one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


マイ ソウルフード nouille chaud

2014-11-09 09:52:48 | Foods(食)
This hot short noodle bowl is my soul food.
In my childhood, my mom cooked this bowl on the memorial days of the ancestors.
The noodle is called "Shiroisi hot noodle (白石温麺(ウーメン))" which is cut very short to be able to be used in a small bowl.
It was cooked with small cut vegetables and fried soy curds.

My version is a little different from mom's menu. I add minced meat with black peppers and ginger. And I often used consommé soup.
Thus it turns one of meat noodle soup menu. lol
It's so nice to have in the not-hot seasons.

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