今天的早餐很豪華。 有鮭魚和山藥醬油的鮭魚,與生薑炒和磨碎的生薑,土豆沙拉,鱷梨,杜魯穆拉薩基和胡蘿蔔和伊諾基蘑菇的芝麻和,瓦拉比蓮根的燉菜,納豆,佐藤和海參,米奧加和紫羅蘭葉和鮭魚味精湯,白米飯,牛奶,瓦倫西亞橙等。
Today's breakfast is very splendid. Octopus WASA of octopus and Japanese horseradish soy sauce, Kiryu fried bean curd baking grated ginger addition, vegetables with sesame paste dressing of potato salad, avocado, crane murasaki, carrot and an enoki mushroom, cooked vegetables of bracken lotus root, fermented soybeans, taro potato, nameko mushroom, a leaf of Japanese ginger and perilla and leek miso soup are Shirai, milk and Valencia orange.