I knew that they love fish and rice, so I invited them to my house for Samma fish (pacific saury ) and Chestnut rice dinner^^
Rebekah Wolfe Stump says she'd seen this fish at grocery stores but never tried. I just told her that every Japanese loves and is
waiting for this fish to come out in market in early Autumn. AND goes perfect with red wine^^
On hearing that they never tried, my daughter said,
"That's certainly missing the best feast in the Japan!!" (*^^*)
I showed her how to cook(simply salted and broil)in a stainless flying pan with rid. I cut Samma half and as you know, the upper half is with bitter vicera for adults, the other half for kids. Serve with ground radish and slice of lemon. I'm glad that they enjoyed and ate them all, despite of they've never eat fish served with complete bones!!
Thank you so much for coming^^ I had a great time together(^^)/