


2020-07-19 08:56:51 | 日記


一般來說沙拉(波拉)魚蛋的乾魚被稱為烏鴉。 然而,在岐府縣東野地區,當說烏鴉米時,它是蒸製大米粉的當地日本糖果。 我做了一個三種顏色的紅色烏鴉,包括綠色和紫色的腌制,沒有放白色和楓葉。 下一張照片是一張筷子。

The one which dried a fish egg of gray mullet is generally called dried mullet roe. But when saying dried mullet roe in the Gifu-ken Tono area, powder of rice is steamed, and it's this made hometown Japanese confection. Green with leaves of white and mugwort who puts in nothing and three colors of red dried mullet roe in which it was put in perilla were made. The next picture is mugwort.


2020-07-17 08:30:56 | 日記


今天的午餐是雞肉的油炸午餐。 我做了一個卡拉蘇米,這是東野地區的家鄉,用朴葉包裹的甜點。 烏鴉有三種顏色:白色、洋藍和紫蘇。

Today's box lunch is a chicken food fried without coat box lunch. The Tono local hometown Japanese confection dried mullet roe wrapped in a leaf of Hoh was made a dessert. Dried mullet roe is white and three colors of the mugwort and the perilla.


2020-07-16 09:10:39 | 日記


今天的午餐是國產黑牛肉碗。 成分包括牛肉、雞蛋、洋蔥、胡蘿蔔、牛肉、栗子、栗子、栗子、隱料、西葫蘆、紅薑和栗子。

Today's box lunch is a beef bowl of domestic black hair Japanese Cattle. Beef, egg, onion, carrot, burdock, konnyaku, mushroom and kidney beans are zucchini, red pickled ginger and bracken for the material.


2020-07-15 08:07:43 | 日記


今天的午餐是煮土匪。 用煮湯煮了隱源豆、胡蘿蔔和配菜。 還有煎蛋捲、小松菜和竹輪胡瓜餡。

Today's box lunch boils and is squid. Kidney beans, carrot and enokidake mushroom were boiled by broth. There are also an omelet and chikuwa cucumber packing.


2020-07-14 08:43:55 | 日記


今天的午餐是米里亞基。 它是煮的,如蘿蔔,胡蘿蔔,南蘭花,隱子豆,西葫蘆和山菜。 這是溫納香腸,小松菜,蘑菇和油炸炒菜。

Today's box lunch is yellowtail teriyaki. Cooked vegetables of Japanese radish, carrot, pumpkin, haricot, zucchini and beech shimeji mushroom. Wiener, Japanese mustard spinach, mushroom and thin fried tofu stir-fry.