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100万回生きた猫 英語で大人の絵本サロン

2016-08-25 08:39:54 | 大人の絵本サロン 

I am happy to find a participant, posted as below. let me add my comment in the end.^^ 英語で絵本サロンの参加者のかたから嬉しい感想投稿発見!わたしのコメントはおわりに。。。
Today I attended the English ehon(pic-book) salon and I found this book really meaningful.
Hmm, I think that self-acceptance, self-love, and affection toward others, and reincarnations (It's the Buddhistic way of thinking, though) are course of humankind's spiritual development.
The fun part of savoring picture books (or any books) is that you can reflect your own experiences in your life and you find your answers for tomorrow, which nobody can deny. 
And it is not at all recommended to ask questions from a reader adult to the listener children, because children do "feel today and understand tomorrow(: in the future)"
However it is okay for adult to ask questions after reading. Unlike children, adult can enjoy looking back own past and also enjoy listening to other people's feelings and experiences. By listening to them the talks or discussions will be accumulated and get more and more fun! 
If you join this ehon-salon for the 2nd time or more, you will find yourself the magic of atmosphere difference occur depend on the day, member, time, and so on, even listening to the very same book.
Anyway! it was my very first time to lead English conversation ehon salon over Japanese only books(I did it because all the ladies are used to Eng talking during the periodical circle activities. As I predicted, there weren't that much language barriers, which was great(^^)/
I am pretty much looking forward to doing the similar ehon salon at your circle end of this month, and I just hope all the member would enjoy continuously! (^_-)-☆
ひとりひとり、ご自身の人生経験やら、今からの期待やら、いろいろ反映させて楽しめるのが、絵本に限らず、本の醍醐味。絵本サロンもメンバー変われば、同じ本でも違う発見が出て、常連さんはとても面白いとおっしゃってくださいます。また継続的にお役にたてればさいわいです(^^)/ 香 拝

100万回生きたねこ (講談社の創作絵本)
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