


2017年09月23日 | 囲碁


2017年09月23日 | 囲碁


2017年09月23日 | 水泳教室


 [17:10:25] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: What is your prize?
 [17:14:29] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: Who helped you made this Scarecrow?
 [17:15:36] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: neighbor
 [17:16:34] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: My neighbors helped me.
 [17:25:07] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: grocery shopping
 [17:26:33] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: Do you go to a grocery?
 [17:26:55] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: I do grocery shopping.

 ・レッスン: 2017年9月22日(金)17:00~17:30
 ・差出人: Jackie さん

 Hello, Mr. Seiki. Happy Friday! Congratulations! In today's lesson, we learned the word "grocery shopping" it means "to shop for groceries", for example, fruits, vegetables, milk, flour, sugar, cereals and much more. Also, the word "neighbor" it means "someone who lives very close to your house". I want you to always remember these words. My sister and I go grocery shopping twice a month. How about you? How often do you go grocery shopping? Have a good evening. Take care! :)


2017年09月22日 | エンタメ


2017年09月22日 | 町内会


2017年09月22日 | 英会話


 [10:38:00] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: Have you been to Hawaii before?
 [10:38:21] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: No. I haven't.
 [10:40:44] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: I want to travel abroad. Philippines, China and South Korea.
 [10:44:35] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: I am wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants and white socks.
 [10:48:42] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: What can you see in the picture?
 [10:49:36] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: They are at the store.
 [10:51:04] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: They will buy a sweater.
 [10:54:28] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: Casey doesn't like the yellow shirt because she thinks Brad doesn't look good in yellow.

 ・レッスン: 2017年9月21日(木)10:30~11:00
 ・差出人: Jackie さん

 Hello, Mr. Seiki. Happy Thursday! Your grandchildren are so cute. I hope you visit the Philippines next year and study English at COCO Juku Philippines. You must be very happy to see your grandchildren again. I think you study the lesson in advance. That's good! I am encouraging you to study your lesson in advance always. You and your wife and grandchildren look very happy in the photos. You have a happy family. By the way, how is your garden? You understand the lesson very well and you were able to describe what someone is wearing. Excellent! Have a great day! Take care! :)


2017年09月21日 | 巨人


2017年09月21日 | 英会話


 [17:02:11] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: I went to the dentist.
 [17:02:54] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: After that, I went to the city hall.
 [17:04:06] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: First, I went to the dentist. After that, I went to the city hall.

・レッスン: 2017年9月20日(水)17:00~17:30
・差出人: Jackie さん

 Hello, Mr. Seiki. Happy Hump Day! Thank you for introducing your friend and for showing your flower arrangement and calligraphy. They are very nice! Please check the words and sentences that I have sent on Skype. Try to study them again. I am going to buy a cap soon because I'll use it on my trip. Don't forget these words: dentist, city hall, busy. Have a good evening and enjoy your dinner. Who cooks dinner? Take care! :)


2017年09月20日 | エンタメ


2017年09月20日 | 英会話


[10:05:33] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: comedian
[10:08:40] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: Did you buy something?
[10:10:08] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: I bought a bag, a book and a fan.
[10:11:44] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: Where is your wife?
[10:12:03] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: My wife is working.
[10:12:20] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: What does she do?
[10:12:41] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: She is a nurse.
[10:12:56] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: retire
[10:13:42] 舘山 生木(Seiki.Tateyama): 彼女は、あと2年ほど働きたいと言っています。
[10:14:04] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: She says she wants to work for about two more years.
[10:24:24] COCO Juku OL: Jackie: Pronunciation stress = we say the important words louder and longer.


・レッスン: 2017年9月19日(火)10:00~10:30
・差出人: Jackie さん

Hello, Mr. Seiki. Happy Tuesday! It's good to see you again. Thank you for showing six photos about Scarecrow festival in Aomori and the professional baseball game that you attended to. Nice photos! In today;s lesson, we looked at sentence stress. In pronunciation, we stress the important words. It means we say the important word/words louder and longer. You were able to understand and practice the lesson. Keep improving your English! Please check the sentences and words that I have sent you on Skype. Try to study them. Stay safe, healthy, and happy! Enjoy your day today! :)


2017年09月19日 | 町内会