Silver linings


Environment does matter.

2008-08-19 23:16:58 | 日常
The 2 years and a halfThe 2 and a half years, I spent working with two interesting scholars on an innovative learning project – seeing them most almost everyday – were extraordinary thrilling and intellectually rewarding. There, I encountered a learning principle that influenced my research work.

Unfortunately, the project ended up failing last spring. We didhadn't gathered since that then, but today, I met them and we had a nice talk about what we used to talk – project learning, designing, art and technology, innovative tools, social and emotional learning...etc. And I realized how much I missed them; how lucky I was to be able to see the inspiring coworkers almost everyday. I believe that the 2 years and a half shaped my values, my thought process, and my intellect/academic goals in my work.

@Cocos near Doshisha univ.

Now the project has been over, but the ideas and the intellectual passion remain as much as when I first encountered them. "There must be something more, something different, more interesting things...," that ambition motivates me now.

After all, I think I would like to be a social constructionist who develops own learning through interactions with people in "playful" learning environments. The potential for learning is everywhere - the environment, the people around you, the activity you're engaged in, and tools you use - they all cultivate your learning sensibilities.

Working on that project was always hard but definitely fun. That was a really great learning environment for me.
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