Kate doll (Grade 1)

2012年05月30日 17時00分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C.

We were very busy practicing for Sports Day in the morning.

Today we used tubes to make dolls.

We started with the plan of making a strong doll called Kate.

We wound paper around a cardboard tube for strength.

Unlike normal paper it makes a strange noise when we cut this paper, clickety-click, clickety-click. We cut the paper to the same width.

We wrapped it round a tube with a band.

We will complete our core like this.

Keep wrapping until you can’t blow it over.

 The next bit is a face.

We measured about the size of our palm for the face.

Keep a nice round circle shape,

“It looks like a potato!”

Someone said.

“It’s not a potato. It’s more of a sweet potato”

Some people made theirs round and beautiful.

Now is the time to cut out our potatoes.




Josui Street sketching (Grade 5) Part 6

2012年05月30日 16時48分27秒 | Grade 5

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.

It is very quiet when the students concentrate on their work.

 Using all the colours in the palette we can make subtle shades.

The same landscape can be drawn in different ways depending on the expression of the artist.

 This year’s Grade 5s drew Josui Street with many colours.

Good luck, and try your best with the remaining time.

第3回 雙葉小学校 姉妹校児童絵画交流展(田園調布)

2012年05月30日 15時59分51秒 | 日記





