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2021-08-17 17:07:00 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS

アメリカの皆さん、アフガニスタンの勇敢な人々が攻撃を受けています。しかし、アメリカの方針は、国民や助けに来てくれた人たちを決して見捨てないことです。私は現地の空軍司令部と電話で連絡を取り合いました。出来るだけ多くの航空機を派遣するように命じました 命令は単純で、アフガン軍や連合軍に対して更なる地歩を築こうとする過激派を殺すことでした。私は統合参謀本部に、カブールから1,000マイル以内にいるすべての特殊部隊を起動させた。最も近い海軍特殊部隊のチームは3時間以内に現場に到着し、利用可能なすべての屋根の上に狙撃位置を確保した。USSロナルド・レーガンの司令官は、カブールから400マイル以上離れたデッキから直ちに戦闘機を発進させた。26分で現場に到着した。ダスク航空司令部は、Kc10空中給油プラットフォームの回転翼を起動し、プレデター・ドローンを現場に配備して、常に空からの監視を維持しました。私は彼らに、もしイランに着陸してアヤトラから石油を盗むことになっても、構わないと言った。私は気にしない。アメリカは今、飛行機を空に飛ばし、敵に圧力をかけ続けるためにどんな代償も払うだろう。


不明 1:37
まず非戦闘員が避難し、次に通訳とその家族が避難しています。軍は飛行場と街を当面の間、タリバンに押さえつけます。米国は都市を防衛するために 全兵器を使用する用意があります 身を引いてください。さもないと周辺地域と洞窟を駐車場にするぞ 我々の任務や避難を妨害しないでくださいそして、もう一発も発射しないでください私の仲間のアメリカ人に。弾丸には爆弾をぶち込んでやる。あなた方がテーブルに着き、市民的な会話をする準備ができたとき、アメリカは喜んでそれに応じますが、それまではあなた方はアメリカの敵として扱われます。そして、もしあなたが望むなら、私たちはアッラーとの相談を速やかに手配することができますし、そうします。

不明 2:20
これは大統領が数日前に行うべきだったスピーチです。アメリカの安全な場所に座っているリベラルな人たちが、私のスピーチに文句を言っているとしたら。もし自分が銃撃を受けて避難している立場だったら、まったく違う考えをすることは間違いないでしょう。しかし、強さを示すのではなく バイデンは、昼寝の合間にリラックスするために、キャンプ・デイビッドに飛んでいった。そして今日、ようやくホワイトハウスに戻り、国民に向けて演説したのです。

不明 2:47

不明 2:51

不明 3:00

不明 3:03


Unknown 4:01

何という不名誉なことでしょう。ジョー・バイデンの将軍たちがあらゆる事態を想定していなかったために、アメリカ人はいまだにアフガニスタンで立ち往生している。 国防総省のネッド・プライス氏は今日、このように述べた。



fellow Americans, our brave men and women in Afghanistan are under attack. The policy of America though is to never leave our citizens and those who have come to our aid behind the moment I heard of the attack on our people in a couple. I got on the phone with a local air command. I ordered as many aircraft in the air as we could sustain the orders are simple kill any confirmed militants attempting to seize further ground against the Afghan army or coalition establishment. I had my Joint Chiefs of Staff, activate all special forces within 1000 miles of Cobble, the closest team of Navy SEALs was on site in less than three hours to take up sniper positions on every rooftop available, the commanding officer of the USS Ronald Reagan immediately launched fighter jets from the deck just over 400 miles from couple. They were on site in 26 minutes. The Dask are Air Command initiated a revolving wing of Kc 10 midair refueling platforms that are Predator drones were on site to maintain constant air coverage. I told them if they have to land in Iran and steal the oil right from the Ayatollah himself. I don't care. America will pay any price right now to keep our planes in the air and the pressure on the enemy.

Our ac 130 gunships have been on station since the first threat was identified and our reloading position munitions as we speak. I have authorized the movement of an additional carrier battle group to the Arabian Sea. Our fleet of C seven teams out of Ramstein, Germany amounting to almost half of the 223 possessed by the US military are already on the ground in couple, they brought with them full loads of Marines and Army infantry. Those planes are currently returning 400 people at a time to a safe location.

Unknown 1:37
Our non combat personnel are being evacuated first, followed by our interpreters and their families. The military will hold the airfield, and the city for the foreseeable future, to the Taliban. The United States is prepared to exhaust our entire armory to defend the city. Stand down. Or I'll turn the surrounding area and your caves into a parking lot. Do not interfere with our mission, our evacuations and certainly do not fire another shot and my fellow Americans. Each bullet will be met with bombs, lots of them. When you are ready to come to the table and have a civil conversation America's ready willing enabled but until then, you will be treated as an enemy of the United States. And if you desire, we can and will promptly arrange your consultation with Allah.

Unknown 2:20
Now this is the speech our president should have given days ago. And if you're still liberals sitting there safe in America complaining about my tone. I guarantee you, you'd be thinking very, very differently if you were the ones under heavy gunfire waiting to be evacuated. But instead of showing strength. Biden fluttered off to Camp David to unwind or whatever he does between naps. Then today be finally returned to the White House to address the nation.

Unknown 2:47
I stand squarely behind my decision.

Unknown 2:51
After 20 years. I've learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw US forces.

Unknown 3:00
That's why we're still there.

Unknown 3:03
We were clear eyed about the risk. We planned for every contingency. The truth is, this did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated. 

Oh yeah, you think you're telling me you plan for every contingency. So you plan for all these people mopping the airfield. This is all part of your organized process, you were aware that people would try to cling to the outside of an aircraft to fly to safety, with the United States military. This is not what planning for every contingency looks like. How is planning for every contingency, a complete and total surrender of the Afghan military to the Taliban, as 1000s of them swarmed the Capitol. You can't tell me this, you cannot tell me that you plan for this at all, either you didn't listen to your generals, or they didn't give you correct information and they should all be, you know what actually scratch that fire, especially in General Milley, who instead of studying the Taliban has been spending his days studying this.

Unknown 4:01
I want to understand white rage, and I'm white, and I want to understand it. So, what is it that cause 1000s of people to assault, this building, and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America what caused that. I want to find that out. 

What a complete disgrace. There's Americans still stuck in Afghanistan because Joe Biden's generals did not plan for every contingency Ned Price from the Pentagon said this earlier today.

The Department of Defense is working to restore a safe and secure environment so that military and commercial flights can resume, and the meantime, we are asking us citizens to shelter and not to travel to the airport, until they hear otherwise from the Department of State. Yeah, that guy just exudes strength when we send people abroad we need to get, go get them at any cost. Because the greater tragedy would be to not go. The feeling of being left alone is one of the worst feelings you could have. Want to know how I know this because I've been in that place where you need help. I was there on the southern border of Iran in 2007 We didn't know if they were coming to get us. We were running out of ammo, and are the nearest coalition forces were over 100 miles away. Now the sound of a CIF. C 1447 helicopter and the distance was a symphony of hope. And for the folks in Afghanistan right now. There is no sweeter sound than that of an F 18 breaking the sound barrier over your head as it releases for 500 pound bombs on to the people shooting at you. We need to send the message that if you go abroad on behalf of America, or work for us overseas. We're coming for you. We will exhaust every resource to get you out of there. But that's not the message we're sending.

Unknown 5:41
Instead we're talking about the Taliban and how it wants to be viewed on the global stage.

Unknown 5:47
The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community.

Unknown 5:53
Oh by the way if you have any more questions take it up with the deputy spokesman because Jen Psaki she's out on vacation, she I mean she's tweeted a few times but setting up an out of office reply as this disaster unfolds, for lack of better terms I guess I'd say unsatisfactory is spokeswoman for the President of the 
United States we just lost a 20 year war I don't know maybe cancel your plans. Just the thought. 
This administration is, it's a complete clown show, you know, they can't get their act together. We have no conviction on the international stage because this president houseplant can't even get a sentence out. And when he does finally managed to get in front of cameras. It's a dereliction of responsibility.

Unknown 6:34
Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country.

Unknown 6:40
The Afghan military collapsed. Some time without trying to fight, nor will I shrink from my share of responsibility for where we are today, and how we must move forward from here.

Unknown 6:53
I am President of the United States of America. And the buck stops with me.

Unknown 7:00
A buck stops with him. Only after issuing a long list of reasons why it's not his fault. What are you going to do about it. Oh by the way, that as usual he didn't take any questions after all this 20 years in the Middle East. This is how we left it. But the more concerning question is going forward, who is ever going to work with us again. Who in their right mind would ever come to the aid of the United States if they know at the end, there's even a sliver of a chance that they'll be left to fend for themselves like our interpreters are.

Unknown 7:31
We left them out to the slaughter.

Unknown 7:33
This is not the America I was willing to die for.

Unknown 7:36
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Transcribed by https://otter.ai

なんという不名誉なことでしょう。ジョー・バイデンの将軍たちがあらゆる事態を想定していなかったために、いまだにアフガニスタンで立ち往生しているアメリカ人がいるのだ。 国防総省のネッド・プライス氏は今日、このように述べた。

国防総省は軍用機や民間機の運航再開に向けて、安全な環境を取り戻す努力をしていますが、その間、国防総省からの連絡があるまでは、市民は避難して空港に行かないようにお願いします。ああ、あの人は強さを感じさせるね。海外に人を送るときは、何としても捕まえないといけない。なぜなら、行かないことの方がより大きな悲劇だからだ。ひとりぼっちになるというのは、最悪の感情のひとつだ。なぜ私がそれを知っているかというと、私はあなたが助けを必要とする場所にいたからです。2007年、私はイランの南部国境にいました。彼らが私たちを迎えに来るかどうかはわかりませんでした。弾薬も尽きていましたし、一番近い連合軍は100マイル以上離れていました。その時、CIF.C1447ヘリコプターの音が聞こえてきました。CIF-1447ヘリコプターの音が聞こえてきて、希望のシンフォニーが聞こえてきました。今、アフガニスタンにいる人たちにとっては F18が頭上で音の壁を破り、500ポンドの爆弾を銃撃している人々に放つ音ほど甘美なものはありません。私たちはメッセージを送る必要があります。もしあなたがアメリカを代表して海外に行ったり、海外で私たちのために働いたりするなら、私たちはあなたを迎えに行きます。我々はあなたを迎えに行きます。あらゆる手段を使って、あなたをそこから脱出させます。しかし、それは私たちが送っているメッセージではありません。

Unknown 5:41

不明 5:47

不明 5:53
ところで、もし他に質問があれば、副報道官に聞いてみてください ジェン・プサキは休暇中です 何度かツイートしていますが、この災害が展開する中、不在の返信を設定するのは、言葉は悪いですが、満足のいくものではありません アメリカ大統領の報道官は、20年の歴史を失ったばかりです。






不明 7:31

不明 7:33

不明 7:36

書き起こし: https://otter.ai

Carlton Milo Higbie IV (born April 23, 1983) is an American conservative political activistauthor, and former U.S. Navy SEAL. He was director of advocacy for America First Policies,[1] a group that promotes Donald Trump's policy agenda.[2] In August 2017, Higbie was selected to serve as the chief of external affairs for the Corporation for National and Community Service, but resigned in January 2018 after racist, sexist, anti-Muslim, and anti-LGBT comments and comments about fellow veterans with PTSD came to light.[3][4] Before that he served as a spokesperson for Great America PAC, which supported Trump's presidential candidacy and assisted his transition info office, and he also became known for promoting the birther conspiracytheory about Barack Obama.
Conservative commentator Meghan McCain today slammed President Joe Biden, his administration and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. In a Twitter post, McCain criticized the president saying he is ''like Jimmy Carter on acid.''


McCain, formerly a commentator on ABC’s ''The View,'' said, "No press briefings from the Biden White House, from the President or his staff," McCain tweeted. "They're all on vacation. He is like Jimmy Carter on acid and he and his team will be remembered in history worse than him. Also anyone in the press want to jump in on criticism of him in hiding?"

Daughter of the late GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Meghan McCain took issue with the current administration’s handling of the departure of troops from Afghanistan. ''Even if you thought leaving Afghanistan was the right decision — this is a reckless, dangerous, blundering, and embarrassing withdrawal,'' she wrote in a previous tweet.

She wasn’t finished. McCain also took direct shots at Democrats who mentioned her father in tweets from last week.

''Democrats like to wax poetic a lot about what my dad would have done and said (most of the time reinventing some weird fantasy of who he was)," McCain tweeted. "Let me tell you ... he would be raging in public and to President Biden about this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Raging.''

Meghan McCain’s mother, Cindy, was nominated by Biden in June to be the U.S. representative to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture. Her nomination is currently being reviewed by the Senate.

Cindy McCain endorsed Biden during the 2020 presidential race and was later featured in campaign ads describing him as a leader who can cross party lines and unite the country.

かつてABCの「The View」でコメンテーターを務めていたマケイン氏は、「バイデン・ホワイトハウスからは、大統領やスタッフからのプレスブリーフィングはありません」とツイートしています。「皆、休暇中なのです。彼は酸欠のジミー・カーターのようなもので、彼と彼のチームは彼よりも悪い歴史として記憶されるでしょう。また、報道関係者の中で、隠れている彼への批判に飛びつきたい人はいますか?"






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