Happy New Year Mr. Seiki! Thank you for being part of my class for 2018. Anyway, you can comprehend messages and you are able to explain common and familiar situations although you still grasp for words to use in your sentences. You also sometimes speak in fragmented sentence or single word as responses to questions. Nevertheless, there is no need for any Japanese expression to understand instructions. Just keep on studying with us to improve your English skills. I hope to see more of you in 2019! Cheers to us! :-)
・レッスン: 2018年12月28日(金)15:00~15:30
・差出人: Rio さん
Good afternoon, Mr. Smiley!
Happy Friday! Thank you for sharing about the things you did during the last few days, as well as how you spent the Holidays with your family. I can say that your written entry is pretty improving, that's great! Keep practicing, and stay positive in learning. :)
Happy New Year to you, and your family. ^^