The teacher gets a haircut (Grade 3) Part 3

2012年05月21日 19時00分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


 Students from Class C

This was the third class to watch the teacher modeling so he has short hair.

 “Do you lose weight cutting your hair?” someone asked.

 “20-50g at most”

Between sketches the students looked at the hairbrush and shaver.

The children wondered how it could cut the hair but not hurt the skin at all.

We also looked at how to grip the scissors.

You grip like this so you can cut in many directions.

 We concentrated hard when learning about all the different tools and techniques.

It is amazing to draw so much!

We said thank you to Mt Asuga for teaching us.

 “People can look very different with a new hair-cut (pointing at the teacher). When you get your hair-cut please look at the hands and technique of the hair-stylist and find this job interesting”

You could see the children’s eyes lit up.


Teacher gets a hair-cut (Grade 3) Part 2

2012年05月21日 18時27分06秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


We invited hair-stylist Kentaro Myoga from salon ReCure to school and sketched him cutting hair.

Everyone was excited and nervous.

 Between sketches we looked at the tools used to cut hair, such as scissors.

The scissors used are different to normal ones. It was the first time many people had seen these scissors.

It’s functional and cool! The back of the scissors has a low middle.

You can clear hair which has accumulated in the scissors.

We were taught how to look after the scissors.

 After learning some ‘secrets’ from Mr Asuga we can be more creative.

After the sketch was time for questions.

There were lots of questions today.

The class representatives said thank you.

 “Thank-you for making time in your busy schedule to come to our school Mr. Asuga. We learned about many types of scissors. I thought you had lots of amazing scissors. Please work well in the future”.

We’ve done some good sketches.