人生には曲がり角が来る。人間は社会的動物として、曲がり角を他人から指摘されて気が付くより、自覚できることがスマートであるけれど、これがなかなか難しい。会社の社長が居座ったり、政党の定年制でも73歳なんて関係ないと言い張る人も出てくる。ピンポン同好会などの緩い集まりになると、80代がバリバリである。明日は我が身で、扶け合うことは麗しい。でもこれが、政治指導者となると、そうも言ってられない。トランプ米大統領は国際関係でも国内でも剛腕の名で通って来たけれど、新型コロナウイルスに対し抗マラリア薬が効くと信じ自ら服用したり、Black Lives Matterの抗議運動に対し政府軍を使って国民を制圧しようと言い出したりして、国民側から体調不良の懸念だけでなく、老人性痴呆症が指摘されるようになってきた。若い頃から米大統領と言えば、世界のリーダーの第一人者として仰ぎ見る存在だっただけに、その偶像破壊ぶりにショックが大きい。そもそも米大統領とは、厚木飛行場に降臨したマッカーサー元帥や、天下布武の織田信長、和製大リーガーの佐々木主浩のような、大魔神と称される人物を、さらに超えるイメージだった。人の振り見て我が振り直せ、と言われるように、農家さんに枝豆を買いに行った。痴呆症(dementia)防止食物の代表格に挙げられるそうである。今晩はビールがうまいぞ。
"Why Anne, how you've grown!" she said, almost unbelievingly. A sigh followed on the words. Marilla felt a queer regret over Anne's inches. The child she had learned to love had vanished somehow and here was this fall, serious-eyed girl of fifteen, with the thoughtful brows and the proudly poised little head, in her place. Marilla loved the girl as much as she had loved the child, but she was conscious of a queer sorrowful sense of loss. And that night, when Anne had gone to prayer meeting with Diana, Marilla sat alone in the wintry twilight and indulged in the weakness of a cry. Matthew, coming in with a lantern, caught her at it and gazed at her in such consternation that Marilla had to laugh through her tears.
"I was thinking about Anne," she explained. "She's got to be such a big girl - and she'll probably be away from us next winter. I'll miss her terrible."
"She'll be able to come home often," comforted Matthew, to whom Anne was as yet and always would be the little, eager girl he had brought home from Bright River on that June evening four years before. "The branch railroad will be built to Carmody by that time."
"It won't be the same thing as having her here all the time," sighed Marilla gloomily, determined to enjoy her luxury of grief uncomforted. "But there - men can't understnd these things!"
There were other changes in Anne no less real than the physical change. For one thing, she became much quieter. Perhaps she thought all the more and dreamed as much as ever, but she certainly talked less. Marilla noticed and commented on this also.
"You don't chatter half as much as you used to, Anne, nor use half as many big words. What has come over you?"
Anne colored and laughed a little, as she dropped her book and looked dreamily out of the window, where big fat red buds were bursting out on the creeper in response to the lure of the spring sunshine.
"I don't know - I don't want to talk as much," she said, denting her chin thoughtfully with her forefinger. "It's nicer to think dear, pretty thoughts and keep them in one's heart, like treasures. I don't like to have them laughed at or wondered over. And somehow I don't want to use big words any more. It's almost a pity, isn't it, now that I'm really growing big enough to say them if I did want to. It's fun to be almost grown up in some ways, but it's not the kind of fun I expected, Marilla. There's so much to learn and do and think that there isn't time for big words. Besides, Miss Stacy says the short ones are much stronger and better. She makes us write all our essays as simply as possible. It was hard at first. I was so used to crowding in all the fine big words I could think of - and I thought of any number of them. But I've got used to it now and I see it's so much better."
"What has become of your story club? I haven't heard you speak of it for a long time."
"The story club isn't in existence any longer. We hadn't time for it - and anyhow I think we had got tired of it. It was silly to be writing about love and murder and elopements and mysteries. Miss Stacy sometimes has us write a story for training in composition, but she won't let us write anything but what might happen in Avonlea in our own lives, and she criticizes it very sharply and makes us criticize our own too. I never thought my compositions had so many faults until I began to look for them myself. I felt so ashamed I wanted to give up altogether, but Miss Stacy said I could learn to write well if I only trained myself to be my own severest critic. And so I am trying to."