

English blog No.5 『Bunkyo Gourmet Map “Tsuboya Sohonten”』

2020年05月22日 | English

“Tsuboya Sohonten” was founded as Japanese confectionary supplier to the imperial palace in Kanei era (1624-1645).


With 400 years of history, it still appears an old style store.

There are some high-grade sweets named after the store's name such as “Tsubo-monaka (bean-jam-filled wafers) ”, “Tsubo-shiruko (sweet red-bean jam) ”, and also “Yushima-no-ume (plum of Yushimajam) ” which all have deep tasty flavors.



Among them, my recommendation is “Tsubogata Monaka (Pot Shape Monaka)”. Not only taste, you can enjoy the appearances.



“Tsubogata Monaka (Tsubu Anko) ” Yen 230(including tax)



“Tsubogata Monaka (Koshi Anko) ” Yen 210(including tax)

The address of the shop : 3-42-8 Hongo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo.


For more information, please call Bunkyo City Tourism Association. Phone:03-3811-3321

Japanese version of "Tsuboya Sohonten” ⇒ https://blog.goo.ne.jp/taichou-san2014/e/182f39f93e77c7bdf20e56223ad7be00 


==「English blog」 back number ==

No.1  2012/5/16  『Expo 2010 Shanghai』 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/taichou-san2014/e/c3a5e47eadf5eee2b7d5a024a3e9a52e

No.2  2013/1/19  『JAPAN X BOWL Videos』 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/taichou-san2014/e/09556f35d85b68b260de99940f116603

No.3  2016/4/2   『Last Speech』 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/taichou-san2014/e/dfdf4ea09496a6012b446102743b2b91

No.4  2019/12/9  『100 Selected Restaurants in Bunkyo Gourmet Map』  https://blog.goo.ne.jp/taichou-san2014/e/ec738be51307c6da3666afa699cc1409


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