


2020-05-20 20:45:11 | 日記

スイカズラの別名は忍冬です。人はstay at home のこの時期もきれいな花を咲かせていました。突然現れたナガサキアゲハは蜜を吸ってすぐに立ち去りました。これが自然界の自粛なのでしょう。蝶の写真は撮れなかった代わりに一句駄句が浮かびました。
『忍冬や ナガサキアゲハ 自粛とけ』

西瓜的另一個名字是忍冬天。 在每年的這個時候,人們都綻放著美麗的花。 突然出現的納加薩基亞格哈吸了蜂蜜,立刻走開了。 這可能是自然界的自憐。 蝴蝶的照片沒有拍出來,而是出現了一個短語。

An another name of a honeysuckle is a honeysuckle. This time of stay at home was also making a beautiful flower in bloom for a person. The Nagasaki swallowtail butterfly which appeared suddenly absorbed honey and went away immediately. This will be self-control of the natural world. Ikku bad haiku floated on the substitute which couldn't take a picture of the butterfly. "Honeysuckle and Nagasaki swallowtail butterfly Self-control dissolution"


2020-05-20 08:53:13 | 日記


今天的午餐是父母和孩子。 父母是雞肉,孩子是雞蛋。 牛肉參田玉湯是兄弟姐妹,和大豆的燉菜是親密的聚集的地方,它說,親戚的叔叔阿姨。

Today's box lunch is a chicken and eggs bowl. A parent is chicken, and young are egg. Whether burdock carrot onion has just called hijiki and cooked vegetables of soybeans relative's uncle aunt by a sibling, they gather closely.