one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


天ぷらそば des nouilles de tempura

2014-12-21 13:39:25 | Foods(食)

One of my friends who love noodles affirms that the noodle at Fuji chain-noodle-stalls has getting worse these few years and that he would have only noodle without soup.
I agree with him, but the prices of its menu are all so cheap that it's difficult to be accused. lol
And recently I find the mix vegetable tempura is very photogenic. I admit that the taste is not so good but the colors are very good to be taken photos. lolol.
I miss the tempura of Shungiku (garland chrysanthemum) which price has risen up three times as usual.

(富士そば、高田馬場、Takadanobaba, Shinjuku ward)
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