アカシジミ(赤小灰蝶、Japonica lutea)が我が家の近くまで来てくれました。この蝶に初めて会ったのは私が中学一年生のときでした。当時私は蝶々のことが大好きになったばかりで、この蝶は図鑑でしか見たことがありませんでした。近くの里山で夕日を浴びて飛び交うこの蝶の記憶は今もはっきりと甦ります。
紅小灰蝶,(Japonica lutea)來到了我家附我剛喜歡上蝴蝶,這只蝴蝶只在圖鑒上見過。在附近的深山裏沐浴著夕陽飛來飛去的這只蝴蝶的記憶現在也清晰地蘇醒了。
A red small ashy butterfly (Japonica lutea) has come to the neighborhood of my home. It was when I was a first grader of junior high school, that I met this butterfly for the first time. I had just become fond of a butterfly and had judged this butterfly from only an illustration book then. A memory of this butterfly which flies about is bathed in the sunset in Satoyama in neighborhood, and is also revived clearly now.