Some potato chip products are disappearing from stores because there aren't enough potatoes to make chips. Most of the potatoes come from Hokkaido but typhoons hit the area last summer.
5月2回目のレッスンを受講しました。青森もマニラも良いお天気です。青森の気温が20℃で、マニラは35℃です。マニラは大変暑いですね。「ピクニックと家庭菜園」の話題で盛り上がりました。レッスン9の「Do you have any brother?」のLanguage BoosterとPronunciationを勉強しました。今日のレッスンも楽しく受講できました。次回のレッスンも頑張りたいと思います。
Hello, Mr. Seiki. In today's lesson, we practiced asking about family and describing family members. You showed good comprehension on the lesson. I am encouraging you to review all the vocabulary that you have learned and practice using them. Have a nice day! Stay safe, healthy, and happy! :)