

I’m Adrien

2021-09-09 21:19:57 | 日記


Hello! I am Adrien (アド), a master student from France!
I joined the club only last year as I have a single year at Rikkyo University as a special international student. Thankfully, I passed all my classes and will be graduating soon (p^-^)p 

The coronavirus disrupted all my expectations of my time in Japan but also the coming intercollege championship which was postponed to the end of october. 

In the mean time, I have a lot of free time. I should be using this time to find a job, so far to no avail ☹.
Instead, I use the time to play on my Nintendo Switch. I mostly play the new Pokemon Unite and Dragon Quest XI, although I am not very good at them. 

In the end, the postponing of the intercollege allows me to share more time with everyone which is great! ( ・∇・)