one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#039 Konatu (猫の小夏)

2004-09-12 10:42:48 | cats(猫)

Konatu is a girl cat of a secondhand bookstore at Nakano(中野).
In her childhood, she strayed in the shop and the lady master loved her
and named "A little summer". She said with laughing, " She was so small.
I am now afraid she would get more weight."
Konatu is playing a client charmer in front of the shop.
"Be care not to recieve Pe when you touch her or take photo."
"What is Pe?" " She always claws the thing she looks uneasy with her paw."
"She loves investigating every kind of bags."
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#038 la demoisell rouge (赤とんぼ)

2004-09-12 10:41:30 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A red dragonfly is resting on a dead branch of shrub. It is cloudy and
occasionally scatters rain. On the southern sea a typhoon walks up slowly
to the north. Weather focust says they would have hard rain and violent wind
in the evening.
I think these insects can forcusut weather changing. This dragonfly wants
to rest for a while in the calm of the afternoon before storm. It seems
he is uneasy with the presence of camera lens with the distance of 5 centimeter.
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#037 la haine de jardinier (庭師の敵は黄金虫)

2004-09-12 10:40:35 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A gardener loves flowers, particulary roses. They dislike pest insects,
especially bugs. This guard of flower picks up bugs on roses. After catching
about ten bugs, he walks to a pond to throw them into water where turtles
and curps eat pest bugs.
Almost of persons love gardening abhor insect as pest.
He throws a bug to the water as hard as he can, one by one.
Almost of bugs are caught with surface tension of pond and vainly swim around
to be fed by turtles or curps.
But one of ten in a convenient store bag suspects his dangerness.
When it is released from the hand of the Flower Guardman, it starts flying to
the sky for finding delicious roses with the gardner's five letter curse.
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#036 Un scarbe mange la rose (薔薇を食う)

2004-09-12 10:39:23 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Bugs love eating flower. They especially love roses as like cake as
Cakeater(Hisamtrois's handlname in the other net) does.
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#035 un coquillage sous le buisson (植込みの巻貝)

2004-09-12 10:38:24 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The other day I found a spiral shell under the same shrubbery.
I looked for around and found more than a dozen of shell.
This picture is the biggest one. It is about 7 milimetter long.
What kind of snail did put off this shell?
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#034 petit champignon jaune (植込みのキノコ)

2004-09-12 10:37:17 | Plants(植物)

When I watch into under shrubbery, I sometimes find wonders.
This day I find a tiny yellow fungus under the shrubbery on which the crow was stepping
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#033 Un scarabe vert (緑黄金虫)

2004-09-12 10:36:16 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A green bug eats leaf of azalea. It bites a leaf a little and moves to next
leaf slowly without any looking out. Even when I put my camera near one
centimeter to it, it keeps eating without any alert. If a bird wants to
catch it, it would be very easy.
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#032 Comme Fabre (ファーブルもどき)

2004-09-12 10:35:01 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Two hours later, at neighbor establishment I see strange moving on the
shrubbery's surface. The crow flys onto the light poll by the side of this
shrubbery and looks down the surface. This surface is the same hight as
the person's head walking by the street. At last the crow gives it up to
step on the surface and cries and flies away.
I find green bugs on the azalea shrubbery. They forget themselves to eat the
young leaves. It is easy to push the lens very near to them. I count more than ten bugs.
Bugs are cake of birds.
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#031 Un corbeau sur le buisson.(皐を渉る烏)

2004-09-12 10:33:58 | birds, fish and others(生物)
A crow skips on the shrubbery of an apartment house at Sanbancho(三番町).
What is it doing?
It looks around on the shrubbery and puts down beaks the surface.
I can't see it opens beaks, but afterward I know it catches insects.
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#030 La quinze metres au-dessus du sol (地上15m)

2004-09-11 04:34:19 | nocategory(雑)

They are breaking scaffold of Shinkansen rail bridge maintenace site.
Blue uniform man is going to grab a pipe for removing with his right hand.
White uniform leader holds a pipe connected with the removing pipe.
The third man in shadow are levering up the removing pipe with his pipe.
The key person is the third man who must control his power for levering not
to lever up the removing pipe too much to spring off the removed one and
enough of the blue worker to turn and pull off the pipe.
The hight is beyond fifteen meter.
If a third man missed or if earthquake came, the balance of this power
trinity would easily be broken and three men would be thorown down to the
They use safety belts, but nothing is completely safe in any troubule.
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