公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-03-25 10:49:00 | ロシア
未知数 0:06

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未知数 2:40

未知数 4:50
不明 5:43 まあ、理解するために教えてあげよう。なぜウクライナでこういった、ほら、グループやナチスのグループが見られるのかを理解するためにね。 Unknown 5:52 実は1940年代、1941年にドイツが6月22日の午前4時にソビエト連邦を攻撃したときにまでさかのぼるんだ。 不明 6:04 そして西ウクライナはポーランドと国境を接していました。 不明 6:09 その時点でソビエトはすでにポーランドの半分を占領していた。 Unknown 6:13 ウクライナ西部の地域は、ドイツ軍を最初に見た地域のいくつかで、彼らはドイツ軍を歓迎しました。彼らはパンと塩を持って出てきて、ああ、ついにドイツ軍がソビエトから我々を救うために来たのだ、と喜んだのです。彼らはドイツ軍を解放者と見なし、これらのウクライナ西部地域、特に北ルーブルのような都市は、コーラ・レビューのようなクレジットに利用され、今や彼らの中心地のような存在になっているのです。さて、戦争の間、ドイツは実際にこれらのウクライナ人から積極的に志願兵を募り、ssに従軍させました。特に、SSギレアド師団と呼ばれるウクライナ人義勇軍師団があり、彼らの出身地の名前にちなんで命名されました。つまり、西部西ウクライナ地域の関連会社です。さて、これらのウクライナ人志願兵は、前線に行くには信頼性に欠けると判断されたからです。 未知数 7:09 それから、リアに送り込まれたロシア人と仲良くして、どんなパルチザン活動も行って、補助的な活動をしてほしいということです。彼らは何をしたかというと、ポール人に対する虐殺、ロシア人に対する虐殺、ユダヤ人に対する虐殺、ナチスの考え方に合わない人に対する虐殺に参加しました。ドイツ人ですら、SSドイツ人は、ウクライナ人が行っていた残虐行為のレベルにショックを受けたと文書に書いています。これはよく知られていることで、ステパン・バンデラというウクライナの人物はナチスの協力者でしたが、ウクライナでは彼の名を冠した通りや銅像があり、英雄として讃えられているんですよ。1944年1945年に赤軍がソ連に侵攻したとき、彼らはこれらの小さなグループをすべて無力化し、これらのナチスの協力者の多くは公開の場で吊るされました。有名なのは1946年のキエフでの絞首刑です。YouTubeで見ることができます。私は19世紀末から1950年代初頭まで、ナチスの協力者たちの残党を追い続けました。彼らは森などに隠れていたからです。これらの場所の子孫の多くは、この記憶を保存し、彼らのイデオロギーを継続しました。しかし、2014年2月、キエフで行われた違法クーデターの結果、NATOの支援を受け、深層国家によって支えられ、彼らはこのSSとイデオロギーを賛美するウクライナのナチの少数派が政権を取り、最後のアイデアとして、 彼らは基本的にこれを信じる世代を育てた。明らかに、ウクライナにこのイデオロギーがあるのは非常に危険な状況であり、彼らが最も注目すべきはエイダル大隊、ペーパー大隊のような大隊ではない。実際、これらの大隊はウクライナ軍と戦うことで知られています。なぜなら、ウクライナ軍内の要素でさえ、これらの大隊を過激とみなし、そして堂々と鉤十字をつけ、彼らのシンボルなどを見せているからです。そして、誇らしげに、互いにナチの敬礼をするんです。これが今のイデオロギーで、ロシアは非常に厳格なポリシーを持っています。ロシア軍はウクライナの正規軍に興味はありません。もし、ウクライナ兵が降伏した場合、捕虜になるんです。彼らは良い扱いを受け、戦争に再参加しないことを約束する文書に署名するよう求められ、家に帰ることが許されます。そうですね。

不明 9:59 もしロシア軍がナチの連中を捕まえたら、まずシャツを脱ぐように言われます。タトゥーを入れているかどうか、第三帝国の評価者とか、SSの頭蓋骨とか、そういうタトゥーを入れているからです。もしナチのグループがあることが分かったら、残念ながら交渉することはありません。実際、チェチェン共和国の指導者は......ナチの部隊の指揮官に50万ドルの懸賞金を科すと発表しています。だからロシアは2014年以降、ウクライナで起こっていることを非常に深刻に受け止めています。退役軍人がバッシングされているのです。セント・ジョージ・リボンという、あの、第二次世界大戦の勝利のシンボルだった退役軍人がね。今日ここで着ているのは、サイド・ユア・ドリームというものです。ドイツ軍と戦ったロシア軍の兵士の記念碑が破壊され、汚され、荒らされているのです。これはすべてウクライナ政府の支援によるものです。だから、プーチンは私を招待して、彼は通知の操作を行っていることを世界に言います。 不明 11:06 我々はそれをメリットと考えるべきでしょう、そして我々はあまり驚かないでしょうプーチンは彼がやりたいことをやった後、彼のすべての軍隊を撤退させるかもしれません。そしてそれは軍国主義で、彼らは苦しまない。あなたは知っている。 未知数 11:21 だから基本的に、彼らは第二次世界大戦からのこれらの要素である。彼らは基本的に、ウクライナ軍内の悪として、このようなポケットの中で育ってきました。私は、テレグラムやオンラインのさまざまな地域で、多くの情報源を巻き込んで、これらのビデオが出てくるのを見ました。卍......鷲の紋章......全部......明らかにナチスのシンボルですな。面白いことに、西洋では、いや、本当に世界中で、ハリウッドや主流メディアは、ナチスを悪魔化しました。おそらく、歴史上のどの悪者よりも。ナチス・ドイツで起こったことは残虐だと思います。でも、ハリウッドがナチスを憎むのと同じくらい、ナチスやヒトラーを題材にした第二次世界大戦の映画を作り続けているのは、おかしな話です。でも、ウクライナにナチスがいるのかって話にはならないんですよね。それとも、ナチスの要素があるのでしょうか。アメリカの人々は、あることを言い、それはこのグループに当てはまりますが、ナチスがいるかもしれないし、それについてさえ話していないのです。このように、二重思考がたくさん起こっていることがおわかりいただけると思います。さて、あなたが言ったように、これらのナチスのグループは退役軍人などを攻撃していますね。先ほども言いましたが、それについてあなたの考えをお聞かせください。特にドンバス地域、より東の地域にも入り込み、そこにいたように市民を殺害しているのでしょうか?それは、これらの大隊の手によるものなのでしょうか? 不明 13:18 この9年間、聖ゲオルギウスのリボンをつけたロシア語を話す人々を標的にした残虐行為で知られ、人々は詩を殺している。ロシア軍はこの件に関して非難されていない。ロシア軍が拷問された例もありませんし、民間人が永遠の目的のために殺された例もありません。ロシア軍が市や町を解放した地域の多くで、人々が地元を離れないでくれと言っていたり、ウクライナ人がロシア軍に撤退しないでくれと言っていたりするのは、そのためなのです。ロシア人が彼らを養い、保護しているからです。そして、地元の人々は、ロシア人が去ることを知っています。ナチスが戻ってくることを知ってるんです。そしてナチスは戻って来て、ロシアの人道支援を受け入れた人や、ロシア軍と友好的だった人を追い詰めるでしょう。だから彼らは恐怖の中にいたのです。プーチンが占領した地域から撤退したくても、地元の人たちは、今は平和の貼り紙があるから、そこに留まるなと言うんです。そして、ロシア軍が駐留している場所は忘れてください。爆撃はなく、暴力もない。日常生活に戻りつつある。ロシアは人道的支援とガソリンを供給しています。地方行政は機能しており、都市を管理しています。しかし、昨日、ロシア軍司令部は軍事政権を設立すると発表しました。

Unknown 0:06
artillery and give them billions of dollars in funding and send Russian military instructors. How do you how do we think the Americans would react if Putin was doing this in the backyard of the United States?

Unknown 0:19
Very well. I'm looking at the Cuban Missile Crisis is that that's how America reacts if there's missiles pointed at us, close to us.

Unknown 0:31
Absolutely, absolutely. So, and that's, that's a very good example. So you know, Russia is very concerned. At the end of the day before people go off and say I'm a Russian propaganda agent. Let me just say that this is a very tragic situation for the Russian people, for the Ukrainian people. You know, I can look at you in the camera and say confidently that at the end of the day, nobody will help Ukrainians besides the Russians. It'll be the Russians that will be rebuilding the seats. It'll be the Russians who right now are sending in humanitarian aid, feeding the credit people. In fact, Putin just announced that they're handing out 10,000 rubles to each person that in conversion rates, it's not a lot of money, but in local terms of local currency, it's a good amount of money, and people are receiving help. So the Russian government is financing Ukrainian civilians, the Russian government is feeding Ukrainian civilians. Does that sound like an invasion force? Is that imagine if the Germans did that in 1941. People would say, Well, that's an invasion, you know, so the Russians, obviously, they're not conducting massacres that are killing civilians. There's not one instance where it's been proven that Russian Russian troops have opened fire on purpose, you know, conducted some kind of atrocity. You know, I have to say that the scale of the operation has never been seen in Europe since World War Two, the amount of tanks involved the amount of territory that's been taken, the huge clashes on both sides. We've never seen a conflict this big on in modern history. And those people that think that say, the mainstream media, and all this misinformation that Russia is losing, I wouldn't say Russia is losing at all. I mean, to take that territory that they've taken in the space of 2627 days is absolutely unprecedented, unprecedented. So the Russians have secured the Black Sea coast, the Russians control the the Russians, basically almost almost encircled give on the north. The major cities had caffeine circuit monopoly and so but then again, the Russians on day to destroy the city rushed on day to kill the population, right.

Unknown 2:40
We all know how NATO goes to war, you know, they go to Iraq. They spend the first three days public bombing Fallujah or Mosul or whatever city it is, and they just come in and walk up, you know, Russians can do that. They have the capacity. They have the capacity, they have the technology, they have, you know, planes and missiles and sample, but they've been very selective. They using only precision strikes, they're targeting only military infrastructure. Of course, you know, there are scenes being replied, may sound like a civilian building, and it's a tragedy and I'm sure the Russians are graded to suggest that Russians are purposely targeting civilians, I think is false, absolutely false. And today, a lot of people have been evacuated refugees are crossing into the Russian border. There's so many videos coming out, which were the mainstream anyone show you of Russian military columns coming into towns and villages and cities and people actually coming out and breeding them and crying and saying thank you. And what we hear from people saying, we waited eight years for this is people have been waiting because the Eastern, southern and northern regions of Ukraine are predominantly Russian. That's why some people will say it's like Russia invaded Russia. These it was up to these people that would join Russia. I mean, the western regions, and I've said this before, the western regions, I don't think Russia will even invite Russia will even liberal right that will conduct military drills because the western regions of Ukraine, they're not Russian. Now, these western regions are part of Poland. They're all part of the Austro Hungarian empire at times, though part of Romania and through different results of diplomacy and different wars that were added on to the Russian Empire in the Soviet Union. So if Ukraine want to exist, they can go there and exist, and they can join NATO and they can join the European Union and they can stand in line for World Economic Forum and World Bank handouts and they can, you know, they can be like the Greeks or just sitting on they're sitting on the bandwagon of the EU, but I can definitely guarantee you that the eastern regions, the southern regions, they're more than happy to be with Russia.

Unknown 4:50
So one question that I have for you to explore more when I interviewed you last, you started talking about the Azov, Azov Battalion. And that was the first time I had looked at it. And since then, I did a lot more research on that. And it's almost hard to ignore the fact that there are a lot of Nazi elements that you're seeing in Ukraine, especially within the within the military, and these aren't. These are more modern, kind of Neo Nazis it this looks like it's like the Fourth Reich emerging over there. So can you tell us a little bit about what's happening with the not DoD notification and what are these Nazi elements that we're seeing in Ukraine with the black sun emblems and the swastika flags? What what is this? What's going on?

Unknown 5:43
Well, let me tell you to understand.

Unknown 5:46
And to understand why we're seeing these, you know, groups this and Nazi groups in Ukraine.

Unknown 5:52
It actually dates back to let's say that, you know, the 1940s in 1941 when Germany on the 22nd of June at 4am, when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Unknown 6:04
And in the Western Ukraine was bordering obviously with Poland.

Unknown 6:09
And obviously, the Soviets had already taken half of Poland by that stage.

Unknown 6:13
The western Ukrainian regions, which were you know, some of the first regions that saw German troops, they welcomed the Germans. They came out with bread and salt and are happy to say, Oh, look, finally, the Germans are here to rescue us from the Soviets. They saw the Germans as liberators, and these western Ukrainian regions, especially the cities like North lblv, they'll be available for for the credits like the cola reviews, it's now become a sort of center for them. Now, during the course of the war, the Germans actually actively recruited volunteers from these Ukrainians to serve in the ss. And notably, there was a Ukrainian volunteer division called the SS Gilead, sia division, named after the region they're from. So the Western Western Ukrainian region affiliates. Now these Ukrainian volunteers, because there was deemed as unreliable to go to the front.

Unknown 7:09
Then they want you to be friendly with the Russians that were sent into the Ria, to conduct any partisan activities to conduct the auxilary activities. And what did they do that they took part in massacres against Paul's against Russians against Jews against anyone that didn't fit the sort of Nazi way of thinking, and even the Germans, the SS German has documented they were shocked at the level of atrocities that the Ukrainians were committing. And this is well known, you know, there's Ukrainian figures such as Stepan Bandera was a Nazi collaborator and he's celebrated in Ukraine as a hero by their streets named after him and statues of him. So this this link to the sort of the Nazi is actually it's a historically right now, obviously, when the Soviet when the Red Army came in, in 1944 1945, they slipped through they neutralized all of these little groups and a lot of these Nazi collaborators were hung publicly. And as a famous hangings in Kiev in 1946. You can have a look on YouTube. Now that I continued hunting down these remnants, these Nazi collaborators up until the late 19th, early 1950s, because they were hiding out in the forests and so forth. Now, a lot of the descendants of these places they preserved this sort of preserve this memory, you could say, and they continued their ideology, but in 2014 in February, as a result of the illegal coup d'etat, that was staged in Kiev, backed by NATO backed by the deep state, they came to power this minority of Ukrainian Nazis who glorify this SS and ideology they came to power and for the last ideas, they basically brought up a generation generation of people believing in this and obviously, you know, it's a very dangerous situation where you've got this ideology in Ukraine, and there are battalions they're not most notably as of battalion Aidar battalion, the paper battalion. In fact, these battalions are known to fight against the Ukrainian army, because even you know, elements in the Ukrainian army consider these battalions to extreme and then proudly wear the swastikas and they show you know, their symbols and so forth. And they proudly you know, do the Nazi salutes to each other. And that's that's the ideology now, the Russians have a very strict policy. The Russian military are not interested in regular Ukrainian troops. If, if Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering, they're taken prisoner. They're treated well, they fit they they asked to sign a document promising that they won't rejoin the war, and they're allowed to go home. Right.

Unknown 9:59
If the Russian military if they capture these Nazi guys, the first thing that happens is they asked to take off the shirts they checked, if they've got any tattoos because these guys are putting tattoos Third Reich assess people and so forth the skull the SS skull, and if it's discovered that there there a Nazi group Well, unfortunately, there is no negotiating we don't you know, they don't take Nazis prisoners. In fact, the Chechen leader runs on he's announced $500,000 bounty for each commander of these Nazi units. So the Russians are taking very seriously since 2014, what's been happening in Ukraine, veterans are being bashed up. You know, veterans who were the St. George ribbon, you know, the symbol of the victory in World War Two. It's called the side your dream that I'm wearing here today. And the memorials to soldiers to the to the Russian army who fought against the Germans are being destroyed, defaced, vandalized. This is this was all supported by the Ukrainian government. So invited me Putin says to the world he's conducting an operation of the notification.

Unknown 11:06
We should consider that with merit, you know, and we won't be very surprised Putin might pull all his troops out once he's done what he wants to do. And that's the militarized and they not suffer. You know.

Unknown 11:21
So basically, they're these elements from World War Two. They basically grew up in you had these these pockets as an evil within the Ukrainian army and I've seen these videos coming out to or involving a lot of sources on telegram and different areas online and yeah, they're showing pictures of the or they're filming a you know, it's a Ukrainian soldier, they're forcing them to strip down to take off their shirt and they've got giant swastikas on their chest. Swastikas they've got the the Eagle Crest they have all the you know, the very obvious Nazi symbols. And it's interesting because as much as the it's like in the in the West, really all over the world, the Hollywood and the mainstream media they have demonized the Nazis, probably more than any other bad guy in history which I agree with that. Right I think I think that the what happened in in Nazi Germany was atrocious. But it's crazy that as much as there's been so much hate for the Nazis in Hollywood's constantly putting out these world war two movies about the Nazis and about Hitler. Yet you don't see anybody talking about or asking, wait, are there any of these Nazis over in Ukraine? Or are these these Nazi elements it's like people in America this is where you can see that these these cracks in the narrative, where they're saying one thing, which applies to this group, but then you might have the Nazis or that they're not even talking about. So you can see that there is a lot of this double think that's happening here. Now, are these you see you mentioned that these these these Nazi groups were attacking veterans etc. You know, I'd also as I mentioned earlier, I want to hear your thoughts on that. Are they also going in especially in that the Donbass regions the more eastern regions and killing citizens like they had there been? That's at the hands of these these battalions?

Unknown 13:18
Definitely, definitely look at battalions are known to committed committing atrocities as we speak, and becoming atrocities for the last nine years targeting Russian speaking people for wearing the St. George's ribbon bashing people are killing poetry is really really, really, really bad and it's an it's a disgrace that the the West is closing their eyes on this. You know, the Russian military are not accused of this. There are no instances of the Russian military is tortured. civilians are killed to eternal purpose. You know, that's why a lot of these areas where the Russian troops have liberated cities and towns, people are saying don't leave local or Ukrainians are saying to the Russian troops, please don't pull out. And because the Russians are feeding them, the Russians are protecting them and the locals know the Russians leave. They know that the Nazis will come back. And the Nazis will come back and they'll hunt down anyone who has accepted Russian humanitarian aid or who was friendly with the Russian troops. So they were in fear. And I said it's I mean, even if Putin wants to pull out of the areas that they've taken, the locals are saying don't go stay in it because they've got peace paste now. And forget the places where the Russian troops are stationed. There are no bombings there are no there's no violence. There's the life is going back to normal. Russia supplying some humanitarian aid, petrol, the as I said the local administrations are allowed to work and continue functioning, administering the cities but although we did here, yesterday, the Russian military headquarters announced that they're going to be forming military administration's and a lot of the cities

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