one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ジャーマンドッグ Le German dog

2022-11-04 20:18:36 | Foods(食)
DSC06689.jpg ISO 160 24mm f/2.8 1/30s
Dans la grosse chain de cafe on appèle un hot dog un German dog.
At a big coffee shop chain they call this hot dog " German Dog."
(ドトールコーヒー、梅里、Umezato, Suginami ward)
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コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (iwamoto)
2022-11-05 15:03:45
Unknown (sustena)
2022-11-05 21:47:50
Unknown (Turtlepro)
2022-11-14 04:35:51
After a certain age, it makes sense to pay attention to cholesterol levels and take snacks while walking.
Unknown (Turtlepro)
2022-11-14 05:07:40
Well, I know by now, there are things that don't work in Japan: Don't eat the hot dog while strolling through the streets of Tokyo. It's for the doctor's advantage.
Thank you, Turtlepro san (Cakeater)
2022-11-14 12:37:43
At that time of that day, my weight was 94.3kg.
And my figure of cholesterol is always very low.
Don't worry for me about it. Long years ago, when I got a chance to work, the employer treated me at a coffee shop where we had this hot dog. He has always had this simple one. So this menu always reminds me that day , the man and my fresh mind of starting life after school.
Thank you for you again, because of giving me a chance to write this coment.

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