Home madeベーコン Bacon 自家製ベーコンは冷凍庫から切らさないの巻
Any dish I made with my homemade bacon, the taste gets sooooo much better, so I cannot run out of my bacon from my freezer.
The process is, as usual, EASY! Just take 7days to rest in fridge after salting with herbs and smoking for an hour IN the kitchen.
Right after smoking is done, you should eat it with fresh sliced onions and persley while its hot. Beer or red wine are must to be waited on the same table. After that any recipe claiming "bacon", here's the eye opener ;)

clam chowder,


a la barigoule and .... a whole lot more!
Since I don't use any additives, I never keep this in my refrigerator. Only in the freezer after slicing.
I used to serve this during my picture book reading aloud events limited for grown-ups(no kids allowed. For kids, I had another special fun events).
Most people regard picture books as something for kids, not for grown ups. However, when I studied to become the picture books educating teacher, I noticed that if the right atmosphere is provided, such as candle lights, bossa nova as BGM, serving glass of wine and savory snacks, and if the "readaloudER" has the appropriate for the air of the room(having a comfy and soothing husky voice like Kaori lol), this IS an entertaiment for grown ups!! My biggest findings. Amond the savory snacks(I cooked them all, of course :) ) to go with red wine, this bacon was often served.
Despite of being a small event, there were lots of repeaters. I used to love listening to them saying how much they enjoy. Unfortunately, I don't create books, the copy right use permission fee was a tremendous burden for a small business owner like me. So I gave up this event (crying)