GLAAD(グラード)は、アメリカ国内においてLGBTの人々のイメージに関するメディアモニタリングを行っている非政府組織。2013年3月までの名称は "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation"(「中傷と闘うゲイ&レズビアン同盟」)であったが、バイセクシュアルやトランスジェンダーの包括を促すためなどの理由で改名した[1]。
- ^ Peeoples, Jase (2013年3月24日). “GLAAD Affirms Commitment To Trans and Bi People, Alters Name”. Advocate 2019年2月1日閲覧。
- Vito Russo (July 11, 1946 – November 7, 1990) was an American LGBT activist, film historian and author. He is best remembered as the author of the book The Celluloid Closet (1981, revised edition 1987), described in The New York Times as "an essential reference book" on homosexuality in the US film industry.[1] In 1985 he co-founded the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, a media watchdog organization that strives to end anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, and advocates for LGBTQ inclusion in popular media.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans — long a reliable voting bloc for Democrats — made up a disproportionately high 9 percent of the electorate in the Super Tuesday contests, and more than 40 percent of them voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders, according to the NBC News Exit Poll.
In an exclusive interview with PJ Media at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, bestselling author, radio host, and conservative commentator Todd Starnes warned against the nefarious impact of radical LGBT groups like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), GLAAD, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). He condemned them and their allies in the legacy media and the Democrat Party of fomenting a "demonization of people of faith," warning that if these activists take control, they would shut down every church in America and host Bible burnings in major cities.
"GLAAD and the Human Rights campaign want to shut down every church in America," Starnes, formerly with Fox News, told me in the interview. "If they had the right to do so, I know that’s exactly what they would do. And I would not be surprised, if they were in charge, that people like the Human Rights Campaign would actually have Bible burnings in cities across the country."