship we are talking about is a small cargo boat meant to carry chickens and stuff between Surawesi and Mindanao and passengers are only additional loads as far as the ship is concerned.

It will take some 5 days back and forth, costing you approx. 15 USD equivalent one way. Sailing frequency is small, once a week from Bitung at 14:00 on Saturdays only.

Not much else is known at the time of writing this, primariy because few records have been left to date. There is a very vivid account of the voyage made by a Japanese backpacker.

He made his quick return trip for visa renewal only, Bitung-Gensan-Bitung without spending time in Gensan. He was travelling with half a dozen European backpackers and local people , but he did not leave concrete information at all let alone year record.

In his account, even one married European couple made it from the Phyls by the same boat back to Bitung, all with a very large number of noisy chickens on board.

So, all we know is that this cargo service is perhaps handled by EPA Shipping Lines in Bitung. We know where their office is located.

EPA Shipping Lines : 089-380-3591

PHP 1800, twice weekly and approx. 36 hours one way. Check with tourist office and there is also an Indonesian Consulate in Davao.

See following maps and photos.




As a matter of fact, there is another shipping line involved in this route.


 They even run a car rental as follows.

EAGA Rent-a-Car Services @ Rivera St, Lagao, Gensan TEL: 063-552-3470   

However, it is my impression that they really only look after cargos, not passengers.

As I mentioned earlier I do not think these local (well, almost) traffics are subjcted to political and economic turmoils. So, despite universal suspicions and doubts and all other nagging thoughts I believe that this route is alive at all times. 

What follows are some more photos of Bitung.




This is a lovely port town and in the nearby forests you will see small monkeys as you also find elsewhere in Bohol in the Phyls.


On a slightly seperate note and for your visa information in general what follows must be of value to all of us.

Visas-on-arrival (35 USD) :

If you are arriving/departing using Manado International airport or port of Bitung you will need to obtain a visa-on-arrival even if your stay as a tourist is limited to less than 30 days (not extendable).

In so doing you need to have your valid passport with more than 6 months left and more than 3 blank pages. You will also need to have a valid ticket for going out of Indonesia.

No visa entry :

This no visa entry practice is based on the declaration by Indonesian government made and put into practice on 12 June 2015 that:

Travellers from 30 countries including Japan are exempt from obtaining visas prior to entering Indonesia as tourists if their intention is for staying less than 30 days. 

However, you can benefit from this procedure at the following places only.

5 international airports :

Jakarta, Denpasar, Medan, Surabaya, and Batum

3 sea ports :

Tanjung Pinang, Batum (Batum Centre and Sekpan), and Tanjung Ubang

Please note that :

Even if you enter Indonesia via one of above places but intend to leave Indonesia from a place not listed above you will still need to obtain a visa-on-arrival.

For example, if you enter Indonesia at Jakarta International and intend to depart from Yogyakarta you will still need to obtain a visa-on-arrival.

If you do not want to do that for some reason you will then be asked to depart from one of the above listed places.

In the next article I will be looking at what it is like at the other end in General Santos, aka, Gensan locally.

Pelni timetable and Sandakan/Tawau Northern Borneo - 5

2016-07-16 06:14:29 | Weblog

From article 4 of this Pelni series we now know where Indonesian consulates are located in northern Borneo.

One in Kota Kinabalu and one in Tawau, but not in Sandkan (for entry into Indonesia).

       (Tawau consulate)

Let us consider why consulates come into the picture in the first place, of border crossing from the Phyls through Malaysian Borneo into Indonesia and in fact this is where things get muddy.

So, best to concentrate on one direction only for the moment.

Going through this route from Indonesia into the Phyls is not a problem, simply because both Malaysia and the Philippines offer visas-on-arrival, assuming, of course, that you

 have a valid passport.

The only thing that then matters is that you cannot bypass Malaysia, but that is not a big issue. By the sea route from Indonesia you simply arrive at Tawau and the rest will be more or less domestic matters within the boundaries of Malaysian Borneo.

However, coming down the other way is a lot more complicated.

There are good reasons. In theroy, then:

1. The Philippines immigration will not let you out into Malaysia unless you have a valid ticket for going out from Malaysia once in.

2. Malaysian authorities in Sandakan will not let you in without a valid ticket for going out of Malaysia,

3. let alone with Indonesian authorities letting you in at Tawau, unless you have a valid ticket for going out of Indonesia with proper entry records into Malaysia.

All this sounds formidable and :

You may wonder why, and my own answer to that is the strict passport control by Indonesia. For instance, once you are in Malaysia and/or in the Phyls you can extend your visa without going out of the respective country.

With Indonesia you cannot do that and in fact that is why some people tried in the past to solve this problem by going into the Phyls via Surawesi-General Santos route. I will come to that later, as it is an important topic on its own.

What you should know as the Tawau paperwork is as follows.

1. The visa you can ask for is a 60 day once only entry visa. If you apply in the morning you may get it in the afternoon of the same day.

2. You shoud have a valid passport.

3. Copies of the passport main pages and in particular a copy of the page with the Malaysian entry stamp. (I always make copies anyway for renting cars and bikes)

4. Ticket for going out of Indonesia

5.  Two Photos

You are expected to pay for all this by MR. So, have ready MR 200.

Having cleared your passport business you then proceed to the pier and your boats shoud be waiting for you as follows.



Let us recap here what we have been looking at. Will it be a long way from the ferry terminal at Zamboanga?

Once you are in here go to the ticket office and pay PHP 3100 one way. As I remember it the other way is something like MR 250, I think.

Immigration office is in the waiting section on the right as you enter this area. There are lots of 2 Go service notices, but this place is not exclusively for their 2 Go ferry service. So, just walk in.

                   (2 Go ferry, domestic only)

Liners depart twice a week (Monday and Thursday) at noon, taking approx. 24 hours to reach Sandakan from here.

I would not reccommend taking high speed boats as they will make stops at Islamic radicals infested islands down the way to Sandakan.

(SRN Fastcraft : 062-992-3765 by Weesam Express boats twice weekly, PHP 5400 and approx. 8 hours)

            (Alleson liner PPA Terminal)

Aleson Lines : 062-991-2687

                   1st deck space is used for cargos and passengrs occupy levels above.

Here perhaps, I should touch on Indonesian visas-on-arrival. There are 2 types, 7 day and 30 day visas at 10 and 25 USD each.   

You need a valid passport and show your outgoing ticket.

Airports are:

Bali, Jakarta, Denpasar, Surabaya, Medan, Manado, Balikpapan, Surakarta (Solo), Lombok, Padan, Makassar, Kupan, Yogyakarta and Pakanbal

Sea ports are:

Jakarta, Batum, Medan, Makassar, Surabaya, Bali,  Jayapura, Bintan, Dumai, Padan, and Belawan

Keep in mind that there may be a few omissioons and new additions.

I once flew into Tarakan airport from KK via Tawau aiport. My passport was confiscated for obvious reasons. So, you really need to tun up at the Tawau consulate.

Pelni timetable and Northern Borneo/Indonesian Kalimantan - 4

2016-07-15 12:37:16 | Weblog

Next issue to be looked at is the locations of immigration office.

Specifically, we need to know where Indonesian consulates are in northern Borneo, as Indonesia do not cater for visas-on-arrival (except at certain places) unlike Malaysia and the Phyls.

You might then think that since the linkage we are looking at is between Sandakan and Zamboanga there is an office of some sort in Sandakan. It is not true and there is nothing in Sandakan for entry into Indonesia.

Indonesian consulates you need for entry into Indonesia


in Malaysian Borneo only operate in Kota Kinabalu on the other side and Tawau on Mindanao side. Tawau, in particular, is important because Tawau is closest to Indonesia's Nunukan by sea and Tarakan by both sea and air.

And, neither Nunukan nor Tarakan issue visas on arrival. That is why Tawau is deemed important not just as a nearest gateway to Indonesia, but also as a base for getting the paperwork done.


It is also physically very far from Sandakan. I have done this Sandakan-Tawau route by a rentacar and it takes 6,7hours. There is no ferry link between Tawau and Sandakan, either.

So, Indonesia (only) present a practical visa problem. In what follows I will be mindful of this fact and guide you through as painlessly as possible.

Before going any further let us be clear about the location of the Consulate in KK and Tawau.

In Kota Kibabalu it is not that difficult to find the Indonesian consulate in town. 


There is only one river in Kota Kinabalu as you will see, coming into town from the airport. Where two rivers meet is the Consulate. You can check this area against any other Google maps and locate it.

                   The largest structure you can see on above aerial photo is the raised road crossing another main road underneath, coming from town centre. I was a frequent user of these roads until recently.

Next, take a look at Tawau.

Tawau looks like as follows.

I stayed here in January 2016 for a few days. It is fairly a large town and I found

 walking about in heat was too much.

What follows is the pier location. I should imagine that the distance between them is approx. 4km. I woud not dare walk to the pier.

                      Tawau, areawise, is a much larger town than Sandakan. Sandakan is a lot smaller than KK and KK is a very small town.

I should perhaps add, at the end of this article, that Idonesia do offer visas-on-arrival at some key places. I will come to that and other issues in the next article.


Pelni timetable and Zamboanga/Sandakan - 3

2016-07-15 09:34:02 | Weblog

Here, I will talk about Zamboanga-Sandakan route, only.

What you want to know is where you can actually buy your tickets and what you should expect in each of these two port towns. Having got it out of the way I will then talk about details.

In Zambpanga you can buy your tickets at the terminal building close to the pier for

 high speed boats. See following pictures.

 This picture above is showing you the aerial view of the port of Zamboanga. Port terminal is the large white building on this photo.

You can see it better with the following photo below.

 The outermost pier is for liners, linking Zamboanga and Sandakan direct. High speed boats willl make a few stops on

the way. Even larger one is the following.

In Sandakan the matter is more complicated, because tickets are not sold in the town centre of Sandakan. For that matter, the pier itself is located in an area called Karamunting, some 7km outside Sandakan town centre and your ticketing office is not there either, but somewhere between them.

Best to deal with this complication with pictures.


On this picture above the smallest square at the bottom left is the location of the pier. Sandakan is on the right within the largest square, and the ticketing office is to the left of this large square.

The distance between the pier and the town centre is approx. 7km. There are other piers closer to Sandakan town centre, but they are meant for Malaysian navy/coastguard ships.


This aerial photo above is showing you the exact location of the ticketing office, slightly outside town centre. It is a very small office, almost unnoticeable on the ground floor of a hotel called "Hsian Garden". Office name is Maritime (TEL: 089-212-063)

Apparently, there are inscriptions on the outside both in Malay and Chinese languages.

Yo may also try at the following office inSandakan.

Standard Marine Agencies Sdn Bhd Block G,
Lot 1, 1st floor, Bandar, Ramai-Ramai, Jalan Leila,
Sandakan, Sabah Malaysia
Tel # (0060)(89) 216-996, 217-607, 271-998
E-mail Address: chowyangann@standard-marine.com.my

So, I have dealt with ticket office locations. On the next article I will talk about locations of immigration office and visa requirements with a few route maps.

One small note of caution here might be the fact that as far as I am concerned being able to cross into the Phyls or Malaysia/Indonesia is not the prerequisite of going about largely in the historical context of the Banda sea area. 


Pelni timetable and Philippino-Indonesian border crossings - 2

2016-07-13 11:53:13 | Weblog

Let us take a look at the grandest pictures first.


My primary interest is the navigation within the largest square area. The area surrounding Jakarta is of little interest for the moment. On the border line between these two squares lies Surabaya.

Another smaller square up top is also of great interest to me. Since the Philippines is only a few hours flight from Tokyo this area contains very natural gateways to the regions further south.

To talk about them I need another picture, enlarging the area in question as follows.



3  natural routes are immediately noticeable on this map. P, Z, ad G.

Of these the route designated as "P", coming down from Metro Manila, through Mindro, then down the whole length of Palawan, and ending up in Kota Kinabalu possibly is a non-starter. I have not been able to find any reference to it.

I can think of the reason. The other two routes have a very heavily populated hinderland in terms of Mindanao, warranting large ports anywhere on the island. And yet, on Palawan the largest port is only located in Puerto Princesa where population concentration is highest.

Also, all these routes are more or less constantly under islamic influence and are politically unstable at times. That will explain the lack of significant port fascilities in regions south of Puerto Princesa.

However, crossing services by much smaller local boats linking small islands along this chain north of Puerto Princesa, particularly north of El Nido, are active enough and I could spend pages on them. That will have to be seprate threads, though.

On the route "Z" there are tons of information that confirm exsitence of active ferry services along this chain of islands. In fact, there are two types of services available as I have noticed from reading web pages.

One is a direct ship link between Zamboanga on Mindanao and SandaKan on the eastern coast of Malaysian (north) Borneo. The other also links to Sandakan from Zamboanga, but by high speed boats, stopping at a few islands on the way down to Sandakan.

The route "G" is a little more problematic. I was only able to find one web record by a Japanese backpacker who did Surawesi-General Santos-Surawesi when his visa was about to expire.

He failed to mention which year it was, but it is a very reliable and vivid source of information on this route as very few other records have been left by European backpackers (Aussies included).

However, I believe that this Japanese record is fairly recent and an added reason for believing that this route is still active is that this Japanese fellow talks about chickens, lots and lots of them loaded as a cargo on the same boat back to Surawesi. It is well known that fighting cocks are one of the main export items from the Phyls to Indonesia.

These birds are hand-carried by local people on local boats down the Surawesi chain of islands and it is hard to imagine such traditional and local traffics can be closed for any length of time.

OK, I have talked about three routes up north. Later, I wil be able to provide detailed and concrete information for making use of these routes.

I have not yet talked about Indonesian domestic routes. These routes need to be looked at in the light of realistic factors affecting regular operations of these very large ships, all manufactured in Germany specifically for Indonesian internal waters.

I will be looking at them primarily from the viewpoint of overseas tourists. They are very much unlike what we are familiar with domestically, but for good reasons.

I will be talking about them sometimes as a netwrok and at other times as single entities set against the background of national network, with specific touristic goals in mind.




ボホ-ル紀行 (37)

2016-07-13 06:10:53 | Weblog

ダバオ滞在最終日は現地の知り合いと空港北側の大きな駐車場の角にあるデュ-ティ-フリ-土産物店で待ち合わせしてタクシ-でSM Lanangという巨大なショッピングモールに移動して、所用を済ませた。位置関係は以下の画像で示す。  






前回は泊まっていたので、勝手がわかっていた事と、なんといっても最新の巨大モールで、空港の内外には、これといったレストランがないので、フライトを待つには一番便利な場所だった事も理由だ。Dan Brown の最新作? Inferno を買ったのもここの本屋だった。













のかもしれない。   でも、貧しい民家は今でも、モ-ルの周辺に

はわんさかとあるし、 そこに住む人たちが来れないわけではないだろうが、圧倒的な貧富の差に驚くのではないだろうか。なにしろ海側にはこのような貧しい家並みが延々と続いているのだから。






Davao->Manila 5J 956 Cebu Pacific 
23:35 -> 1:25  、then approx. 4 hours idling in Manila




Manila-> Narita, Tokyo  Cebu Pacific Terminal 3
5:20 ->10:35  Back In Tokyo 


ボホ-ル紀行 (36)

2016-07-12 05:05:02 | Weblog

30 (Sat)  Return to Tokyo by Cebu Pacific

Rent a bike for the morning only

~11:00 return pier and ferry/taxi to Davao airport







直前の記事のリゾ-トを海から見たのが次の画像で、 今回は行かなかったが、ダバオと反対側の太平洋を周回道路から見ると次のように見える。















第三の特徴としては、比較的でしかないものの、平らでなくて、景観の変化がとても好ましいのは、実際に現地をバイクで走ってみるとわかる。 ただの平らな島でしかないパングラオ島とくらべると中央部が小高い山になっているので、なんとなく涼しささえ感じるし、小さな湖や川や滝

さえあるみたいだ。 非常に好ましい印象を受

ける。 この川と滝は内陸部で、町役場や学校のある地区より少し南側にある。


サマ-ル島の多くのリゾ-トは、まだ開発段階で、建物の基礎すら存在していない区画整理の段階の所も多い。 今回、時間的な制約で足を延ばすことが出来なかった南部は更に未開発だと思われる。







いるし、 周回道路沿いにはリゾ-ト分譲の

 看板が沢山目に入る。 また、サマ-ル

の市街地や住宅地部分も、 フェリ-ポ-トと

は離れているが、 公園があったりして、木陰も多く好ましい印象を受けるし、街中には大小のス-パ-などもあるので

       、 不便さは感じないだろう。





Punta del Sol、やたらにスペイン語が多いのは仕方ない。太陽の場所、の意味だ。




Pelni timetable and Philippino-Indonesian border crossings

2016-07-12 04:34:44 | Weblog

Summer 2016

I am going to embark on this somewhat inevitable project for a few reasons.

In so doing I owe a debt of thanks to half a dozen of Japanese backpackers who left detailed records about at least two of the possibe three entry routes through the Phyls into Indonesia.

Needless to say that within the boundaries of Indonesia we are also confronted by inadequate information on the availabilities of approapriate ferry services. I will attmept to remedy this state of affairs by conducting thought  experiments with the notorious Pelni timetable.

At the same time I will also delve into the next inevitable issue of island hopping in this extremely large area, based mostly on Pelni services. Excluded will be the regions west of Surabaya simply because, I believe, there are enough other similar ferry services with more reliable timetables.

I will also touch on local spot light air services to help with eventual exit transfers across the infected regions.

Readers must note, though, that the whole project is squarely an attmpt to shed light on the naive thought that comes natural to Japanese tourists interested in the zona tropical and possibly beyond, turning west to the Peninsular.

ボホ-ル紀行 (35)

2016-07-11 05:55:13 | Weblog




















がない。 クサヤの干物ではないし、臭ければ食べなければいいだけの話で、大抵は、そもそも食べたことがないか、単に大げさなのだと思っている。








仕方ないので、結局、タクシ-を捕まえて大渋滞の中、SM Lanangという、2月に泊まったホテルの隣にある巨大モ-ルに戻ってお昼を食べることになってしまった。地下鉄が出来れば大分楽になるのだろうが。


Where rivers meet - The Moon Light Sonata

2016-07-11 05:51:58 | Weblog

I should have set my clock back, perhaps
by 300 years if merely to pay due respect
to this ancient capital with centuries of
outlandish and yet deadly and callous history
behind it.

As we made our final approach to the runway
I began seeing, through gaps of lower winter
clouds, its aerial facet for the first time
in my life.

I had dreamt about it!!!

The town appeared spiky with all those
Gothic buildings, bristling with towers and spires and
minalets, with the Danube running majestically
across the entire area.

The Danube is known to history as one of the
long standing frontiers of the Roman Empire,
the river flowing through and forming a part

of the borders of countries like Austria,
Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria,
Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine.

The air crisp and the temperature sub-zero
and trees lining the autobahn were quite a
contrast to what I had seen earlier during
my, by now, a month long business trip

elsewhere in Europe. Gladly, it was over.
I was into my own long cherrished days of

I hate autobuses, no matter where I find
myself in the world. I was in a taxi, speeding
to the town centre on what I believed to be
an autobahn.

And as I looked out for road signs there were
Bratislava XXX km, Budapest YYY km, and a host
of other capitals that still scintillate in

It was therefore no wonder that through
these corridors of land the Romans had ventured
out and pagans struck back in return,

from as far away as the the present day Iran
and part of areas surrounding the Black Sea,
let alone the present day Turkey.

After all, those capitals in the corridors
had been established largely by the Romans.
I was there in the dense history of it all.

I quickly checked in at the Mariott and went out
immediately and bumped into Saint Stephen's
Cathedral with horse drawn carts standing by
for tourists.

I was convinced that I was in Germany. Look at that
bloody big bird up there Where else, I wondered,
one might find one like that!

I went in there, and became a tourist for the
next one hour or so. Yes, I made it up to
the top and all the rest of it.

As I then moved away from it all and turned
a corner into the main street I saw that
it was teemed with musicians of all

With the Plague Column standing prominently
in the middle of it all it reminded me of
the deadly desease that must have terrified
the residents of this town in the long and
distant past.

After all I was right in the middle of the
European history and the Romans! and
above all else immensely liking it.

I turned away from the thicket of musicians
and started in the direction of my hotel.
Then something reached my ears, something

so vaguely familiar to me. I could not make
it out immediately. So, I trod back to
its source, which I located just off
the main street in a small sideway.

There was this very tall fellow with an
accoustic guitar. I knew what he was playing
by the time I got closer to him.

Off course it was the Moonlight Sonata,
but then how? It was intriguing to see
how on our planet it could be played on
an accoustic guitar at all.

He wore jeans cut off high and you could see
sandals! with tire tread soles in the middlle
of the winter!!!

I was also staggered that the sound he was
making was so deafeningly loud, reverberating
all around, bouncing off cobble stones,

off shops and flats made of bricks
and stones that must have been there for centuries.

I was dead sure that winter's wilted air and its clarity must
have added to its effect.

Yet another harsh mid European winter was arriving
in earnest and you could see that people
were still happily wearing their T-shirts.

I remained particulary interested in
that sequence of the score which I had
hated so much at home.

Beethoven, there, must have somehow lost
his concentration and standing idle before
he came up with an idea to move on.

As I listened he was fast approaching that
part of the score and hell! it was a relevation!
That is how you might play it!

Beethoven was being resurrected and even
the way he swung his guitar around was something
very pleasing to watch.

Swaying, swaying , swaying, to and fro,
up and down and on went the melanchoric
sound of his accoustic guitar, rising ever so
slowly into the by now semidark sky of this

aristocratic town , mingling so elegantly
with its background of eternity and
above all my own presence therein.