


2020-05-30 23:25:03 | 日記


螢火蟲布克羅盛開在通常的步行道上。 也有白花。 外來物種的奧金凱吉克已經在日本了。

A bellflower is in bloom on an usual alameda. There is the white flower, too. OOKINKEA GIKUi in bloom on an usual alameda. There is Shirahana, too. OOKINKEIGIKU of alien species settles in Japan completely.IGIKU of alien species settles in Japan completely.


2020-05-30 09:04:37 | 日記


今天的早飯主菜是在花園裡捕獲的奧卡諾里。 下一張照片是奧卡諾里和捕捉豆子,這是剛剛收穫。 Snap 豆是自製味精的味精湯。 此外,還有自誇的醃制胡瓜。

Main dishes of today's breakfast are vegetables with sesame paste dressing from OKANORI which could be caught at a garden. The next pictures are OKANORI which has just harvested and snapshot peas. Of the miso soup by which snapshot peas are homemade fermented soybean paste, it was done minutely. Additionally I have proud cucumber of vegetables pickled in rice-bran paste.