It’s nice to paint with our hands! (Grade 1) part 5

2013年01月30日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students and work from class C.


After painting with our favorite colour for a time we had a short break.

We looked at each other’s paintings and had ideas about what we could see in the painting.

 We split into two groups to look at the patterns we have made so far.

People were using gestures to try and show what they had seen.

It was interesting to see that some children could see things when the page was horizontal, and others when it was vertical.

After the activity I asked if the children had been able to see different things after the activity.

Here is some of the work we produced.


It’s a crab.

It’s a rabbit.

The middle of this picture looks like work by van Gogh!

Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 6

2013年01月29日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students and work from Class A.

We had an exchange activity after finishing our work.

We took our time looking at friends work.

Today is the first time we (including the teacher) could look at the finished work.

Surprisingly there were quite a few people using a mechanism which moved in the work. In the middle of this…

This person has suspended marbles.

You can see a reflection of the classroom in the marbles!

I was so surprised! It’s beautiful!


Here are a couple of pieces of work with comments.


Ms. NR’s work “Colourful snowscape”

 The random pattern is a feature.

I put lots of sequins. It is an image of the snow.

楽しい世界です。 It is a fun world.

Comments on this work.

 The work is called “Colourful snowscape”, but to me it looks more like petals.It’s beautiful because it is so small.

There is a ball in the straw net moving. It is ingenious.」

From Ms. NK


The title of the work is “A colorful snowscape”, but because of the ball in the straw net it looks to me like candy.

This makes me think of the title “A candy snowscape”」

From SR



TH’s work “Straw country”.

I used 28 straws. The cellophane blurs these straws.

Comments on the work.

  I like Ms.T’s work because of the overlap of lots of different colours. It is very beautiful”.

From Ms. IM.


“The 28 straws look a bit like a beautiful rainbow.”

From Ms. TK


At the end we could look at everyone’s work.

There were a lot of opinions about how people had decorated.


2013年01月29日 13時26分33秒 | 4年生



















2013年01月29日 11時47分50秒 | 1年生















Copying and Finding (Grade 2) part 2

2013年01月29日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class B.


We are trying to do work which expresses our thoughts.

 In this activity we are free to use our imagination to think of any image we want.

After making our first print we can use the image lots of times in other places.

You might start to see something different from what it originally was.

There was a twist in the colouring tool.

What? A bird?


There are 12 colours, and you can make your own.


 I made one as the teacher.

It was in the shape of a fish and chicken combination. When I showed it…

“Teacher you can put the red under the chin on the other side. It would make it look like a beak!”

The students have a rich imagination.


 I tried to use their idea in the finished work.

What story do you imagine here?