>hey guys, i hope you are all enjoying your summers so far and are getting employed:) ←ニッコリ
朝からSesame Streetを見ていた。この番組の持つ教育効果は色々な文献で目にします。女の子より男の子に教育効果があるとかね。幼少時代にこれを見ていた子ども達を高校生まで追跡リサーチして、セサミを見ていた子ども達と見ていなかった子ども達の学力を調査したら、セサミを見ていた子ども達の学力のほうが高かったとか。
でも、今まで見たことなかったんだよね―。ただの一度も! で、今日初めて見ました。なるほどね~とうなずくこと多し。また明日も見ようっと。テレビと子どもの発達について色々調べ中。
■"Just married car"
I saw it I saw it! It was last Sunday. I passed by a church, where a couple just got married, and a "Just married car" was about to leave! It was like a movie! I should have taken pictures of it! It was a red car and "Just married" was on the back window. My first time to see a real one :)
My room mates(actually house mates) are getting married in this August at our campus. I'm looking forward to seeing their wedding! It's gonna be a campus wedding!! ...Not sure where I will be by that time though.
is on TNT now. The music is awesome.
The picture of today is a wind mill in Williamsburg colonial area. Yeah, country country...
朝からSesame Streetを見ていた。この番組の持つ教育効果は色々な文献で目にします。女の子より男の子に教育効果があるとかね。幼少時代にこれを見ていた子ども達を高校生まで追跡リサーチして、セサミを見ていた子ども達と見ていなかった子ども達の学力を調査したら、セサミを見ていた子ども達の学力のほうが高かったとか。
でも、今まで見たことなかったんだよね―。ただの一度も! で、今日初めて見ました。なるほどね~とうなずくこと多し。また明日も見ようっと。テレビと子どもの発達について色々調べ中。
■"Just married car"
I saw it I saw it! It was last Sunday. I passed by a church, where a couple just got married, and a "Just married car" was about to leave! It was like a movie! I should have taken pictures of it! It was a red car and "Just married" was on the back window. My first time to see a real one :)
My room mates(actually house mates) are getting married in this August at our campus. I'm looking forward to seeing their wedding! It's gonna be a campus wedding!! ...Not sure where I will be by that time though.
is on TNT now. The music is awesome.
The picture of today is a wind mill in Williamsburg colonial area. Yeah, country country...