早春的花朵開始綻放。 今天下午,在波卡波卡的歡快邀請下,我們去了名古屋市農業中心,那裡以垂梅聞名。 照片(1)是水塔和垂梅。 照片(2)是梅花、菊花和白木蓮的菊花。 照片(3)是油菜花。 照片(4)是曼薩克花。
Flowers at early spring have begun to bloom. It was invited and drooped cheerfully warmly this afternoon, and I went to Nagoya-shi agricultural center famous for plum. Pictures(1) are a standpipe and droop plum. A picture(2) droops and is a bud of plum, Japanese allspice and white magnolia. A picture(3) is a rape blossom. A picture(4) is a flower of a witch hazel.